thoughts on Del, it had been a simple matter to ignore the signs. But now, knowing, feeling, they were manifest.
'Not now,' I muttered. 'Not now —'
Not yet.
We had only once been injured or sick at the same time. And then it had been on Staal-Ysta, forced into a dance that had nearly killed us both. Northerners had cared for her in one dwelling, while others cared for me. When I was healed enough to ride, knowing Del would surely die and that I could not bear to witness it, I left.
I wouldn't leave her again. I'd sworn it. But this time, now, there was no one to care for either of us.
I licked my lips. 'All right,' I told myself hoarsely, 'you've been clawed before. Neither time killed you. You have some im-
Some. But enough? That I didn't know.
I traced the curve of my skull, growing less distinct as my hair lengthened. Beneath it there were elaborate designs tattooed into my skin, visible now only at the hairline above my forehead. They marked me a mage. IoSkandic. A madman of Meteiera.
I wiped sweat from my face with a trembling hand. Could magery overcome sandtiger poison? Could magery heal?
I knew it could kill.
Del made a sound, an almost inaudible release of breath coupled with the faintest of moans. I tried to move toward her, but my limbs were sluggish. Cursing my weakness, I made myself move. I nearly toppled over her, but a stiff arm jammed against the bedding kept me upright.
Nothing. Sweat ran from her flesh, giving off the stale metallic tang of sandtiger venom. I tasted the same in my own mouth.
Time was running out. Hastily, clumsily, I snagged the water bota, soaked the still-damp cloth, draped it across her forehead. Droplets rolled down into the hollows of closed eyes, filling the creases of her lids, then dribbled from the outer corners of her eyes, mimicking the tears Del never wept.
I tucked the bota under her right hand, being careful not to jar the bound forearm. I curled slack fingers loosely around the neck. I checked bandages for fresh blood. Found none. Felt a stab of relief like a knife in the belly.
'Hold on,' I murmured. 'Just hold on, bascha. You can make it through this.'
The gelding whickered softly. I glanced out. There were, I realized, three fire rings in front of the lean-to, overlapping one another, merging, then springing apart again. I scowled, narrowing my eyes, trying to focus vision. Nothing helped.
I swore, then grabbed a corner of the Vashni blanket. Tugged it toward Del. Managed to pull it atop her, cover most of her body save head and sandaled feet.
'I know it's warm,' I told her, 'especially with a fever. But you need to sweat it out. Get rid of as much as you can.' I stroked roughened knuckles against one fever-blotched cheek. 'When I can, I'll go to Julah. Fouad can find us a healer. Then—'
I broke it off. When. Then. Who was I fooling?
If Del were conscious, she'd insist on the truth.
On Meteiera, near the Stone Forest where the new mage was whelped atop a rocky spire, I had conjured magic. I had dreamed and made the substance of dream real. Set scars lifted by magery back into my flesh. Formed a seaworthy boat out of little more than stormwrack and wishing.
Now I wished Del to live.
I bore tattoos under my hair and lacked two fingers, souvenirs of Meteiera, where mages and madmen lived and died. I had been then, and could be now, what I needed to be.
Del's life was at stake.
'All right, bascha, I'll try.' I drew in a deep breath, sealed my eyes closed. 'If I'm a mage,' I said hoarsely, 'if I'm truly a mage, let me find the way . . .'
I had done it in Meteiera, knowing nothing of power beyond that it existed. Blue-headed Nihko had told me those of us– us! —with magery in our blood had to use it, had to find a way to bleed off the power, lest it destroy us. But I had escaped the Stone Forest before learning much beyond a few simple rituals and prayers and the discipline of the priests; I was but an infant to the ways of the mages of Meteiera.
It claimed its own power.
I gathered myself there beside Delilah, body and soul, flesh and spirit, and tried to find the part of me that had been born atop a stone spire in far-off ioSkandi. I knew nothing of the doing but that I had done it. Once, twice, thrice. Since then I had locked the awareness away, concentrating only on the physical, the retraining of a body lacking two fingers.
A shiver wracked me. Something slammed into my body, buffeting awareness like a wind snuffing out candleflame. Weakness swam in. I meant to move aside; I tried to move aside, to find and lean against the wall of stone regardless of claw gouges, needing the support. But my limbs got tangled. I could not tell what part of me were legs, which were arms, or if I even retained my head atop my shoulders.
Power eluded me. What strength was left diminished like sand running out of a glass.
Fear for Del surged up. 'No—' I murmured, '—wait—' But all the strength poured out of my body. I slumped sideways, vision doubled; fought it, attempted to push myself upright; went suddenly down onto my back on hardpacked soil and sand. '—wait —'
An outflung arm landed against unsheathed blades propped against the sidewall. I felt one of them, in toppling, fall across my elbow. It was the flat, not the edge—but by then I didn't care.
I was dimly aware of a flicker of stunned outrage, and a voice in my head. Notlike this —
In the circle, yes. If a man had to die. But not from the last wayward scratch of a dying sandtiger.
'Bascha—' I murmured.
But the world was gone.
BONES. Bones and sand. Bones and sand and sun. And heat.
Parched lips. Burned flesh. Swollen tongue. Blood yet running, smearing her thighs. Except there are no thighs. No lips, no flesh, no tongue. All has been consumed.
From a distance, the bones are thread against sparkling silk. But closer, ever closer, pushed down from air to earth like a raptor stooping, thread takes on substance, sections itself into skull, into arms, and legs. Silk is sand. Crystalline Punja sand.
Scoured clean of flesh, ivory bone gleams. Delicate toes are scattered. Fingers are nonexistent. Ribs have collapsed into a tangled riddle. The skull lies on its side, teeth bared in a rictus, sockets empty of eyes.
I am pulled into them, lips brought to dentition, live teeth clicking on dead. Against my mouth bone moves. 'Find me,' she says.
I want nothing to do with her. With it. With what the bones had been.
'Find me,' she says. 'Take up the sword.'
The hand captured my head. For a moment I feared it was sand, and sun, and death. But the hand cupped my head, lifted it, set bota against my lips. Living lips, not bone. Water trickled into my mouth.
It was enough to rouse me to something akin to panic. I lifted both arms, grasped with trembling hands, closed on leather water-skin. Squeezed.
'Not so much,' he chided.
He. Not she. The dead woman was gone.