sandtiger cub. A child is for life. Make no promises you cannot keep.'
'As I made to my shodo?'
From that, she flinched. 'I didn't mean it so.'
'Then let me make this promise: I will try.'
She lifted her chin. 'Are you certain?'
'Hoolies, no! But I don't know that I'd be any more certain if we were at Alimat just now.' I smiled crookedly. 'I never really planned to become a teacher. I never thought beyond dancing. I expected to die in the circle, to meet an honorable death. But that song for me is ended just as yours is for you. It's time I began another.'
Her eyes searched my own. 'Can you do that?'
I lifted my hands. Displayed them. 'I knew I would have to that day atop the spire in ioSkandi. A child played no role in that decision.'
'It does now.'
Softly I said, 'Give me a chance, bascha.'
She closed her eyes a moment, as if praying. Then she opened them. 'No wine-girls for you when you go into town.'
I sucked in a dramatically stricken breath. Then, 'Aqivi? At the very least?'
She considered it. 'If you'll have Neesha tie you on the stud when you're too drunk to ride, and bring you home safely.'
'If we're tying me on horses when I'm too drunk to ride, can I borrow your gelding?'
'Hah. I knew you liked his walk.'
'And I'm thinking I'll invite Alric to pack up Lena and the girls—and maybe a boy, now—and come down here to live. I'll send Neesha to Rusali to ask. Lena could tend the baby while you're tending sword-dancers.'
She didn't say anything for several moments. Then she took the steps necessary to put herself into my arms.
I cradled her head against my shoulder. 'Are you crying again?'
'You are, too.'
'Maybe a little.'
'What's your excuse this time?'
She drew her head back and looked me in the eyes. 'Not excuse. Truth: I may have stopped dreaming about the kind of man I wanted long ago, but I found him anyway.'
I grinned. 'You're just trying to sweet-talk me into your bed.'
She took my hand, drew it down to her belly. 'I think this baby proves you've already been there.'
I laughed. 'Well, yes.'
Her hand, without excess fanfare, shifted from her belly to mine. And slipped lower, sliding suggestively between dhoti and skin. Which quivered.
'Uh, bascha . . .'
Her other hand was working at the tie-strings. 'Hmmm?'
'What if Neesha comes?'
'Neesha knows better.'
'What if Mehmet comes, or some of his people?'
'Then they'll all simply discover that their beloved jhihadi is also a man.'
Self-control was on the verge of departing. 'What about the baby?'
Del laughed. 'The baby won't mind. The baby won't even notice.'
I caught the hem of her tunic, slipped it up above her hips. 'Are you sure?'
Her smile was glorious. 'I'm sure.'
'Well, if you're sure you're sure . . .'
Her mouth was against mine. 'Shutup, Tiger.'
Tiger shut up.
ALRIC DRAGGED me out of the house. 'Come on, Tiger.'
'I'm not going—Alric, let go …' I tried to free my arm. 'This is my own house, you know!'
He didn't give up. 'Yes, I know that. I helped you build it. Now, come on.'
Another harsh, half-throttled cry came from the bedroom where Del was in labor. Lena was there and one of Mehmet's aketni, an old woman who'd borne many children herself. Alric's children were off being tended by another of Mehmet's aketni, to get them out from under our feet.
I planted mine. 'Alric—'
'We're going.' He practically jerked me off my feet. 'Trust me, there is nothing we can do except get in the way. Lena told me that with the birth of every baby. Now that it's you in my sandals, I understand why.'
He'd gotten me as far as the dooryard. The panoply of the canyon opened before us, a spectacular fall day with trees ablaze, but I was in no mood for scenery. 'How can you expect me to wait out here? She's been in labor since last night. She could die from this!'
He shoved me toward the stream. 'Yes, she could, but I doubt it. Del is strong, and she's had a baby. Now, go sit down with your feet in the water.'
'She had that baby nine years ago!'
'Tiger, she's young enough to have ten or twelve more after this one.'
Hoolies, what an image! I stomped down to the stream, swearing all the way. Alric followed me, likely making sure I didn't try to go back to the low-roofed house built of mudbrick hauled in from elswhere, since the soil here was better fit for crops. It's what Mehmet and his aketni had done.
I stood on the streambank and listened for Del's cries over the sound of the water. I didn't hear anything, which was probably Alric's intent.
Something occurred to me: absence. 'Where's Neesha?'
Alric sat down in the grass, then leaned back on elbows. 'He and Ahriman climbed up to the chimney earlier. Your new student is very eager to learn everything he can about his shodo.'
I grimaced. 'Ahriman won't make it past the second level.'
'No, probably not. But he's a paying student for the time being.'
One student in six months. Two if you counted Neesha, but I didn't expect him to pay; I figured a father owes his son that much, especially when he's been absent for almost twenty-four years of his life.
I smiled. 'Neesha will make it past the second level.'
Alric laughed. 'Oh yes.'
'He wants very badly to achieve seven levels faster than I did.'
'Of course. He's your son. But he's hungrier than you were.'
I glared at Alric. 'You weren't there. How do you know he's hungrier than I was? He's certainly had an easier life than I did!'
'It's a different kind of hunger, Tiger. Your ambitions were to escape slavery in body and mind. Neesha wants to live up to the legend he's held in his mind since childhood and to make you proud of him.'
'I am proud of him!'
Alric shrugged. 'He has to discover it in his own way.'
But my mind turned from Neesha and back to Del. Unable to stand still or sit, I began to pace. 'Hoolies, I'd rather be in the midst of a death-dance than this. How can you stand the waiting, Alric?'
'Well, I've done it four times, so I have experience. And will likely do it again a few more times.' His smile was content. 'Four healthy daughters.'