FIRST LORD. Hath the Count all this intelligence?

SECOND LORD. Ay, and the particular confirmations, point from

point, to the full arming of the verity.

FIRST LORD. I am heartily sorry that he'll be glad of this.

SECOND LORD. How mightily sometimes we make us comforts of our


FIRST LORD. And how mightily some other times we drown our gain in

tears! The great dignity that his valour hath here acquir'd for

him shall at home be encount'red with a shame as ample.

SECOND LORD. The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill

together. Our virtues would be proud if our faults whipt them

not; and our crimes would despair if they were not cherish'd by

our virtues.


How now? Where's your master?

SERVANT. He met the Duke in the street, sir; of whom he hath taken

a solemn leave. His lordship will next morning for France. The

Duke hath offered him letters of commendations to the King.

SECOND LORD. They shall be no more than needful there, if they were

more than they can commend.

FIRST LORD. They cannot be too sweet for the King's tartness.

Here's his lordship now.


How now, my lord, is't not after midnight?

BERTRAM. I have to-night dispatch'd sixteen businesses, a month's

length apiece; by an abstract of success: I have congied with the

Duke, done my adieu with his nearest; buried a wife, mourn'd for

her; writ to my lady mother I am returning; entertain'd my

convoy; and between these main parcels of dispatch effected many

nicer needs. The last was the greatest, but that I have not ended


SECOND LORD. If the business be of any difficulty and this morning

your departure hence, it requires haste of your lordship.

BERTRAM. I mean the business is not ended, as fearing to hear of it

hereafter. But shall we have this dialogue between the Fool and

the Soldier? Come, bring forth this counterfeit module has

deceiv'd me like a double-meaning prophesier.

SECOND LORD. Bring him forth. [Exeunt SOLDIERS] Has sat i' th'

stocks all night, poor gallant knave.

BERTRAM. No matter; his heels have deserv'd it, in usurping his

spurs so long. How does he carry himself?

SECOND LORD. I have told your lordship already the stocks carry 

him. But to answer you as you would be understood: he weeps like

a wench that had shed her milk; he hath confess'd himself to

Morgan, whom he supposes to be a friar, from the time of his

remembrance to this very instant disaster of his setting i' th'

stocks. And what think you he hath confess'd?

BERTRAM. Nothing of me, has 'a?

SECOND LORD. His confession is taken, and it shall be read to his

face; if your lordship be in't, as I believe you are, you must

have the patience to hear it.

Enter PAROLLES guarded, and

FIRST SOLDIER as interpreter

BERTRAM. A plague upon him! muffled! He can say nothing of me.

SECOND LORD. Hush, hush! Hoodman comes. Portotartarossa.

FIRST SOLDIER. He calls for the tortures. What will you say without


PAROLLES. I will confess what I know without constraint; if ye

pinch me like a pasty, I can say no more.

FIRST SOLDIER. Bosko chimurcho. 

SECOND LORD. Boblibindo chicurmurco.

FIRST SOLDIER. YOU are a merciful general. Our General bids you

answer to what I shall ask you out of a note.

PAROLLES. And truly, as I hope to live.

FIRST SOLDIER. 'First demand of him how many horse the Duke is

strong.' What say you to that?

PAROLLES. Five or six thousand; but very weak and unserviceable.

The troops are all scattered, and the commanders very poor

rogues, upon my reputation and credit, and as I hope to live.

FIRST SOLDIER. Shall I set down your answer so?

PAROLLES. Do; I'll take the sacrament on 't, how and which way you


BERTRAM. All's one to him. What a past-saving slave is this!

SECOND LORD. Y'are deceiv'd, my lord; this is Monsieur Parolles,

the gallant militarist-that was his own phrase-that had the whole

theoric of war in the knot of his scarf, and the practice in the

chape of his dagger.

FIRST LORD. I will never trust a man again for keeping his sword

clean; nor believe he can have everything in him by wearing his

apparel neatly. 

FIRST SOLDIER. Well, that's set down.

PAROLLES. 'Five or six thousand horse' I said-I will say true— 'or

thereabouts' set down, for I'll speak truth.

SECOND LORD. He's very near the truth in this.

BERTRAM. But I con him no thanks for't in the nature he delivers it.

PAROLLES. 'Poor rogues' I pray you say.

FIRST SOLDIER. Well, that's set down.

PAROLLES. I humbly thank you, sir. A truth's a truth-the rogues are

marvellous poor.

FIRST SOLDIER. 'Demand of him of what strength they are a-foot.'

What say you to that?

PAROLLES. By my troth, sir, if I were to live this present hour, I

will tell true. Let me see: Spurio, a hundred and fifty;

Sebastian, so many; Corambus, so many; Jaques, so many; Guiltian,

Cosmo, Lodowick, and Gratii, two hundred fifty each; mine own

company, Chitopher, Vaumond, Bentii, two hundred fifty each; so

that the muster-file, rotten and sound, upon my life, amounts not

to fifteen thousand poll; half of the which dare not shake the

snow from off their cassocks lest they shake themselves to

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