sweaty, still just a little flushed, and glowing with shared pleasure.

Not that pleasure was what had provoked Paul's comment. He'd expressed himself eloquently, if wordlessly, on that topic already; now he watched the most recent broadcast from the city of Landing with something very like awe.

'I can't believe it,' he said after a moment. 'Look at that, Honor!'

'I'd rather not.' She closed her eyes and inhaled his strong, warm scent, savoring the texture of his long hair trapped between her right cheek and his shoulder. 'I'm just as glad they're chasing someone else, but I'm not all that interested in Young. He won't be bothering me again. Frankly, that's all I really care about, where he's concerned.'

'That's just a tad narrow of you, my love,' Paul mock-scolded. 'This is an historical moment. How many men, do you suppose, get cashiered and inherit an earldom in three minutes flat?'

Honor made a face of distaste and opened her eyes just as the screen of her bedside terminal cut from file footage of the latest demonstrations outside Parliament to a well-lit HD set. The flat screen lacked the rich dimensional detail of a proper HD, and the sound was down, but she recognized Minerva Prince and Patrick DuCain of the syndicated Into the Fire, and their guests. Sir Edward Janacek and Lord Hayden O'Higgins were both retired first lords of admiralty, but they held very different convictions and, just as the choice of guests mirrored the political fracture lines, so did todays backdrop: two enormous holos, one of Pavel Young and one of Honor herself, glaring at one another. She didn't need the sound to guess the topic, but Paul twitched the volume up anyway, and she grimaced.

'—what extent, in your opinion, does this affect the balance in the Lords, Sir Edward?' the heavyset DuCain asked, and Janacek shrugged.

'That's very difficult to say, Pat. I don't believe the situation's ever arisen before, after all. Certainly Lord Young—excuse me, Earl North Hollow—must be admitted to the Lords. The result of the court-martial will be something of a political embarrassment to him, but he is a peer, and the law is clear. That means the balance between the parties will remain unchanged, and, frankly, given the court's blatantly partisan vote, I hardly think —'

'Partisan?' Lord O'Higgins interrupted. 'Hogwash! That was hardly a one-party court, Ed, and it voted to cashier him by a two-thirds margin!'

'Of course it was partisan!' Janacek snapped back. 'Whatever the vote, it was impaneled—under an officer who's both the Chancellor of the Exchequer's brother and one of Captain Harrington's strongest supporters—solely to embarrass the Opposition. There were numerous irregularities in Hancock, and not simply on Lord Young—Earl North Hollow's—part. Indeed, some of us are convinced the wrong captain was tried in the first place, and if you think for one moment the Opposition will take this insult lying down, you're sadly mistaken. Duke Cromarty and his Government can play party politics in a time of crisis if they wish, but be assured that the Opposition will call them to account for it!'

'Are you suggesting the court's membership was rigged, Sir Edward?' Minerva Prince demanded. Janacek started to reply, then closed his mouth tightly and cocked an eyebrow in knowing fashion.

'Poppycock!' O'Higgins snorted. 'Sir Edward can suggest what he likes, but he knows as well as I that human interference in the selection of officers for courts-martial is impossible! The Admiralty computers select them at random, and the defense is entitled to examine the electronic records of the entire selection process. If there were any sort of chicanery, why didn't Young or his counsel move to strike the board's suspect members then?'

'Well, Sir Edward?' DuCain asked, and Janacek shrugged irritably.

'Of course it wasn't 'rigged',' he admitted. 'But the decision to proceed with the trial at all under such polarized, prejudicial circumstances reflects both utter disregard for reasoned judicial process and the worst sort of reckless, petty party politics. It can only be seen as—'

'Why is it, Sir Edward,' O'Higgins interrupted again, 'that anything the Government does is 'petty party politics,' but anything the Opposition tries to pull is high-minded statesmanship? Wake up and smell the coffee before plain old arrogance and stupidity cost you the twelve Commons seats you still hold!'

'Should we understand that you support the Government's position on the trial and the declaration of war, then, Lord O'Higgins?' Prince asked, cutting off any response from Janacek, and O'Higgins shrugged.

'Certainly I support Duke Cromarty's position on the declaration. But I can't support his position on the Young court-martial because the Government hasn't taken one. That's the point I keep trying to get through to my somewhat dense colleague. This was a military trial, under military law, on charges recommended by a formal board of inquiry convened immediately after the battle. More than that, one of the three supposedly pro-Young members of the court must have concurred in the guilty verdicts and Youngs sentence.'

'What d'you mean, 'pro-Young'?' Janacek demanded hotly. 'Are you suggesting there was some sort of plot to get him off?'

'Heavens, no! Surely you don't think I'm suggesting that some sort of deal was struck, do you?'

'What sort of deal, Lord O'Higgins?' DuCain cut in once more, with more haste than grace, before a puce- faced Janacek could explode.

'I find it remarkable that Young was convicted on all specifications except those which carried a death sentence,' O'Higgins replied in a colder, much more serious tone. 'I find it especially remarkable given that the grounds for his dismissal from the Service were stated in almost precisely the language which would have been used if those capital charges had been sustained. I'm only a private citizen these days, but, to me, that combination suggests that someone who voted against the charges still believed he was guilty of them. If so, I'm disturbed that whoever it was refused to vote his or her conscience and convict, since that tends to indicate the triumph of politics over evidence. But at least they wanted him out of the Service and had the moral courage to see to it that happened. And thank God for it! If anyone who'd demonstrated this level of cowardice escaped with a mere slap on the wrist, the Navy—'

'That's monstrous!' Janacek snapped. 'My God—your own precious court-martial refused to convict him of cowardice! Isn't it enough for you that he's been smeared and dishonored? That his father died of a stroke when he heard the verdict? How much longer do you intend to hound him?!'

'Until Hell freezes over, if necessary,' O'Higgins said coldly. 'He's the most contemptible example of —'

'How dare you?!' Janacek exploded. 'I'll have you—'

'Gentlemen! Gentlemen, please!' Prince waved her hands in manicured distress, but DuCain only sat there, fighting a losing battle against laughter, as both ex-first lords ignored the anchorwoman to tear into one another. And then, suddenly, the shouting guests and their hosts vanished as the program's director cut to a commercial break.

Honor shook her head slowly, then turned to glare at Paul. Her undutiful lover was convulsed with laughter, and she snatched the control unit from his hand. The terminal went blank as she switched it off and tossed the remote onto the bedside table.

'Oh, that's just too hilarious for words, Paul!' she snapped. 'Aren't they ever going to let this thing rest?'

'S-s-sorry!' Paul gasped, fighting to control his laughter, and his eyes were truly repentant. 'It's just—' He shrugged helplessly, lips quivering with a rebellious smile.

'Maybe it is funny, in a macabre sort of way,' Honor sighed, 'but I hate it. Hate it! And I still can't poke my nose off the ship without some stupid reporter trying to pounce!'

'I know, love.' His face had sobered, and he squeezed her tight. 'But you're stuck in the repair slip where they can lurk for you, at least until Hephaestus turns Nike loose. So I'm afraid you're just going to have to put up with it until this whole thing blows over.'

'If it ever does,' Honor said dourly.

'Oh, it will. It's barely been a full day, you know. I'd think a lot of the sensationalism should die down once they formally bust Young out.'

'You hope, you mean. There's still his investiture into the Lords, and the little matter of the declaration of war. I—'

Honor broke off as the sleeping cabin hatch hissed open and Nimitz flowed into the compartment. He leapt onto the foot of the bed and sat up on his rearmost limbs, head cocked, and Honor frowned as he turned his bright

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