he bent his head for just a moment. Then he drew a deep, shuddering breath and looked up once more. Their eyes met, and she saw the understanding in his, the knowledge that this was the very best she could do and his acceptance of it.

'Thank you, Ma'am,' he said softly.

She patted his arm and walked around her desk. She sank into her chair and gestured for him to take one facing her while she eased Nimitz down into her lap. The 'cat curled tightly, burying his muzzle against her while he radiated his love for her. It hurt, like a hammer chipping at the anesthetic shield of her detachment, but she stroked his spine slowly and gently.

'I realize you've just returned, Ma'am,' Ramirez said after a moment, 'and I apologize for intruding, but there's something you need to know before you... do anything else.'

Honor smiled without humor at his choice of words. Tomas Ramirez had been with her on Blackbird. If anyone in the galaxy knew what 'anything else' she intended to do, it was he.

'Last week,' the colonel went on, 'Major Hibson and I carried out a training exercise on Gryphon.' Honor felt a slight stir of interest and raised an eyebrow, wondering how they'd gotten to Gryphon with Nike still in dock.

'Captain McKeon and Commander Venizelos were kind enough to assist us by transporting the battalion to Manticore-B,' Ramirez went on, and she felt a stronger stir of interest, a sharpening as something about his tone probed at her icy cocoon. 'The exercise was a general success, Ma'am, but we suffered a nav systems failure aboard my command pinnace. I'm afraid we landed several hundred klicks from our intended LZ—there was a severe blizzard in the exercise area, which probably contributed to our navigation error—and it took me some hours to rejoin the rest of the battalion.'

'I see.' Honor tipped her chair back with a slight frown as Ramirez paused. 'May I ask why you're telling me this?' she said finally.

'Well, Ma'am, it just happened that our actual landing site was very close to a hunting chalet. Naturally, my party and I proceeded to the chalet in hopes of discovering exactly where we were so that we could rejoin the exercise. It was pure coincidence, of course, but, well, Ma'am, it seems Denver Summervale was vacationing at that same chalet.'

Honor's chair snapped upright, and Ramirez swallowed at the sudden, savage glitter of her eyes.

'Is he still there, Colonel?' she half-whispered, her half-mad gaze ravenous on his face, and he swallowed again.

'I don't know, Ma'am,' he said very carefully, 'but in the course of our conversation, he... volunteered certain information.' He reached into his tunic pocket and laid a recording chip on Honor's desk, refusing to look away from her frightening eyes.

'He said—' Ramirez paused and cleared his throat. 'Ma'am, he said he was hired. He was paid to kill Captain Tankersley... and you.'

'Paid?' Honor stared at him, and a silent tremor ran through her. Her chill armor shivered, cracking ever so slightly as heat flared suddenly within her. She'd never heard of Denver Summervale before he killed Paul. She'd assumed he must have acted for some personal reason of his own, but this—

'Yes, Ma'am. Paid to kill both of you,' Ramirez reemphasized. 'But he was hired to kill Captain Tankersley first.'

First. Someone had wanted Paul killed first, and the way Ramirez said it echoed and reechoed through her, battering at the ice. It hadn't been the uncaringly cruel act of an impersonal universe to punish her for loving. It had been deliberate. Someone wanted her dead, and before she died, he wanted to hurt her as hideously as he possibly could. Someone had paid for Paul's legal murder as a weapon against her.

Nimitz snarled upright in her lap, fur bristling, tail belled and claws bared, and she felt her armor crumbling in ruin, felt the terrible heat of her own fury blasting away her detachment. And even as her rage roared higher within her, she knew. She knew who it had to be, the only person who was sick and sadistic enough, who hated her enough to have Paul killed. She knew, but she only stared at Ramirez, willing him to confirm it.

'He was hired, Ma'am,' the colonel said softly, 'by the Earl of North Hollow.'


Tomas Ramirez cocked his chair back in his small shipboard office and studied the green-uniformed man across his desk. Major Andrew LaFollet returned his gaze with equally measuring gray eyes, and there was a subsurface tension between them; not anger or distrust, but the sort of wariness two guard dogs might have exhibited on first meeting.

'So, Major,' Ramirez said at last, 'am I to understand you and your men are permanently assigned to Lady Harrington? I'd gathered from what Commander Chandler told me that this was in the nature of a temporary assignment on Protector Benjamin's authority.'

'I'm sorry about the confusion, Sir.' LaFollet was tall for a Grayson, with a solid, well-muscled physique, but he was still a head shorter than Ramirez and looked almost puny in comparison. He was also ten years younger than the colonel, though they looked very much the same age thanks to Ramirez's prolong treatments, yet there was no lack of confidence in his face or posture. He ran a hand through his dark, auburn hair and frowned, obviously considering the best way to make himself understood to this foreigner.

'At the moment, Colonel,' he said in his soft, slow Grayson accent, raising his eyes to examine some point above Ramirez's head, 'the Steadholder doesn't seem to be thinking very clearly.' The look in his eyes when he lowered them once more warned the colonel that anyone who tried to make his statement into a criticism would regret it. 'I suspect she thinks we are a temporary fixture.'

'But she's wrong,' Ramirez suggested after a moment.

'Yes, Sir. By Grayson law, a steadholder must be accompanied by his—or, in this case, her—personal guard at all times, on Grayson or off.'

'Even in the Star Kingdom?'

'On Grayson or off, Sir,' LaFollet repeated, and Ramirez blinked.

'Major, I can appreciate that you didn't make the law, but Lady Harrington is also an officer in the Queen's Navy.'

'I understand that, Sir.'

'But what you may not understand is that general regs prohibit the presence of armed civilians or foreign nationals on a Queens ship. To put it plainly, Major LaFollet, your presence here is illegal.'

'I'm sorry to hear that, Colonel,' LaFollet said politely, and Ramirez sighed.

'You're not going to make this any easier on me, are you, Major?' he asked wryly.

'It's not my intention to cause difficulties for you, the Royal Manticoran Navy, or the Star Kingdom, Colonel. It is my intention to do my duty, as my oath requires, and protect my Steadholder.'

'The Royal Marines protect the captains of Her Majesty's starships,' Ramirez said, his deep voice a bit flatter and harder.

'Meaning no disrespect, Colonel, that's beside the point. And,' the major's eyes were very level, 'while I understand that nothing which happened was your fault, or the Royal Marines', Lady Harrington has suffered enough.'

Ramirez's jaw clenched for a moment, but then he drew a deep breath and forced himself to sit back. LaFollet's voice could not have been more respectful, and a part of the colonel agreed with his quiet accusation. He thought for a moment, then decided to try another tack.

'Major, Lady Harrington may not return to Grayson for years now that Parliament has voted to declare war and we're resuming active operations. Are you and your—what, ten men? Twelve?'

'There are a total of twelve of us, Sir.'

'Twelve, then. Are all twelve of you ready to spend that long off Grayson when the Corps is prepared to guarantee Lady Harrington's safety?'

'She won't be aboard ship for that entire time, Sir. Whenever she leaves it, she leaves her Marine sentry behind. And in answer to your question, we aren't off Grayson as long as we're with our Steadholder.'

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