Admiral Sir Thomas Caparelli put on a pleasant expression as his personal yeoman opened his office door. The Earl of White Haven walked past the petty officer with a courteous if absentminded nod, and Caparelli rose behind his desk to extend a hand.

White Haven gripped it, then took a chair at a gesture. Caparelli settled into his own chair and tipped it back while he regarded his guest and made a mental bet on the reason for this visit. He and White Haven seldom met except on professional matters, for there was little love lost between them. The First Space Lord respected the earl, but he'd never liked him much, and he was well aware White Haven felt the same way about him. Which made it unlikely the other man was here for social reasons.

'Thank you for seeing me on such short notice,' White Haven said, and Caparelli shrugged.

'You're the second in command of Home Fleet, Admiral. When you ask to see me, I assume you have a reason. What can I do for you?'

'I'm afraid it's a bit complicated.' White Haven ran a hand through his dark, white-streaked hair, and Caparelli blinked. One of the things he most disliked about White Haven was his unflappable (and usually justified, damn it) self-confidence. He wasn't used to seeing the earl uncertain or nervous. Angry, yes, and sometimes savagely sarcastic with slower thinkers, but nervous?

The First Space Lord made himself wait, saying nothing, his courteous expression attentive, and White Haven sighed.

'It's about Lady Harrington,' he said, and Caparelli nodded inside as he won his bet.

'I assume,' he chose his words with care, 'that what you actually mean is that it's about Lady Harrington and Pavel Young.'

'You assume correctly.' White Haven seemed to realize he was still running his hand through his hair and stopped with a sour twist of his lips. 'I attempted to reason with her when I realized what she— No,' he shook his head with a bitter self-reproach Caparelli had never seen from him, 'I didn't try to reason with her; I lectured her. In fact,' he met the First Space Lord's eyes, 'I ordered her not to meet Young.'

'You ordered an officer not to meet a civilian in a duel?' Caparelli couldn't keep his eyebrows down, and White Haven shrugged. He looked angry—at himself, not at anyone else or even at having made that admission to someone who'd never been his friend.

'Yes,' he growled, and pounded the arm of his chair gently. 'If I'd had a gram of sense, I would've realized that was only going to—' He cut himself off and shook his head again. 'I realize I was out of line, but I couldn't just stand by and watch her destroy her career. And you and I both know that's exactly will happen if she kills him.'

Caparelli nodded, wishing he could argue the point. It was just like White Haven to try ordering Harrington off Young, but in this case the First Space Lord found himself in unwilling agreement with the earl about the consequences. And while he might have been prepared to be prejudiced against a White Haven protege's on general principles, the thought of losing an officer of Harrington's caliber at a time like this was a depressing one.

'Well, it didn't work,' White Haven admitted heavily, 'and the way I came at it guarantees I can't go back and convince her to see reason.'

'Assuming it would be 'reason' from her viewpoint,' Caparelli said. White Haven looked up sharply, and the First Space Lord shrugged. 'I've heard her allegations. Assuming they're valid—and I think they are—then I'd want exactly the same thing in her place. Wouldn't you?'

White Haven looked away. He said nothing, but his very silence replied for him, and Caparelli frowned. It looked as if the earl was trying to convince himself he wouldn't have wanted what Harrington did, and self- deception wasn't like him.

'At any rate,' the First Space Lord said before the silence grew too uncomfortable, 'I suppose you've come to me in hopes I can do something?' White Haven nodded unwillingly, as if he hated admitting he was asking for help, and Caparelli sighed. 'I sympathize, My Lord, and I don't want to lose her either, but she's within her legal rights.'

'I know.' White Haven chewed his lip, and his sense of duty warred with his emotions. Cromarty had passed along the Queen's message—and its explicit warning—but he couldn't just sit by. Besides, what he had in mind wasn't the same thing as pressuring Harrington. Not quite.

'I realize that no one has the command authority to stop her,' he said after a moment, 'but I've been reading the background briefs on our operations beyond Santander. We're going to need battlecruisers out there any day now.'

He fell silent, eyes intent on the First Space Lord, and Caparelli scowled. He didn't like what he was hearing, but he liked the prospect of watching Harrington self-destruct even less.

'Are you willing to give up Nike?' he asked, and White Haven grimaced.

'I'll give up the entire Fifth Squadron if I have to,' he said flatly.

'But Nike's still under repair,' Caparelli murmured. He turned to his terminal and tapped keys, and his screen blinked obediently. 'She won't even leave the yard for another two weeks, and then she'll have to work up again.' He shook his head. 'We're looking at a month before we could deploy her. The way Harrington's pushing this thing, I doubt that would be soon enough.'

'We could transfer her to another ship,' White Haven said, manifestly unhappy with his own suggestion but making it nonetheless.

'No, we couldn't.' Caparelli cut the idea down in its tracks. 'We have no cause to take Nike away from her—not yet, anyway.' He met White Haven's imploring gaze sternly despite his unwilling sympathy. 'What you're suggesting—what we're suggesting—is already highly improper, but Nike's our best battlecruiser command; taking her away from Harrington could only be seen as a demotion. And even if that weren't true, it would be a dead giveaway of what we're really after.' He shook his head again. 'No, My Lord. I'll cut her orders for Santander ASAP, but that's as far as I'll go. As far as I can go. Is that understood?'

'Yes, Sir.' White Haven closed his eyes, his face oddly exhausted and worn, then opened them again. 'Yes, Sir. I understand. And... thank you.'

Caparelli nodded. He wanted to mark it down as a favor the earl owed him, but he couldn't. In fact, he felt a bit uncomfortable at being thanked when he could do so little.

'Don't mention it, My Lord,' he said gruffly. He rose, terminating the interview, and held out his hand again. 'I'll get together with Pat Givens and have the orders cut this afternoon. I'll also have a word with Admiral Cheviot and try to get Nike's repairs expedited. If his yard dogs can get her out of the slip soon enough, recommissioning her may keep Lady Harrington too occupied to do anything drastic before we get her out- system. At any rate, well give it our best shot, I promise.'

Willard Neufsteiler shaded his eyes against the Landing sun as the air limo slid toward him. It touched down on Pad Three atop Brancusi Tower, and a man in a jade-green tunic and trousers of lighter green climbed out to scan his surroundings before he stepped aside for a tall, black-and-gold-uniformed woman. Two more bodyguards fell in at her heels, forming a hollow, protective triangle about her, and Neufsteiler waved as she started toward.

He was frankly amazed Dame Honor had managed to make it ground-side without the media finding out, but she seemed to be developing her own way of dealing with newsies. Or perhaps it was simpler than that. After watching her in action, they might just be frightened of crowding her.

Her handshake was firm when she reached him, but he felt a pang of sorrow as he saw her face. The laughing joy of their supper at Cosmo's had died with Paul Tankersley, and even the 'cat on her shoulder was subdued and tense. She looked neither broken nor defeated, yet there was a bleakness, a sense of ice under the surface, and something else he couldn't quite put a finger on: a strange, electric shiver that defied identification. It wasn't his fault he didn't recognize it; he'd never stood on a command deck with Captain Harrington when she took her ship into battle.

He led the way to a lift and punched a destination.

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