hours, at least, and that's all that's needed.'
She gestured towards the tank. It had been designed to show ship dispositions together with coded schematics. The projection of the city below them was almost eerie in its detail. The ship's scanners were picking up enough tactical information to show raw numbers and weapons-types with some accuracy. At least there hadn't been any more mininukes, not after the first salvo.
'As you can see, there's considerable fighting going on down there. Nothing in space yet, thank God, but at a guess I'd say that the compromised com system was used to disinform the various police and Security forces to the point where many of them are fighting
'Oh, beautiful,' her flag captain said. A relatively junior officer spoke: 'Citizen Admiral . . . there's the entire Capital Fleet in orbit here, several Marine brigades in transit, hell, there's the equivalent of a division in the Marine parties on ships alone. What's stopping them putting this lunacy down?'
McQueen cleared her throat and looked at Commissioner Fontein. He nodded bleakly.
'Due to . . . various circumstances . . .' Fontein began. 'It is unlikely that any of the Capital Fleet's captains or higher officers will undertake any
'As you're all aware, Citizens,' McQueen said neutrally, 'there are advantages and disadvantages to an extremely centralized decision-making structure.'
And right now, one of the disadvantages has reared its ugly head and bitten the Committee of Public Safety on its sorry ass, she thought.
The same logic train was running through every face looking at her. The
Which left only one question: should they? She could feel the
'In fact, due to coincidence, I am probably the only ranking officer who has a real idea of what's happening. Now, I will say nothing critical of the Committee.' Heads nodded unconsciously; only a complete idiot would do
Fontein did. The calm control of his voice and the dispassionate terms he used made the description all the more effective. The fall of the Legislaturalists had taken the cork out of the bottle, and some extremely odd ideological scum had floated to the surface. McQueen nodded thanks when he finished, noting the looks of horror on the faces of the officers around the plotting tank. What LaBoeuf had in mind for the People's Republic made Rob S. Pierre look like a humanitarian.
'It's certainly true that we have no orders,' she began. 'Just as an exercise, however, let's consider —'
Rob S. Pierre, Chairman of the Committee of Public Safety, looked down the table. In theory, and until about forty-five minutes ago in practice, the men and women sitting here had power of life and death over every single individual in the People's Republic. The Republic's power extended over hundreds of light-years and scores of planets, scores of billions of human beings.
'But right now, we hold this building and not much else,' he said. 'We don't even know
Some of the people sitting at the table jerked as if he'd pressed a button and sent a shock charge through their chairs.
'I retract that statement. We also know that they've penetrated our ranks, because otherwise this wouldn't have occurred just when I'd called a plenary emergency meeting. You realize, Citizens, that our entire leadership cadre,
Some of them evidently hadn't; the temperature in the long bare room seemed to drop another degree or two, and the glances they'd been sneaking at each other went from furtive speculation to glares. He turned to the nervous-looking technical officer Security had brought in to explain things. The man was standing at a stiff brace, looking as if he was willing his vital functions to stop.
'Report, please, Citizen Major,' he said.
'Citizen Chairman, we will have the net available again—the high-priority sections—in not more than two hours forty-five minutes. Possibly as little as two hours, but I couldn't guarantee that.'
Somebody broke in: 'Not good eno—'
'Silence!' Pierre shouted, and slapped his hand down on the table. The gunshot crack cut through the rising babble. 'Panic will not help!' He turned to the officer. 'Please do the best you can, Citizen Major. The Republic's future is in your hands.'
And in the hands of the uncoordinated efforts of four separate and distinct guard forces, two of which are fighting each other, he thought.
They'd taken very careful precautions against all the armed forces close to the Committee. The problem seemed to be that the precautions had destroyed most of the ability of those forces to deal with anyone except each other.
At this moment, Rob S. Pierre wished very much that he believed in God. Because right now, there didn't appear to be anyone else he could get in touch with.
'Citizen Admiral,' the Marine brigadier said. 'There are four problems—four interlocking problems here.'
Citizen Brigadier Gerrard Conflans was short but trim and broad in the shoulders, with long-fingered hands that gave an impression of strangler's strength. His face was set now, but you could see smile-marks at the corners of his eyes, and he had an unusual and flamboyant mustache.
His cursor moved over the streets of the city. 'First, there are the mobs. Many of them are armed, and there are simply so many of them attacking so many targets that they make any movement impossible.
'Second, there are the Presidential, Capital, Committee and State Security forces. Many of them are actively engaged against each other, and all of them are out of effective communications with the Committee, unless someone's sending runners with hardcopy messages. They're unlikely to believe that a naval force appearing