air of a rehearsed speech, but Eddie didn't think that was it. Overholser was a force in Calla Bryn Sturgis; he was, God save us and stone the crows, the big farmer. It was hard for him to go back in his mind to a time when he'd been a child, small and powerless and terrified. 'Our Ma and Pa tried to hide us away in the cellar. So I've been told, anyway. I remember none of it, m'self, to be sure. Taught myself not to, I's'pose. Yar, quite likely. Some remember better'n others, Roland, but all the tales come to the same: one is took, one is left behind. The one took comes back roont, maybe able to work a little but dead in the b'low the waist. Then… when they get in their thirties…'
When they reached their thirties, the roont twins grew abruptly, shockingly old. Their hair turned white and often fell completely out. Their eyes dimmed. Muscles that had been prodigious (as Tia Jaffords's and Zalman Hoonik's were now) went slack and wasted away. Sometimes they died peacefully, in their sleep. More often, their endings weren't peaceful at all. The sores came, sometimes out on the skin but more often in the stomach or the head. In the brain. All died long before their natural span would have been up, had it not been for the Wolves, and many died as they had grown from the size of normal children to that of giants: screaming in pain. Eddie wondered how many of these idiots, dying of what sounded to him like terminal cancer, were simply smothered or perhaps fed some strong sedative that would take them far beyond pain, far beyond sleep. It wasn't the sort of question you asked, but he guessed the answer would have been many. Roland sometimes used the word
The visitors from the Calla, their tongues and memories untied by distress, might have gone on for some time, piling one sorry anecdote on another, but Roland didn't allow them to. 'Now speak of the Wolves, I beg. How many come to you?'
'Forty,' Tian Jaffords said.
'Spread across the whole Calla?' Slightman the Elder asked. 'Nay, more than forty.' And to Tian, slightly apologetic: 'You were no more'n nine y'self last time they came, Tian. I were in my young twenties. Forty in town, maybe, but more came to the outlying farms and ranches. I'd say sixty in all, Roland-sai, maybe eighty.'
Roland looked at Overholser, eyebrows raised.
'It's been twenty-three years, ye mind,' Overholser said, 'but I'd call sixty about right.'
'You call them Wolves, but what are they really? Are they men? Or something else?'
Overholser, Slightman, Tian, Zalia: for a moment Eddie could feel them sharing khef, could almost hear them. It made him feel lonely and left-out, the way you did when you saw a couple kissing on a streetcorner, wrapped in each other's arms or looking into each other's eyes, totally lost in each other's regard. Well, he didn't have to feel that way anymore, did he? He had his own ka-tet, his own khef. Not to mention his own woman.
Meanwhile, Roland was making the impatient little finger-twirling gesture with which Eddie had become so familiar.
'No telling for sure what they are,' Overholser said. 'They
'Wolf-masks,' Susannah said.
'Aye, lady, wolf-masks, gray as their horses.'
'Do you say all come on gray horses?' Roland asked.
The silence was briefer this time, but Eddie still felt that sense of khef and ka-tet, minds consulting via something so elemental it couldn't even rightly be called telepathy; it was more elemental than telepathy.
'Yer-bugger!' Overholser said, a slang term that seemed to mean
Overholser gave him a rather insulting head-cocked-to-one side look, the sort that asked
'Do you say so?' Roland asked.
Slightman nodded emphatically. 'Tell gods thankee.' He saw Callahan again make the sign of the cross in the air and sighed. 'Beg pardon, Old Fella.'
Callahan shrugged. 'You were here before I was. Call on all the gods you like, so long as you know I think they're false.'
'And they come out of Thunderclap,' Roland said, ignoring this last.
'Aye,' Overholser said. 'You can see where it lies over that way about a hundred wheels.' He pointed southeast. 'For we come out of the woods on the last height of land before the Crescent. Ye can see all the Eastern Plain from there, and beyond it a great darkness, like a rain cloud on the horizon. 'Tis said, Roland, that in the far long ago, you could see mountains over there.'
'Like the Rockies from Nebraska,' Jake breathed.
Overholser glanced at him. 'Beg pardon, Jake-soh?'
'Nothing,' Jake said, and gave the big farmer a small, embarrassed smile. Eddie, meanwhile, filed away what Overholser had called him. Not sai but soh. Just something else that was interesting.
'We've heard of Thunderclap,' Roland said. His voice was somehow terrifying in its lack of emotion, and when Eddie felt Susannah's hand creep into his, he was glad of it.
' 'Tis a land of vampires, boggarts, and taheen, so the stories say,' Zalia told them. Her voice was thin, on the verge of trembling. 'Of course the stories are old—'
'The stories are true,' Callahan said. His own voice was harsh, but Eddie heard the fear in it. Heard it very well. 'There
'Why do you speak as if I doubt?' Roland asked.
Callahan's eyes dropped. 'Because many do. I did myself. I doubted much and…' His voice cracked. He cleared his throat, and when he finished, it was almost in a whisper. '… and it was my undoing.'
Roland sat quiet for several moments, hunkered on the soles of his ancient boots with his arms wrapped around his bony knees, rocking back and forth a litde. Then, to Overholser: 'What o' the clock do they come?'
'When they took Welland, my brother, it was morning,' the farmer said. 'Breakfast not far past. I remember, because Welland asked our Ma if he could take his cup of coffee into the cellar with him. But last time… the time they come and took Tian's sister and Zalia's brother and so many others…'
'I lost two nieces and a nephew,' Slightman the Elder said.
'That time wasn't long after the noon-bell from the Gathering Hall. We know the day because
'So you know when they're coming,' Roland said. 'In fact, you know three ways: Andy, the sound of their hoofbeats, the rise of their dust.'
Overholser, taking Roland's implication, had flushed a dull brick color up the slopes of his plump cheeks and down his neck. 'They come armed, Roland, do ya. With guns—rifles as well as the revolvers yer own tet carries, grenados, too—and other weapons, as well. Fearsome weapons of the Old People. Light-sticks that kill at a touch, flying metal buzz-balls called drones or sneetches. The sticks burn the skin black and stop the heart— electrical, maybe, or maybe—'
Eddie heard Overholser's next word as
'Once the drones smell you, they follow no matter how fast you run,' Slightman's boy said eagerly, 'or how much you twist and turn. Right, Da'?'
'Yer-bugger,' Slightman the Elder said. 'Then sprout blades that whirl around so fast you can't see em and they cut you apart.'
'All on gray horses,' Roland mused. 'Every one of em the same color. What else?'
Nothing, it seemed. It was all told. They came out of the east on the day Andy foretold, and for a terrible