
The cautious hope in Travis’s voice was something Fen had to respond to if he was ever to heal the breech the way his mate wished. He sat up and stared into Travis’s eyes. “Save my siblings and any bad blood between us will be erased.”


The ring of magic in the god’s voice sealed the deal, as the God of Justice glowed so brightly Fen could no longer see him.

“Damn it. Logan threw out my mistletoe again. Shit.”

Fen blinked and turned to find Kir, hands on his hips, his bottom lip between his teeth. “Trav? Think you can hook me up?”

“Planning on committing seppuku?” Travis darted a look at Fen, the look full of cautious affection. “Um. That means ritual suicide.”

Fen smiled. “Thank you.” Fen tilted his head and, for his mate’s sake, decided to take the first step in forgiving Travis. “Could you tell me something?”


“What’s an alligator?”

Kir laughed. For a split second Fen had forgotten his other father was there.

“I plan on…hmm.” His eyes narrowed in speculation just before a happy smile crossed his face. “You know, I bet Fen would be fascinated by the Internet, don’t you? Great place to learn about America and history and alligators and stuff like that.” Kir waved his hand absently. “Why don’t you show him how to work the computer?”

Jordan sauntered into the room and winked at Travis. “Just don’t show him Vincente.”

This was beginning to annoy him. Who was Vincente, and what did the man have to do with Fenris’s mate?

“This is such a nice surprise!” Jeanne Grimm tugged Jeff and Jamie into her home, her expression filled with that pure sunshine she constantly seemed to emit. She was what Jordan would look like in her fifties if Jordan had the same kind of sunny personality. The only thing Jordan had inherited from her father, Adam Grey, was her dark eyes. Jeanne’s were the same hazel as Jeff’s.

If Jeff didn’t know better he’d swear his mother was a goddess too.

“Your father told me you two had gone on vacation and that Travis sent you to Europe. When did you get back?” She dragged them into the kitchen and pointed at the small table. “Sit.”

Jeff sat next to his sister and the pair exchanged a look. Their mother didn’t know Jamie had been in the hospital? “Uh, not long ago.”

“How was the trip? And why the hell didn’t you call me? What, they don’t have phones in the Caribbean?” Jeanne pulled three glasses out of the cabinet and opened the fridge.

Oh no. No way was he lying to his mother. That would get him sent straight to hell. But he could deflect her attention. “Jamie got engaged.”

Their mother gasped and before they knew it Jamie was enveloped in a patented Jeanne bear hug. “Oh, my baby. Travis proposed?”

“Can’t. Breathe.”

Jeanne pushed Jamie back. “Ring.” She wiggled her fingers. Jamie held out her hand and showed her mother the two-carat heart-shaped solitaire on her finger. The smile Jeanne wore wasn’t marred at all by the tears that sprang into her eyes. “Oh, sweetie. He gave you his heart.” She enveloped Jamie once more.

“Does your father know? And why didn’t Travis come with you today?”

They exchanged a look and Jamie shrugged. “He’s working.”

Jeanne tsk’d. “Well. You tell him to come over here to help with the wedding plans or I’ll send your father to fetch him.”

Jeff tried to keep the horror of that thought from his face. “Yes’m.”

Jeanne frowned at Jamie. “This calls for a celebration!” Jamie was plunked once more into her seat. “It’s a little early for champagne.” Jeanne opened the fridge, pulling something out. “I’m all out of OJ, damn it. Anyone want apple juice?”

Both of her children bolted from the table and knocked the open bottle clean out of her hands.

Grimm couldn’t believe his eyes. What was she doing there? There was no way, no way fate would be that cruel.

Then again, considering who he was staring at, the point was obviously moot.

“You think she’s there to consult with them about the prophecy?” Rina’s gaze roamed the park, ever vigilant. She’d taken it upon herself to be his bodyguard, and he’d never had one better. She was a true warrior queen, and Grimm couldn’t be happier with her.

“Yes.” He watched Skuld, the Norn of the Future, enter the Rittenhouse Square condo building Loki and Baldur were holed up in. “It’s the only thing that makes sense.”

“Should we take her out?”

“Too late. She’s already inside. If she tells them what they want to know, everything could go to hell.”

“Then we find a way to stop the prophecy from ever happening.”

He turned to stare into her pale, cold eyes, eyes so much like her stupid son’s that for a moment he saw red. “How?”

“Kill the wolf before he kills you.”

He sat back in his seat. The only reason he’d kept Fenrisulfr alive was to appease Tyr. If the God of Justice had been roused, then his rule of the Aesir and Vanir would have been challenged, and Grimm couldn’t have that. Now that Tyr was no longer under the influence, keeping Fenrisulfr alive was no longer a necessity. “Do it.”

“Clean kill or fun kill?”

He loved the way her mind worked. “Oh, fun kill. Definitely.” If this didn’t work it would be time to go for the clean kill. Grimm was almost done playing, but making Loki hurt through his children was a game that never got old.

She grinned at him, both of them in perfect accord.

Chapter Four

“I still don’t understand why I had to throw away perfectly good apple juice.” Jeanne huffed out a breath and glared at her children as they finished cleaning up the mess they’d made. “It’s not like it was drugged or something.”

Jeff and Jamie exchanged a look. How should they tell their mother that she might be wrong?

“Something strange is going on. Your father’s been acting weird, you two go away for weeks, Jordan won’t answer her phone and the Old Man is missing, presumed dead. Oh, and my mother-in-law has now become my monster-in-law.” Her hands landed on her hips and Jeff cringed. “You two are going to tell me what’s going on, or so help you God you’ll live to regret it.”

“Mom—” Jamie started as she took her seat again.

“Don’t you Mom me, young lady. You think I can’t tell when my children are hiding something from me? Either you tell me the truth or I’ll march myself down to Jordan’s condo and drag it out of her if I have to torture her.”

Jamie flinched and swallowed. She might be healed, but the memories ate at her. When it got really bad only Jeff, Travis or Uncle Val could calm her. Not even Jordan could keep Jamie’s memories at bay.

“Jamie?” The anger turned to protective concern, reminding Jeff where his own temper came from. “What’s wrong, baby girl?”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” But the speculative look on her face said his little sister was thinking of telling their mother anyway. Oh boy. Jeff sat back down and prepared for the fireworks. Jamie was going to tell their mother everything. When she did, Grimm wouldn’t be able to dig a deep enough hole to hide in.

Fenris started at the sound of a knock on the front door. Jeff still wasn’t back, and he’d decided to bide his

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