“No,” she said, taking his hand. “I’m scared and a little overwhelmed, but not trapped. I think that’s because I’m not fully adjusted to this lifestyle yet. To the enormity of all of this—otherworldly beings, evil forces and soldiers who battle them. Plus there’s a big possibility I’ll be a shifter like you guys. But my feelings for you have become stronger than my fear of what I can’t control. Does that make sense?”


She has feelings for me. Yes! It’s a place to begin. A terrific place. Still . . .

“So you’re really okay with the idea of becoming a shifter?”

After a pause, she nodded. “I’m nervous, but at the same time I can’t help but wonder what it will be like. You know, the process itself. Not to mention being stronger and faster, being able to defend myself with claws and really sharp teeth. It’s kind of cool, now that I’m getting used to the possibility. I think I’ll be disappointed if it doesn’t happen.”

“It might not,” he said gently. “Melina didn’t change after she and Terry mated.”

“I know. If it doesn’t, I’ll deal with it.” Lapsing into momentary silence, she played with his hair. “It’s weird for me to think about being shifter, but at least I get a warning. I can only imagine what a shock it was for you guys.”

“Damned right it was. Thought we were losing our minds at first.”

She studied him, obviously chewing on something. “You told me that you, Zan, Aric, and Ryon were Navy SEALs. And you were all turned after you were ambushed on patrol. Right?”

“Yes, plus Raven, who’s in Block R. Why?”

“So is that when your Psy abilities manifested? You were all able to do cool stuff after you became shifters?”

He frowned. “No, we had our abilities already. They just became much more powerful.”

“Did any of the other men—the ones who were killed—did they have powers, too?”

“I don’t know,” he said slowly. “It’s never occurred to me to ask.”

“Did any of you know one another before you joined the Navy?”

“No, we met in BUD/S training and were placed on our team together. What are you getting at?”

“I’m not sure. It just seems strange that out of all the people in the military, a group of guys with Psy abilities ended up on the same team unbeknownst to one another, and all of you survived when so many others didn’t. Doesn’t that seem weird to you?”

Suddenly, Aric’s earlier declaration returned.

Which would mean our high-up government friends—the assholes who’re supposed to be on our side—lied to us. Ain’t like that’s never happened before.

A chill gripped his heart. What could it all mean? Were they played from the beginning, set up, used? The strong turned into paranormal soldiers, the weak discarded like broken toys?

That would be abominable. And it could be true.

“When you put it like that, it does,” he said. “I don’t know what to make of what’s going on with NewLife and these experiments, disappearing Alpha Pack team members, dead bodies, what the government does or doesn’t have a hand in, none of it. What I do know is I want out of this bed.”

Mischief sparked in her blue eyes and she leaned over, nibbling his neck. “My poor wolf pup,” she teased. “Feeling a bit anxious? Cooped up?” Her hand slid under the covers.

“Kira.” His intended warning became a plea as her fingers sought their prize, rooting under his gown to find his lengthening shaft. “God.”

“Let me help you get rid of some of that tension.” Her hand began stroke him, sending shivers of delight through his burgeoning erection, up his spine. “I’ll make a mess,” he gasped. “The doc will know what we’ve been up to.”

“There won’t be a mess,” she promised him with a wink. “Sit back and enjoy, and I’ll take care of everything.”

When she flipped back the covers and exposed him, bent over his throbbing flesh, his dazed brain grasped her meaning. All half-formed thoughts of protest died on his lips and he groaned, arching his hips.

Her mouth surrounded him, took him in, hot and sweet. The sensation fired his blood, not to mention the sight of her blond head bobbing over his lap, his cock disappearing between her lips. Just the idea that she planned to swallow his essence nearly made him lose it way too soon.

“God, Kira!”

She hummed in apparent pleasure, small fingers squeezing, manipulating his balls as she sucked. The dual stimulation was challenging enough in holding off his orgasm, but when the hand slid down his perineum, ventured into his cleft to massage the forbidden pucker there . . . Jax almost came totally undone.

“Baby, I can’t last,” he rasped. “Please . . .”

Please stop? Or please eat him alive? He wasn’t sure. His world had been reduced to a whorl of intense, mindless pleasure. Nothing existed but what she was doing to him, how unbelievably incredible it felt to surrender to her.


Unable to hold back any longer, he erupted with a shout. On and on his cock pulsed as she drank him down, not missing a drop. After what seemed forever, his spasms finally stopped and she pulled off him, wiping the corner of her mouth.

“Oh, my God,” he breathed, the words a reverent praise of her talents.

She gave him a self-satisfied grin. “Did that help?”

“Did it ever! I think my bones melted.”

“Good, that was the plan.” Kissing his cheek, she arranged his gown over his lap once more and fixed the covers. “Can you rest some now? You look tired.”

“Not sure. Maybe I could take a nap,” he mumbled, suddenly drowsy.

“Go ahead.” She took his hand. “I’ll be right here.”

Worn out from the naughty interlude, Jax fell into an exhausted, sated sleep. When he woke again, hands were shaking him, urgent voices calling from far away. He tried to ignore them but they were persistent, and he finally managed to crack open his eyes, blinking against the sunlight that shone around the edges of the blinds.

“You’re awake! Thank God.” Kira smiled down at him, eyes shadowed.

“Did I sleep all night?”

“Yep.” Melina beamed a penlight into his eyes. “It’s a quarter past eight.”

“Jesus,” he muttered, jerking his head from the light. “That’s my brain you’re skewering.”

“At least you still have one. Do you remember me bringing in a cot for your lady to sleep on? Us giving you more blood?” She slipped the wretched device into her coat.

He thought. “No. Must’ve been out of it.”

“You were, but I thought you might’ve had some awareness. The fact that you didn’t is telling, Jax.”

“My body is failing.” God.

“Faster than I expected. This is it—do or die. You’re going to drink from your mate’s wrist, gain some strength, and then I’m releasing you. Go where you like, but if you don’t come back mated, there’s no coming back,” she said bluntly.

Kira winced, and he wanted to snap at Melina to use some sensitivity, but it wouldn’t do any good. The doc didn’t believe in candy-coating the facts.

“Remember what I said about what could happen to your abilities after mating. Now, I’ll leave you two alone. As soon as you feel strong enough to get up, do it.” Then she was gone.

Kira watched her go. “That woman is so hard to like. But for some reason, I do.”

“Because she’s a good person, just shit on by life. Now, give me your hand.”

She did, and he nuzzled the delicate flesh inside her wrist. Flicked out a tongue and tasted. His senses might be shot, but her sweet vanilla and citrus came through, making him dizzy. He needed her so much.

Resisting the urge to bite, he grazed the skin with one canine, making the small cut so fast she barely felt it. Little drops beaded in the slice and he captured them, soothed the area with his tongue. As before, the flavor was so strong and heady, he couldn’t wait to learn how it would feel to be truly joined.

Strength seeped into his bones, that soothing warmth returning. Along with a more insistent heat in his groin. He wasn’t going to get any stronger without the mating. Now was the time.

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