“Oh, no. We’re having no self-pity in this mating,” she said firmly. “Grow a pair of balls, wolf, and use them.”
His eyes widened. “Are you calling me a pussy?”
“If the vagina fits.”
He choked, not sure whether to laugh or be pissed. He went with amusement, as he just didn’t have the heart to be mad at his mate. She’d obviously rushed to his side, and saved his sorry ass. “Is that so? I don’t care how tough you are, officer. My balls will always be bigger than yours.”
“Thank God for that.” Her chocolate eyes were soft with emotion. “I’m so happy the bite worked. I hope you’re happy, too.”
He cupped her face. “I don’t deserve to be, but yes, I am.”
“See, we’ve got to work on that ‘I don’t deserve you’ thing. It’s self-destructive, and you’re wrong. Beryl and Malik are the ones who’ve orchestrated every step of their plan, no one else. Isn’t it time you stopped taking the blame for that bitch’s manipulations?”
For the first time, he really thought about that. The truth seeped in, and looking into Rowan’s beautiful face, he was freed. From the horror and the guilt. All of it. “Yes, it is. I’m not saying it will be easy, but I’m willing to put it behind me for you.”
“Right. For us.”
“Will you talk to Mac? Let her counsel you so you can heal? I want you healthy, honey, inside and out. It’s the only way we’ll make it.”
He could refuse her nothing. “Sure.” Something else occurred to him, a big stumbling block. “What about your job? I know how much you love being a cop.”
“I do, but…” She thought for a moment. “When I left here, I felt like my heart was being ripped out. Yes, a lot of it was the mating pull, but that’s not all. This place, with you in it, feels like home. Micah is here, and I know if I stay, eventually I’ll be as close to the guys as I am to my own brother.”
Anxiety made his pulse pound. “What are you saying?”
“That I want to stay.” Tracing his lips, she whispered, “I love you.”
“All my life I’ve wanted to hear those words from someone who meant them,” he said in a tight voice. “Baby, I love you, too.”
Their lips came together and his body ignited—in the best way possible. His cock hardened between them, demanding to get in on the lovin’. “I need to be inside you,” he gasped. “I can’t wait.”
“I don’t think you’re in any shape to do the actual deed just yet.” She smiled when he made a noise of protest. “But I can help with your problem.”
Scooting lower on the bed, she pushed the blanket aside to reveal his naked body. A couple of towel-wrapped bags fell on the floor on the other side of the bed, and he vaguely remembered being iced down. Now he relished the good kind of heat and she leaned down and licked the leaking crown of his cock.
“Do you feel naughty?” she murmured. “Getting head from your mate when anyone could walk in?”
“Shit,” he moaned. “Please…”
“Well, since you beg so nicely.”
Her tongue traced circles around the tip, captured the tiny beads that continued to seep out. He was hard as a freaking rock, the shaft red and throbbing. When she slid him into her mouth, down her throat, he thought maybe he’d died after all. She sucked him, putting just the right amount of pressure, laving the ridged underside. His hips canted upward and he buried a hand in her silky hair, urging her on.
“I’m not gonna last, sweetheart,” he panted. “Oh, so good.”
The tingle started at the base of his spine and his balls tightened. True to his word, he couldn’t have stopped if he’d wanted to. There would be more time, all of their lives, to make love any way they wanted.
That thought alone made him lose control. With a shout, he shot hard, pumping his seed endlessly down her throat. She drank him greedily, not spilling a drop, then released him to sit up and wipe her lips, grinning.
“Next time, I want this bad boy inside me,” she said in a naughty voice. “As soon as you’re on your feet.”
“Nothing will keep me away from you. That’s a promise.”
“One I look forward to you keeping.”
They snuggled together again, and Aric focused on healing. For himself, and his mate.
“Aric? Honey?” Rowan called across the rec room to her man, who was busy in a life-or-death battle with Jax on the Wii.
“Yeah?” Her mate continued leaping around like a frog as they played whatever stupid game they’d started almost an hour ago.
“Is the honeymoon over already?” she muttered, scratching her arms.
“What?” He jumped again, and hooted as he scored a point against Jax.
“I’m itching.” The more she scratched, the worse it got.
“Stop scratching!”
“I can’t!” Damn it, it was everywhere. Her arms, neck, stomach, hands, and feet. “I’m about to lose my mind.”
Finally he stopped playing and walked over to her, frowning in concern. “Did you use some of that cream Melina gave you?”
“Yes, and it hasn’t helped.” She sighed. “I’m going back to our quarters to take another shower.”
“I’ll go with you.” Taking her hand, he called “Later” to Jax and walked back with her. Once there, he punched in the code and let them in. “You want something cold to drink? It might not help, but it would taste good, right?”
Bless him, he really was worried now and was trying to be of help. She gave him a smile and kissed him soundly. “Sure. Some kind of soda would be great.”
“Okay. Be right there.”
She continued on to the bedroom, started stripping off her clothes. Every fiber of her shirt and jeans seemed to aggravate the problem, and it was annoying as hell. Once naked, she inspected herself in the dresser mirror, and saw nothing out of the ordinary. The only marks visible were the ones from her own fingernails as she’d scratched like a dog with fleas.
Or wolf. Could it be… ?
Just then, a sharp pain gripped her stomach. Clutching her middle, she gasped, managing to stifle a cry. Maybe it would pass, and she didn’t want to scare Aric. But a second pain followed on the heels of the first, this one radiating to every limb. Her legs folded and she hit the floor with a thud, but that didn’t hurt an ounce compared to the knives stabbing her arms and legs.
“Aric!” she cried, tears welling. Curling into the fetal position, she grabbed her stomach.
“Rowan, what— Oh, shit!” The can of soda went rolling as he dropped to his knees and scooped her into his arms. Quickly, he laid her on the bed and started checking her for injuries. “What happened, baby? Where does it hurt?”
“All over,” she whimpered. “I—I’m being stabbed.”
“Arms and legs. It hurts!”
“I’ll call Melina.” He started to get up, but she grabbed at him.
“Don’t leave me! Just hold me, please,” she begged. Never had she been so needy. All she wanted was Aric. “I’ve never felt anything like this.”
“Is the pain better?” he asked anxiously. Sitting on the bed, he moved her into his lap, holding her protectively in the circle of his arms.