The final thing to consider during a zombie apocalypse is your “Last Resort Plan". There may come a time where you have to accept the fight is over. Most would prefer a quick painless death over becoming a zombie dinner or dying of thirst, disease, or the elements. Many people would choose to die over becoming a flesh eating zombie. If you still have a firearm, then this plan is simple. Regardless, it is better to have a plan without the need, then to have been the and not the plan.


As we discussed in the previous chapter, preparation is the key to surviving any type of dangerous situation. Not only must you prepare her surroundings and your staples, but you must also prepare your body physically and your mind mentally. The latter is often the hardest to obtain. Different environments and different types of disasters present a multitude of dangers that require various skill sets. While zombies are of the utmost threat level, one must also be concerned hunger, thirst, health, disease, climate and terrain, fear, and stress.

The time is now to develop your skills. Learn principles and techniques that one might need to survive any type of life-threatening situation. Take survival classes, and read survival books. Take time to think about what you could do in different types of disaster situations, and make plans. Make sure your body is in peak physical condition. Not only will this make you stronger, but it will build endurance and help you keep your mind sharp in stressful type situations. This is important for any time in your life, not just in disasters. Keep your weight at a healthy level and try to exercise daily. Cardiovascular fitness is much more important than strength training.

One of the most successful components of a threatening situation is mental preparedness. The more plans you have previously determined, the easier it will be to enact them in a stressful situation. If you are emotionally prepared as well, you're more likely to break down or become infected or commit suicide out of complete despair. During the apocalypse, there will be many deaths, and much suffering, and you must be prepared to handle this type of stress and grief. You may even have to take out your best friends or family members if they become infected. You may also have to be prepared to become the last human on earth. This is a great weight on one person’s shoulders.

An alternative type of shelter that wasn't greatly discussed in the previous chapter is the secluded retreat. Avoid any handy populated areas is also as effective as boarding up in an old department store. A secluded farmhouse or cabin far out in the country makes for a defensible fortress if properly stockpiled and barricaded. Make sure you have lots of water, nonperishable food, seeds, clothing, weapons, ammo, firewood and equipment. Set up watchtowers and video surveillance if at all possible. Sleep in shifts.

Hide an emergency survival kit in a secret place that an easily accessible. This emergency kit should be in addition to your main stockpile. This bag will serve as a backup should your main source of goods be compromised. This kit should include nonperishable food, communications gear, tools, weapons, medical supplies, fire starting materials and water purification tablets. You might even want to stash multiple G.O.O.D. (Get Out Of Dodge) kits in various areas, including vehicles and bunkers. These types of bags should only include as much as the user can carry, but as a good role should contain at least three days’ worth of supplies as this is often how long it takes for outside help to arrive.


A shelter or base is any type of location or structure that provides cover from the elements and serves as an operations headquarters during a zombie attack. It can be permanent or temporary and should provide enough space for all parties of the group sleep and store supplies. Your shelter will be one of the most important elements while trying to survive the apocalypse. When deciding where your base will be, you should establish the overall needs of the group and what kind of threat level you are facing. A good shelter should be easy to defend and large enough support the entire group. There are very specific factors that should determine the type of building you select, and there are certain disadvantages and advantages to each type.

Here is a list of possible shelter locations:

Temporary bases- these types of bases should be considered strictly temporary and last resort.



small bunkers-for groups of ten or less. Leaves smaller footprint. Easy to defend.




gun shops




under an overpass

mobile bases, such as campers or RV’s



police stations




radio stations


malls (not recommended)


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