'He is a ship Kur,' I said.

Karjuk looked puzzled. I gathered he did not know of the remote, orbiting steel worlds.

'From worlds in the sky,' I said.

'Are there worlds in the sky?' he asked.

'Yes,' I said.

'Are they far off?' he asked.

'Not as far as many would like to think,' I said.

'If you are so clever, why did you follow me north?' he asked.

'I have business in the north,' I said. 'I have an appointment with one called Zarendargar, Half-Ear.'

'None sees him,' said Karjuk.

'You were the guard,' I said.

'I am the guard,' he said.

'You betrayed your post,' I told him.

'I keep my post in my own way,' he said.

'Where is Imnak?' I asked.

'He, too, is one with us,' said Kaijuk.

'You are a liar,' I said.

'How do you think you were taken?' he asked.

'Liar!' I cried. I reached out to seize his throat, through the bars, but he stepped back. 'Liar!' I cried. 'Liar!'

Then the cart was again being wheeled down the hall, 'Traitor!' I cried, turning in the cart, looking back at the thin, dour Karjuk, in his necklaces, standing behind me in the hall, the Kur at his side. 'Liar! Traitor! Liar! Traitor!' I cried.

Then they turned and withdrew into the room whence they had earlier emerged.

'If I am not mistaken,' said Drusus, walking behind the cart, behind the two men who wheeled it along, 'your friend, Imnak, approaches.'

I spun about, to look down the hall, in the direction in which the cart was moving.

Down the hall came Imnak. He lifted his hand in greeting. fifty yards away.

'Imnak!' I cried.

He, like Karjuk, was clad in boots and trousers. He, too, was stripped to the waist. He, too, wore a headbafld, tying back his blue-black hair. Several heavy gold necklaces were looped about his throat. He was chewing on a leg of roast vulo. Behind him, in pleasure silk, came three girls. Poalu was in brief yellow pleasure silk, and Audrey and Barbara in brief red pleasure silk. They were barefoot, and collared; they wore cosmetics; their right wrists wore bracelets; each, on her left arm, had a golden armlet; each, on her left ankle, had a golden anklet.

'Greetings, Tarl, who hunts with me,' said Imnak, grinning widely.

'You, too, have been captured,' I said.

'No,' said Imnak. 'I have not been captured. You have been captured.'

'I do not understand,' I said.

'It is too warm in here,' said Imnak, biting on the vulo leg.

'How is it that you are free?' I asked.

'Why do you think they keep it so warm in here?' he asked.

'You were on watch,' I said.

'I was watching for Karjuk,' he said.

'Why are you not in a cage, as I am?' I asked.

'Maybe I am smarter than you,' said Imnak.

I looked at him.

'Why should I be in a cage?' asked Imnak. 'I do not understand.'

'You have been captured,' I said.

'No,' he said, 'it is you who have been captured.' He turned to Poalu. 'Isn't Poalu pretty?' he asked.

'Yes,' I said.

'These garments are not practical for the ice,' said Poalu. 'Maybe that is why they keep it so warm in here,' speculated Imnak.

'They would have me believe that you have betrayed me, Imnak,' I said.

'And you do not believe them?' he asked.

'Of course not,' I said.

'If I were you,' said Imnak, 'I would give the matter serious consideration.'

'No,' I said. 'No!'

'I hope that you will not permit this to interfere with our friendship,' said Imnak, concerned.

'Of course not,' I said.

'That is good,' said Imnak.

'It is strange, Imnak,' I said. 'With some other man in your position, I would doubtless wish to kill him, and yet I find it hard to even be angry with you.'

'That is because I am such a friendly, genial fellow,' said Imnak. 'You can ask anyone in the camp. I am very popular. It is only that I cannot sing.'

'But you are not loyal,' I said.

'Of course, I am loyal,' said Imnak. 'It is only a question as to whom I am loyal.'

'I never looked at it just that way before,' I said. 'I suppose you are loyal to Imnak.'

'He is a good fellow to be loyal to,' said Imnak. 'He is friendly and genial, and he is popular in the camp. It is only that he cannot sing.'

'I hope you are proud of yourself,' I said.

Imnak shrugged. 'It is true that I am pretty good at many things,' he said.

'Among them, treachery,' I said.

'Do not be bitter, Tarl, who hunts with me,' said Imnak, 'I talked with Karjuk. It is all for the best.'

'I trusted you,' I said.

'If you had not, things would have been more difficult for me,' admitted Imnak.

I looked at Barbara, in the red silk. 'We were worried about you,' I said.

'Not me;' said Imnak.

'I was captured by an ice beast, or something like an ice beast,' she said. 'It had rings in its ears. It seems in league with Karjuk. I was brought here. When Imnak arrived, I was returned to him.'

'You are very beautiful,' I said.

'Thank you, Master,' she said.

'You, too, Audrey,' I said, looking at her.

'A girl is grateful if she is found pleasing by a free man,' she said, tears in her eyes.

'We must be on our way,' said Drusus.

'I wish you well, Tarl, who hunts with me,' said Imnak, lifting the roast vulo leg in salute.

I did not speak further with him. The cart was pushed past the four individuals. I did not look back.

'Gold buys any man,' said Drusus, walking behind the cart, behind the two men who wheeled it along. His sword was at his hip. In his right hand was the light, tubular, stocked, dart-firing weapon. 'Any man,' he said. I did not respond to him. Bitterly, I clutched the bars of the confining cage, moving slowly down the long, steel hall.


The Small Arena

There were two, small, rounded platforms. On each of them, in long, flowing, classic white, there stood a girl. Neither was collared. Each, though, was necklaced and bejeweled. Each wore a coronet. Their raiment,

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