'Yes, Master,' said Sasi.
'Do not hesitate to use the whip on her,' I said.
'No, Master,' said Sasi.
'Remember that she is a natural slave,' I told Sasi.
'We are all natural slaves, Master,' she said. 'But have no fear. I will keep her under a very strict discipline.'
'As is fitting for any slave,' I said.
'Yes, Master,' smiled Sasi.
I had then kissed her and left.
'Why do you not give me the notes and the ring?' asked Msaliti.
'My orders,' I said, 'are to exchange them with Shaba for the authentic shield ring.'
'To whom will you return the ring?' he asked.
'To Belisarius, in Cos,' I said.
'Do you know his house?' asked Msaliti.
'Certainly not,' I said. 'I will be contacted.'
'Where will the contact be made?' asked Msaliti, regarding me narrowly.
'At the Chatka and Curla,' I said, 'in Cos.'
'Who is Master of the Chatka and Curla?' asked Msaliti.
'Aurelion of Cos,' I said. 'Of course.'
'Yes,' said Msaliti.
'Have no fear,' I said, 'I will do my best to see that the ring reaches the proper authorities.'
Msaliti nodded. I smiled.
'Why would you wish the ring?' I asked.
'To assure that it reaches the beasts,' he said. 'They would not be pleased, should it be again lost.'
'Your concern for their cause is commendable,' I said.
'I have no wish to be torn to pieces,' he said.
'That is understandable,' I said. 'Neither would I cheerfully look forward to such a termination.'
'You seem in a good mood,' he said.
'Surely you, too, should be in a pleasant frame of mind,' I said. 'Is our business not nearly completed?'
'That is my hope,' said Msaliti.
'Do you truly fear the beasts so?' I asked.
'Our business has been delayed,' he said. 'It is my fear that the beasts themselves will come for the ring.'
'But I am to pick up the ring,' I said.
'I do not even know you,' said Msaliti.
'I do not know you either, really,' I said.
'We were looking for the blond girl,' he said.
'She was delayed,' I said. 'She was enslaved,' I pointed out, cheerfully.
'A pity,' he said.
'Nonsense,' I said. 'Slavery is good for a woman.'
'I do not trust Shaba,' he said.
'I am sure he does not trust us either,' I said. 'At least we trust each other.'
Msaliti drummed his fingers on the low table.
'Are you sure we are alone?' I asked.
'Of course,' said Msaliti. 'None have entered. Before I came the askaris, in the anteroom, guarded the door.'
'They neglected, I see,' I said, 'to replace the peas on their threads in this room, those dislodged by my peregrination of yesterday evening on the roof.'
'Of course they replaced them,' said Msaliti.
'I would not he too sure then,' I said, 'that we are alone.'
Msaliti looked quickly upward. Several of the strings, with the tiny peas attached, dangled downward.
'The grille, too, I note,' I said, 'has been removed.'
'You are observant,' said Shaba.
Msaliti staggered to his feet. stumbling backward.
Across the table from us, in his customary place, sat Shaba. There had been a momentary blurring in the area, a sort of twisting swirl of light, something like a whirlpool of light, and then, calmly, he had sat before us.
'I did not think you would be late,' I said. 'You seemed a punctual fellow.'
'It is you who were late,' he said.
'Yes,' I said, 'I am sorry about that I was detained.'
'Was she pretty?' asked Shaba.
I nodded. 'Yes,' I said.
'Matters of great moment are afoot here,' said Msaliti. 'With your permission, that of both of you, if you please, I would like to attend to them.'
'It is my understanding,' said Shaba to me, 'that you have brought the notes and the false ring.'
'Yes,' I said. I put the notes on the table.
'Where is the false ring?' asked Msaliti.
'I have it,' I told him.
Shaba looked at the notes, carefully. He did not hurry. 'These notes seem to be in order,' he said.
'May I see them?' asked Msaliti.
Shaba handed him the notes. 'You do not trust our broad-shouldered courier?' he asked.
'I trust as few people as possible,' said Msaliti. He looked at the notes, very closely. Then he handed them back to Shaba. 'I know the seals and signatures,' he said. 'They may truly be drawn on the banks indicated.'
'There are twenty thousand tarns of gold there,' I said.
'Cash them before you carry the false ring to the Sardar,' said Msaliti. 'It is in our interest, in these circumstances, to bargain in good faith.'
'But what if I do not carry the false ring to the Sardar?' asked Shaba.
'I would do so if I were you,' said Msaliti.
'I see,' said Shaba.
'The beasts,' he said, 'do not deal lightly with traitors.'
'That is understandable,' said Shaba.
'This business could be conducted in the morning,' I said, 'at the banks in question. You might then verify the notes and withdraw or redeposit the gold as you please.'
'Kunguni the beggar,' said Msaliti, 'cannot well enter the edifices on Schendi's Street of Coins.'
'Then enter as Msaliti,' I said.
Msaliti laughed. 'Do not speak foolishly,' he said.
I did not understand his answer.
'I am satisfied to do the business tonight,' said Shaba. 'If the notes are not genuine, obviously I would not carry the ring to the Sardar.'
'Remember,' said Msaliti, 'do not depress the switch on the false ring. It must be depressed only in the Sardar.'
The hair on the back of my neck rose. I then realized that what I had suspected must be true, that the false ring was of great danger.
Shaba put the notes within his robes. He then, from about his neck, removed a long, light chain. It had hung hitherto within the robes, concealed. He opened the chain.
I saw the ring on the chain.
My heart was pounding.
He extended his hand. 'May I have the false ring?' he asked.
'I think there is little point in carrying the false ring to the Sardar,' I said. 'The delay has surely been such as