'I was terrified,' she said. 'I looked up at the brute. I knew that, if I were to live, I must please him, and please him well, and as a slave.'
'What did you do?' I asked.
'I moved before him,' she said, 'as a slave.'
'Do so now,' I said, 'precisely, in every detail, as you did in your dream.'
'Ah!' she said. 'How clever you are, Master. How cleverly you have tricked me!'
I regarded her, not speaking.
'It is again a matter of female display behaviors, is It not?' she asked.
'Of course,' I said.
'But these behaviors,' she said, 'would now be extracted from my most intimate and secret dreams.'
I did not speak.
'You are a bold, demanding master,' she said.
I did not speak.
'Do not make a girl so expose her needs,' she begged.
'The slave girl must honestly expose her needs,' I said. 'The hypocrisy of the free woman, her concealment, her subterfuges, her lies, are not permitted to the female slave.'
'Oh, Master,' she wept, miserably.
'Are you prepared to perform?' I asked.
'Do not so violate the privacy of a girl's dreams!' she begged.
'You have no privacy,' I said. 'You belong to me.'
'Am I not to be permitted the least vestige of my pride?' she asked.
'No,' I told her.
'I am a slave,' she said.
'Yes,' I said.
'I shall now perform for my master,' she said.
'Do so,' I said, 'and precisely, in each and every detail, as In your dream.'
'Yes, my master,' she said. She looked at me. 'Remember,' she said, 'that I was forced to do this, that I not be hurled to the waiting jaws of crocodiles, beasts much like river tharlarion. That I not suffer so horrible a fate I knew that I must please him well, and as the slave which I had now been proven to be.'
'For your very life you performed,' I said.
'Yes, Master,' she said, 'as a terrified slave,'
'Perform,' I commanded.
Almost instantaneously she seemed transformed. I was startled. I found myself, for the first time, partner to a woman's dream. How vividly she was re-enacting the experience. Nay, how intensely was she reliving it. I could sense almost the high, oblong stone, that rude, barbaric eminence, on which, cross-legged, sat her master. I could almost sense the torches, the pool of reptiles to one side, the rude altar, with its rings, in the background. I could almost feel and see the savages, those red men and women, in their ornate robes and feathers, in the. midst of whom a white beauty, freshly enslaved, piteously strove to save her life by pleasing her stern red master.
I watched her perform. I marveled. I think that no one will ever again be able to lie to me about women. How incredibly exciting and marvelous they are! What a fool a man is who does not seek, and release, the deepest slave in them!
Then she was on her belly, whimpering, scratching at the turf, her face pressed against it. Delicately she extended her tongue and licked a stone. Then, moaning, she rolled onto her back and twisted, moving her head from side to aide, in the dirt before me. The firelight was beautiful on her body. I think there was no aspect or attitude of her beauty which she had not, pleadingly, presented before me for my inspection and appraisal. Then she lay on her back, her knees drawn up, before me. She arched her back. Her breasts were lifted beautifully. I observed their lovely rise and fall, correlated with the respiratory cycle of her small lungs. Then she lay back, her shoulders in the dirt, and pressing against the earth with her small feet, piteously lifted before me, for my examination, and seizure, if I pleased, the deep belly of her, the sweet cradle of her slave's heat How vulnerable are female slaves! I rose to my feet. my fists clenched. She lay back, before me, at my feet 'It was thus,' she said, 'that I tried to please him.' I scrutinized, from head to toe, the naked slave who lay at my feet I could feel my fingernails in the palms of my hand. I gritted my teeth. I must not now take her. She was not yet fully ready. One must sometimes be patient with slaves. The next time I took her, I resolved, she would be a well-prepared feast. On the occasion of that feast it was my intention to teach the girl who she was, truly, to free at long last the hidden slave which was her secret self, her true self, that girl which, hitherto, had been permitted to emerge only in the disguise of clandestine dreams, that piteous girl, denied and suppressed, who had been for so long so cruelly imprisoned in the dungeon of her mind. I would free the secret slave from her dungeon; then I would make her mine. I would call her 'Janice'.
The girl sat up. I sat down, cross-legged. The fire was now low.
'What then occurred in your dream?' I asked.
'My master descended then from the height of the great stone,' she said, 'and, with his hand, indicated a direction in which I must precede him. He followed me, with a torch. I walked through the city and then, coming to a great temple, or building, with stone steps, stopped. He indicated I must climb upwards. The edifice was constructed of mighty blocks of stone. Its construction paid tribute to the engineering skills of his people. There were mighty carvings on many of the stones. I found the building, somehow, familiar. He then directed me to walk to my left, and I walked upon one of the broad terraces, many feet from the ground, which, like tiers, were integral to the structure of the edifice. I had the feeling I had been here before. In the light of his torch I could see that many of the carvings were colored, the natural hues and pigments not worn away by wind or rain. In the daylight the building, or temple, must be incredibly barbaric and colorful. 'Stop, he told me. I stopped. 'Turn and. kneel, he said. I turned about, facing him, and knelt down, on the hard, broad stone of the terrace. He then lifted the torch to the wall of stone which was at my left. I gasped. Kneeling beside me, carved in relief on the great stone, was a naked girl. 'It is a likeness of myself, I whispered. 'Yes, he said. I could see, from the carving, and the pigments, that the girl was figured like myself, and was light-skinned, and had yellow hair and blue eyes. But she wore a yellow neck belt and I did not. I knew then why the building seemed so familiar. It was identical to that which, in ruins, had been visited by our tour. And I now knelt, as the girl in the carving I had earlier seen had knelt. 'I had this carving prepared, he said. 'I ordered it made, sending a runner ahead, almost the first moment I saw you. 'You had determined then, I said, 'that you would have me as your slave. 'Of course, he said. He then placed his torch in an iron rack, projecting from the wall. On an iron table, to the right of the rack, there was a flat box. 'Lie on your right side, exposing your left thigh, he said. 'Yes, Master, I said. From the box he then took a small, curved knife and a tiny, cylindrical leather flask. I gritted my teeth, but made no sound. With the small knife he gashed my left thigh, making upon it a small, strange design. He then took a powder, orange in color, from the flask and rubbed it into the wound. 'Kneel, he said. I did so. From the flat box he then took a yellow neck belt, two inches in height, and beaded. It is fastened with a thong, which ties before the throat 'Say 'I am a slave. I am your slave, Master,' he said. 'I am a slave, I said. 'I am your slave, Master. He then put the neck belt on me, tying it shut with the thong, with what I knew must be a slave knot From the box then he took a yellow leather disk, which had a small hole, possibly drilled with a tiny stone implement, near its top. There was writing in some barbaric script upon it. He threaded an end of the thong through the hole and then, using the other end of the thong, too, knotted the disk snugly at the very base of the collar, in the front, below my throat He looked down at me. 'You have been knife branded, he said. The orange mark upon your thigh will be recognized in the jungle for hundreds of miles around. If you should be so foolish as to attempt to escape any who apprehend you, seeing the mark, will return you to the city as a runaway slave. 'Yes, Master, I said. 'Master, I asked, 'did the girl in the carving, in the ruined city, have such a mark on her thigh? It could not have been seen, of course, for, as she knelt, it was only her right side which was revealed to the viewer. 'Yes, he said. 'It has been put upon her. 'I do not understand, Master, I said. 'This is a slave's neck belt, he said, jerking at the snug collar on my throat I felt it pull against the back of my neck. 'It, too, he said, 'marks you as a slave. You are not permitted to remove it' 'Yes, Master, I said. The disk, of course, he said, 'is a personal identificatory device. It marks you as an article of my individual property. 'Yes, Master, I said. 'Master, I asked, 'how could you know that the other girl, she in the other carving, wore upon her thigh a knife brand? 'I put it there, he said. 'Master? I asked. 'Recollect clearly the carving, said he. 'Can you not now recognize the girl in it, in spite of the weathering which defaced it, in spite of the lengthy ravages