'This is soon,' said Cuwignaka.

'I only hope,' I said, 'that it is not too late.'

Chapter 43


'You must make swifter progress in learning Yellow Knife,' said Iwoso to Bloketu, in Kaiila.

'It is hard for me,' said Bloketu. The two girls knelt, Bloketu behind Iwoso. Bloketu was combing Iwoso's hair. They were in a lodge. We could observe them through the tiny aperture we had opened in the rear of the lodge, behind them, with the point of a knife. A small fire burned in the lodge. The two girls knelt behind the fire, between it and the rear of the lodge, opposite the entrance.

'I learned Kaiila swiftly,' said Iwoso.

'You were captured as a child,' said Bloketu. 'It took you two yeard before you spoke Kaiila passably.'

'Are you insolent, Maiden?' inquired Iwoso.

'No, Mistress,' said Blokety, quickly.

'Perhaps I should switch you again, tomorrow,' said Iwoso.

'Please do not do so, Mistress,' said Bloketu. I gathered that Iwoso's switchings, in their way, tended to be quite efficient. They were probably administered to the bare skin, with the girl tied in such a way as to maximize their effect.

'Beg properly,' said Iwoso.

'Bloketu, the maiden, begs her mistress not to switch her,' sobbed Bloketu.

'Perhaps,' said Iwoso. 'We shall see what my mood is tomorrow.'

'Yes, Mistress,' said Bloketu.

There was a yellow, beaded collar about Bloketu's reddish-brown neck. Such collars tie in front. It was snug. It was doubtless Iwoso's.

'As you will recall,' said Iwoso, 'I learned Kaiila very quickly.'

'Yes, Mistress,' said Bloketu.

'You, on the other hand,' said Iwoso, 'are quite slow.'

'Yes, Mistress. Forgive me, Mistress,' said Bloketu.

'But you are not really that unusual,' said Iwoso. 'Kaiila woman are generally stupid. They are almost as stupid as white female slaves.'

'Yes, Mistress,' said Bloketu.

Bloketu wore an unfringed, unornamented shirtdress. It was extremely simple and plain. It contrasted markedly with the exquisite, almost white, soft-tanned tabukhide dress, with its beats and finery, worn by her mistress. She, too, had not been given knee-length leggings, of the sort common with the women of the red savages, or moccasins. Her feet were wrapped in hide.

'It is pleasant owning you,' said Iwoso.

'Yes, Mistress,' said Bloketu.

'Even though you are worthless,' added Iwoso.

'I was the daughter of a chief!' cried Bloketu.

'Even the daughters of Kaiila chieftains are worthy only to be the slaves and maidens of Yellow Knives,' said Iwoso.

'Yes, Mistress,' said Bloketu, sobbing.

'Do you like your clothes?' asked Iwoso.

'Yes, Mistress,' said Bloketu.

'They are far better then you deserve, aren't they?' asked Iwoso.

'Yes, Mistress,' said Bloketu.

'That is because I am kind,' said Iwoso.

'Yes, Mistress,' said Bloketu.

'Do you think that I am too kind,' asked Iwoso.

'I do not know,' said Bloketu.

'Answer 'Yes' or 'No',' said Iwoso.

'Please, Mistress,' moaned Bloketu.

'Yes or no?' asked Iwoso.

'No, you are not too kind,' said Bloketu.

'You dare to criticize me?' asked Iwoso, imperiously.

'No, Mistress,' said bloketu.

'You seemed to suggest by your remark that I am perhaps insufficiently kind,' said Iwoso.

'No, Mistress!' said Bloketu.

'Your answer then is 'Yes'?' inquired Iwoso.

'Yes, yes!' said Bloketu.

'Yes, what?' asked Iwoso.

'Yes, Mistress,' said Bloketu.

'Yes, Mistress, what?' asked Iwoso.

'Yes, Mistress, you are too kind!' said Bloketu.

'You dare criticize me again!' said Iwoso.

'No, Mistress,' wept Bloketu.

'But you are perhaps right,' said Iwoso. 'After all, a slave must tell the truth.'

Bloketu sobbed.

'I have been much too lenient with you,' said Iwoso. 'I now see that, upon reflection. Thank you Bloketu. I shall attempt to mend my ways. I must try in the furture to treat you more as you deserve, with much greater harshness.'

'Please, no, Mistress,' begged Bloketu.

'After all, you are only a slave.'

Yes, Mistress,'

'Are you crying?' asked Iwoso.

'You tricked me!' said Bloketu.

'It is not difficult to trick a stupid slave,' said Iwoso.

'No, Mistress,' sobbed Bloketu.

'How offensive that I was once your maiden,' said Iwoso. 'How appropriate that you are now mine.'

'Yes, Mistress,' said Bloketu.

'Do you know one of the great pleasures of owning a slave?' asked Iwoso.

'What, Mistress?' asked Bloketu.

'Knowing,' said Iwoso, 'that one may do with her whatever one pleases, fully.'

'Yes, Mistress,' said Bloketu, frightened.

'Continue combing,' said Iwoso.

'Yes, Mistress,' said Bloketu.

'Do you know tha tsome men have been known to find the bodies of female slaves of intrest?' asked Iwoso.

'I have heard that,' said Bloketu.

'Only low men, of course,' said Iwoso.

'Of course, Mistress,' said Bloketu.

'What do they see in such luscious, obedient sluts who must please or die?' asked Iwoso.

'I do not know, Mistress,' said Bloketu.

'You are a female slave,' said Iwoso.

'Yes, Mistress,' said Bloketu.

'What do you think of men?' she asked.

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