'Thank you,' she said, '-Master.'
'To wish to talk is permissible,' I said. 'Actually to talk, of course, whether you are given permission to speak, or not, is up to the master.'
'Yes, Master,' she said.
I regarded her. She was quite lovely.
'Master,' she said.
'Yes,' I said.
'I was not ordered merely to report to this lodge,' she said. 'I was ordered to report to you.'
'Not to Cuwignaka?' I asked.
'No,' she said.
'To me, personally,' I said.
'Yes, Master,' she said.
'Do you know what it means,' I asked, 'when a woman is sent to report to a man, and she is naked, and in bonds?'
'I am not faimiliar with Gorean ways,' she said.
'Is the symbolism not obvious?' I asked.
'That she is placed at his disposal,' she said, 'in bondage.'
'Of course,' I said.
'Then regard me before you,' she said, 'placed at your disposal, in bondage.'
'Interesting,' I said.
'Interesting?' she said.
'Yes,' I said.
'Why?' she asked.
'You are a beautiful slave,' I said, 'and the slave of a high warrior, one how has, even, served as Blotanhunka, a war-party leader, of the All Comrades.'
She tossed her head.
'You are supposedly worth even five hides of the yellow kailiauk,' I said. 'That is what Grunt was supposed to receive for you, for your delivery to Mahpiyasapa.'
She looked away.
'So, why, then,' I asked, 'have you been sent here, to be put at the disposal of one who is, like yourself, only a slave?'
'I am being punished,' she said. 'I have my orders.' she looked at me. 'Punish me,' she said.
'What were your orders?' I asked.
She looked down.
'Speak them,' I said.
'I am to report to you,' she said. 'I am to present myself before you, and as a female slave. I am to beg you to act as my master, for the afternoon. I am to serve you, and be pleasing, fully, in any and every way that you might desire, and I am to yield to you, withholding nothing, with the perfection of a female slave to her master.'
'And I, only a slave,' I marveled.
'Yes!' she said, tears in her eyes.
'It is a superb punishment,' I admitted.
'Yes,' she said, miserably, 'it is superb!'
'You will be, in effect,' I said, 'the slave of a slave.'
'Yes,' she said, angrily.
'This thought seems to disturb you,' I observed.
'I am a slave girl,' she said. 'I am the rightful property of free men, not slaves.'
'Proud slave,' I said.
'Canka well knows how to reduce me,' she said. Then she looked at me. 'Begin my punishment.' she said.
'Report,' I said.
She looked at me, in fury.
'Keep your back straight,' I said.
'I am Qinyela,' she said, 'the slave of Canka, of the Isbu Kaiila. On the orders of my master I herewith report myself to you. I present myself before you, a female slave. I beg you to be my acting master, for the afternoon.'
'Very well,' I said.
'I am now yours, for the afternoon,' she said. 'Do with me as you will.'
'I doubt that Canka truly wants me to have you,' I said. 'Besides, I think you have been punished enought.'
She looked at me, startled.
'Give me your wrists,' I said.
She extended her wrists, and I unbound them, refastening the thongs, like a bracelet, on her left wrist.
'Lie down here,' I said, 'on the hides. Rest. After a time, I will take you back to the lodge of Canka.'
'Do you not want me?' she asked.
'To see you is to want you,' I said.
'You may have me,' she said.
'You love Canka,' I said, 'and you are his.'
I then covered her with a smaller hide.
'It is not cold,' she said, smiling.
'I am only human,' I said. 'Do not weaken my rosoves.'
'Forgive me, master,' she smiled. Then, worn from her ordeals of the day, she was asleep.
I looked at her slender, luscious figure, under the hide. I clenched my fists. Then I left the lodge.
Outside the lodge, I saw Cuwignaka, on his knees, scraping at a pegged-down hide.
'Where is Winyela?' he asked.
'Inside, sleeping,' I said.
'I think she has had a hard day,' he said.
'I am sure of it,' I laughed.
'How was she?' he asked.
'I do not know,' I said. 'I let her sleep.'
'But she was sent here to report to you, was she not?' asked Cuwignaka, pausing in his work.
'Yes,' I said.
'Surely you did not neglect to note that she was naked and bound.'
'No,' I said. 'Such details did not escape my attention.'
'Do you know what it means,' asked Cuwignaka, 'when a woman is ordered to report to a man, and she is naked and bound?'
'I have some idea,' I admitted.
'And you let her sleep?'
'Yes,' I said.
'Why do you think Canka sent her to you?' he asked.
'I am not truly sure,' I said.
'She had just been beaten,' said Cuwignaka.
'Yes,' I said.
'Is it not obvious, the, that this was intended as an addition to her punishment, that she, a slave, would then have to serve one who is also only a slave, and as her master?'
'Perhpas,' I said.
'A splendidly humbling experience for a female slave,' said Cuwignaka, 'and one that teached her her worthlessness and lowness superbly.'
'Perhaps,' I said.