'Do you not fear,' I asked, 'that there will be trouble over this?' Cuwignaka and I had been standing nearby, listening to Canka and Mahpiyasapa. We had been invited to the lodge of Canka this night for boiled meat, a way of preparing meat of which the red savages are fond.

'I do not think so,' said Canka. 'But let us not worry about such things. These are to be days of joy and feasting.'

'Tomorrow I will enter the lodge of the dance,' said Cuwignaka.

'I have seen many gifts being exchanged about the camp,' I said.

'It is a time for happiness and giveaways,' said Cuwignaka. 'The kailiauk, even, came early this year.'

'That is true,' I said. I still did not understand the early arrival of the kailiauk. That, still, seemed strange to me.

'Did you enjoy the use of the beaded quirt?' asked Canka.

'Yes,' I said, 'very much.' I recalled the blond girl from he herd. I had had a most enjoyable afternoon.

'You may retain it until after the holidays, after the dancing and feasts,' said Canka.

'Thank you,' I said.

'It is nothing,' grinned Canka.

'Is it the same slave?' he asked one of the lads in charge of he herd, when I habe brought the blond-haired girl back to the herd.

'Yes,' I had said.

'It seems you took from us a woman who was enslaved,' said the lad, 'and you bring back to us a woman who is a slave.'

The girl knelt down, near us, her head down, smiling.

'How was she?' asked one of the lads.

'Squirming, lascivious slave meat,' I said. 'hot, helpless, passionate, responsive.'

'Splendid,' said one of he lads, an older one, striking his thigh.

'I think now,' I said, 'that any man would find her satisfactory.'

'I will try to prove to be better then merely satisfactory, Master,' said the girl.

'Good,' said one pf the lads.

'Back to the herd girl,' said another lad, urging his kaiila towards her.

She scrambled back to the herd, quickly inserting herself among her fellow, lovely beasts. Some of the other animlas regarded her with envy, and wonder. She was much differnt now, clearly, thatn she had been earlier in the day. The acceptance of her womanhood, and her submission to men, and surrender to them, in her heart, is a pivotal thing in the psychic life of a female. A similar moment of great psychic import occurs, of course, in the life of a man when he accepts manhood. Thencefoth he repudiates lies and spurious images. Thenceforth he will be a man.

'It is sundown,' said one of the lads. 'We must get these she-kaiila to the village, where we shall hobble and picket them for the night.'

Some of he beasts, I saw, regarded the blond girl, now, with loathing. Others, however, came up to her and kissed her, gently, welcoming her to the sisterhood of the collar. How wretched and peevish are those, themselves so resentful and constricted, who begrudge others the vitalities and pleasures of their honesty.

'Hei!' called two or three of the lads, lifting their coiled ropes.

'My thanks, lads!' I yelled.

They waved, acknowledging my words. I stepped back, watching, then, the herd being slowly moved toward the village.

The blond girl turned once, and waved to me, and then blew me a kiss in the Gorean fashion, kissing and brushing it to me with her fingers. I returned the kiss, and waved, too. Then I made my own way back to the village. I was to meet Cuwignaka at the lodge of Canka. We were t have boiled meat for supper.

'That was good,' I said.

'Thank you, Master,' said Winyela.

'Do not spoil the slave,' warned Canka.

'Sorry,' I said.

'It was splendid!' said Cuwignaka.

'Thank you, Master,' said Winyela, smiling. The repast had been far more than boiled meat. It had been, in effect, a rich stew, crowded with vegetables and seasonings. Some, I knew, Winyela had begged from Grunt.

'Do you not think so?' asked Cuwignaka of Canka.

'Maybe,' said Canka.

'Did my master enjoy his meal?' asked Winyela.

'Maybe,' said Canka.

'A miserable slave hopes that her pathetic efforts to be pleasing to her master have been successful,' she said.

'It was not bad, maybe,' said Canka.

'Do not spoil the slave,' warned Cuwignaka.

'I love serving you, Master,' said Winyela.

'Even if you did not like serving me,' said Canka, 'you would do it, perfectly.'

'Yes, Master,' she said.

'For you are a slave,' he said.

'Yes, Master,' she said. 'And your slave.'

He regarded her.

'If I do not please you, beat me.' she said.

'Have no fear,' said Canka. 'If you are not pleasing, it will be done.'

'Do you think she will be often beaten?' asked Cuwignaka.

'I do not think it likely,' I said.

'Master,' whispered Winyela to Canka. Her eyes were moist. I saw his eyes, glinging upon her fiercely.

'There were many vegetables in the stew,' I said to Cuwignaka, pretending not to notice the intensity between Canka and Winyela. Indeed, we had had to eat much of the stew from small bowls, filled by Winyela with a kailiauk-bone ladle. Some larger pieces of vegetable and meat, we had, however, in the informal fastion of the Barrens, taken from the pot on our knives. Canka, perhaps because company was present, or because he wished to further impress her slavery upon her, had fed Winyela. This is occasionally done with a slave. It helps to remind them that they are domestic animlas, and that they are dependent for their very food upon their master. I had noticed, during the meal, how she had taken food from his fingers, biting and suckling, and kissing, furtively at them. During the corse of the meal she had been becoming more and more excited. Too, I had thought that Canka had given her smaller bits and pieces, and had held on to themmore tightly, than was necessary to merly feed her. 'That is unusual, isn't it?' I asked.

'Yes,' said Cuwignaka. 'That is produce, for the most part, from the fields of the Waniyanpi.'

'I had thought it might be,' I said. The Waniyanpi were, substantially, agricultrual slaves. They farmed and gardened, and did other work for their red masters. 'Were men sent forth to the compounds to fetch the produce?' I asked.

'The Waniyanpi have deliverd it,' said Cuwignaka. 'It is done that way when it is the great camp which is in question.'

'I see,' I said. During the feasting times, those generally correlated with the coming of the kailiauk, the locations of the great camps of the various tribes were well known. This made feasible the delivery of produce, someting which would be correspondingly impractical most of the year, when the trives had separated into scattered bands, and sometimes even smaller units, with temporary, shifting camps. 'Are there Waniyanpi now in camp?' I asked.

'Yes,' said Cuwignaka, 'but they will be leaving soon.'

'How soon?' I asked.

'I do not know,' said Cuwignaka.

'I met some Waniyanpi,' I said. 'They were from a place they referred to as 'Garden Eleven.' I wonder if those in camp would be from there.'

'They might be,' said Cuwignaka. 'Why?'

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