snakelike, weaved its way toward the fires, and then began, its dancers shuffling, bending down, rising up, chanting, to wind its way among them.
'It is a dance of the Snake Society, a warrior society of the Yellow Knives,' said Cuwignaka. 'We have a similar dance among the Kaiila, but any warrior who has counted coup may dance it.'
'At least she is still alive,' I said.
'Yes,' said Cuwignaka.
'I gather that that is the determination which you wished to make in this small reconnaissance,' I said.
'Yes,' said Cuwignaka.
'She is now fetching for Iwoso,' I said.
'Yes,' said Cuwignaka.
'Do you think she will make her a good maiden?' I asked.
'Of course,' said Cuwignaka.
'Does it outrage you to see her as a female slave?' I asked.
'She betrayed the Kaiila. No,' said Cuwignaka.
'She now returns and kneels before Iwoso, head down, handing her food.'
'That must be very pleasant for Iwoso,' said Cuwignaka.
'She does it well,' I said.
'Good,' said Cuwignaka.
'She appears to have been much beaten,' I said.
'Good,' said Cuwignaka. 'That will accustom her the more quickly to her new condition.'
'Do you think she will make Iwoso a good slave?' I asked.
'I think she will make anyone a good slave,' said Cuwignaka.
'She seems to be the only red slave at the feast,' I said.
'We know there are other red slaves,' said Cuwignaka. 'We saw several.'
'Do you think the fact that she is the only red slave at the feast, the only one among all the white slaves, is deliberate?' I asked.
'Of course,' said Cuwignaka. 'That is done to humiliate her. It is a stroke of worthy of Iwoso's high intelligence.'
'You have noted, also, I suppose,' I said. 'that she is one of the few slaves who wears a collar and that she is the only slave, or one of he few, whose ankles are not thonged.'
'That her ankles are not thonged is intended as a further humiliation,' said Cuwignaka. 'That suggests that she, though red, is of even less value than a white female. In any case, of course, escape is impossible.'
'Yes,' I said.
'The collar is doubtless Iwoso's' said Cuwignaka.
'Doubtless,' I said.
'Iwoso must have recieved much pleasure in secrelty preparing it for her,' said Cuwignaka, 'and again when she first put it on her.'
'Iwoso's triuph seems complete,' I said.
'Yes,' agreed Cuwignaka.
'Look,' I said.
'I see,' said Cuwignaka.
A warrior had seized the red slave by the hair and pulled her, twisting her, to her feet. He then held her before him, bent backwards, examining the sweet bow of her beauty.
Iwoso leaped to her feet. She shouted something, angrily, at the man. He, laughed, hurled the red slave away from him, a dozen feet away, into the dust.
'The lance dancers are approaching,' I observed.
'Iwoso does not want the slave to learn the pleasures of men,' said Cuwignaka. 'Doubtless she fears it will spoil her as a serving slave for a woman.'
'She is right,' I said.
The dancers, then, were swirling about the fallen red slave, weaving and spinning, in spiraling, swiftly moving circles about her. Some of them merely laid the cold metal points of the lances, or the sides of the lance blades, on her flesh. Others jabbed her, dancing, with the points. She lay in the dust, her hands over her head, her knees drawn tightly up, small, shuddering and trembling, helpless under the points.
Iwoso lept among the dancers, scolding and shouting, thrusting them away. There was much laughter from the Yellow Knives and the dancers.
Iwoso then crouched down and, taking a braded, rawhide rope from her waist, presumably the same one I had seen her with earlier, even before the first attack on the camp, tied it abot the neck of the helpless, terrified slave. She then drew her, on her hands and knees, back to her place. She made her lie down there, on her side, with her knees drawn up. She struck her twice with a switch. The slave cried out, squirming under the blows, but kept her position. The mistress then resumed her place, sitting down, cross-legged, with the men, in the great circle. She retained the slave's leash in her hand, looping it, shortneing it, so that it was only about a yard in length. The dancers, in their serpentine pattern, swirled away.
'I did not know that Bloketu was so beautiful,' I said. It is difficult for a woman to conceal her beauty when she is permitted to wear only a collar, or a collar and leash.
'I wonder if Iwoso is even more beautiful,' said Cuwignaka.
'Perhaps someday masters will know,' I said.
Cuwignaka looked at me, and smiled. 'Perhaps,' he said.
'It is dangerous to remain here,' I said. 'I suggest that we withdraw.'
Cuwignaka's attention was again on the great circle.
'It is dangerous here,' I said. 'Perhaps you can manage to take your eyes off Bloketu.'
'She is beautiful, isnt she?' said Cuwignaka.
'Yes,' I said. 'It is my speculation that the perimeter of the camp and the areas about the camp may still be under surveillance, the perimeter being garded to prevent the return of Kaiila to the camp for such things as food, the fields to detect the movements of possible fugitives. Similarly I think it would be difficult to obtain kaiila and escape without abandoning Hci and the kaiila, in any event, as we ahve determined, are well garded.'
'She is so beautiful,' said Cuwignaka.
'Accordingly, it is my recommendation that we remain in the camp tonight. I think this is in the best intrests not only of Hci but of ourselves. We must then attempt to depart in the morning, after the watches have been recalled or relaxed, or the camp, as a whole, has been left.'
'Quite beautiful,' said Cuwignaka, admiringly.
'So, what do you think?' I asked.
'About what?' asked Cuwignaka.
'About remaining in the camp tonight,' I said.
'Of course,' said Cuwignaka. 'I could not, in any case, leave the camp before morning.'
'Why not?' I asked, puzzled.
'Surely you knw what day this is,' he said.
I looked at him.
'This is the very height of the time of our feasts and festivals,' he said.
'Yes?' I said.
'So what day is it?' he asked.
'I do not know,' I said.
'Have you forgotten?' he asked.
'It seems so,' I said.
'This is the first day of the great dance,' he said.
'What of it?' I asked.
'I am going to dance,' said Cuwignaka.
'You are insane,' I said.
'The portals of the dance lodge will be unguarded now,' he said. 'There will be none to deny me entrance.'