'I have a name for you,' I said.
'What, Master?' she asked, eagerly, apprehensively.
'It is not a sophisiticated name,' I said.
'No, Master,' she said, 'for I am only a slave.'
'It seems t be a simple, suitable name for a slave,' I said.
'Yes, Master,' she said. Whatever name it was she would wear it. Animals must wear whatever names are given to them.
'I name you-' I said.
'Yes, Master?' she said.
'I name you 'Mira',' I said.
'Thank you, Master,' she said. 'Master well knows how to humble a slave! Once that name was worn by a slave who did not know she was a slave. It was then a slave's name but not a slave name. Then the slave was legally imbonded. She leanred then, and soon, that she was truly a slave. Her nature was revealed. Her truth was manifested. The name then again was put on her, this time as a slave name. Now the name is not only a slave's name, as it always was, but is a slave name as well, and recognized and acknowledged publicly, by the slave that she was never anything, even before the technicality of her legal imbondment, but a slave!'
'Do you think you will prove to be a satisfactory slave?' I asked.
'I will try with all my heart, Master,' she said.
'Do you want to be a slave?' I asked.
'Yes, Master,' she said, 'with all my heart.'
'See that you serve well,' I said.
'Yes, Master,' she said.
'Pull, Slave,' I said.
'Yes, Master,' she said.
Chapter 34
'Tie me and use me as a slave,' she begged.
I thonged her hands casually, effciently, behind her back. I then threw her on the grass at my feet.
She reared up on her elbows. 'I beg slave rape,' she gasped.
I dropped to the grass beside her and put my left hand in her hair, pulling her head back to the grass. I pulled it back, and held it, in such a way that she must look back, and up, at the sky. I broke off a long stalk of grass.
It had been four days since we had crossed the Northern Kaiila. In our passage we had seen, to our right, Council Rock, rearing high, almost anomalously, our of the plains, prominent amidst a group of smaller, associated bluffs.
'Master?' she asked.
I began to tease her with the stalk of grass.
'Are they near?' I asked Cuwignaka.
'Yes,' he said.
He was sitting nearby, cross-legged, mending one of the traces on the travois.
'Oh, oh!' said the girl.
'Are they armed?' I asked.
'No,' he said.
'Did you put out a little pemmican?' I asked.
'Yes,' he said.
'Oh!' said the girl. 'Oh!'
We spoke in Kaiila. The girl did not know this lanuage. She did not even know what we were talking about. In her presence we had discussed the matter only in Kaiila.
'Oh, please, Master, stop!' begged the girl. She began to squirm and whimper. She could not free herself, of course, for my left hand held her hair and my right leg was across her legs. She, helpless, was well held in place.
'I did not want you to do this, Sweet Master,' she said. 'Please, I beg you, stop!'
She squirmed, recoiling and shuddering, as it pleased me to make her do.
'Oh, please!' she said in misery. 'Please, my Master!'
She did not even know of the proximity of the others. They had been with us since even before we had crossed the Northern Kaiila. They, like the girl, as we had ascertained to our satisfaction, did not understand Kailla, or did not much understand it. We had made remarks in their hearing to which they, if they had understood Kaiila adequately, persumably would have responded, probably by swift flight. It seemed quite clear that they did not know that we were aware of their presence. Sometimes Cuwignaka had left a little pemmican behind at our camp sites, as though inadvertently. It was time, now, we had decided, to make their acquaintance.
'Oh, please, stop, Master!' she begged. 'I will do anything! I will do anything!'
'But you must do anyting anyway,' I said. 'You are a slave.'
'Yes, Master!' she cried.
I desisted in touching her body lightly, unexpectedly, here and there, with the stalk of grass.
'Do you think you can yield well?' I asked.
'Yes, Master! Yes, Master!' she gasped.
I put the stalk of grass to the side.
'Kiss,' I said.
She reared up on her elbows, struggling, reaching forward, and put her mouth to mine.
Then she lay back, looking at me.
Sometimes, in the cities, one puts women in slave chains, making her helpless, her limbs fastened apart, and then addresses her beauty, lightly, with a feather. In a few moments she is usually begging to serve you in any way you might wish. There are many ways to teach a woman that she is in your power, and truly yours. This is only one.
'Are you subdued?' I asked.
'Yes,' she said, 'totally.'
'And how will you yield?' I asked.
'With perfection,' she said.
I then began to caress her, with my hands, and with my mouth, my tongue, lips and teeth. She began to moan and whimper.
'They are coming closer,' said Cuwignaka casually. 'They seem to be interested in your handling of the slave.'
I continued to attend to the lovely, bound woman whose use I owned.
She was almost beside herself with orgasmic sensation.
'Please,' she begged. 'Yes!' she said.
Then she writhed beneath me, mine.
'Yes,' she wept. 'Yes!'
'They are quite close now, a few feet away,' said Cuwignaka, causally, ' a few feet to your right, in the grass, one a bit behind the other.'
'Please!' begged the girl.
'Very well,' I said.
'I yield me,' she cried. 'I yield me yours!' She was so marvelous. How glorious are women.
'They seem fascinated,' said Cuwignaka.
'Let me know if there is any change in their location,' I said.
'I wish that I could hold you,' she said.