- Go, kitten, to the pinewood. Tel the old father Pinery that you’re looking

for Truth. The old man knows a lot, he is to prompt you.

Being happy about it, the kitten thanked everyone for their help and

kindness and hurried to the forest.

Coming close to old tall pines Murzik purred:

- The old father Pinery, I’m looking for Truth for my friend Vanechka. Don’t

you know where to find her? Mother-cat says that people fear her very much,

though Water in a pond thinks she’s beautiful. How can I find her, if I don’t even

know how she looks like?

Pines swayed in greetings and the kitten heard a thick rustling, with the

thousands of pine needles, voice of old Pinery:

- Don’t worry, kitten, Truth is hard to find, but if you have a heart you wil

definitely do it. Go to Titmouse, she knows where to find Truth.

The silence fell again. The kitten thanked the old man and bravely entered

the wood that wrapped him with a pine scent.

Murzik was walking down the path when he ran into a little birdie. She had

a yel ow breast, blue neck and dark blue wings.

- Good afternoon, birdie! – The kitten greeted her loudly.

The birdie leapt back and greeted the kitten cautiously. Then she flew

closer to him

- I’m looking for Titmouse, - he said her trustfully. – Old father Pinestry said

that Titmouse knows where I can find Truth.

The birdie looked at the kitten thoughtfully and then answered:

- I am Titmouse, - she nodded. – As old father Pinestry sent you to me, I’l

help you, except that I don’t know where to find Truth, but there’s someone who

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