Friis-Jensen, ‘Maximus pontifex in Saxo Grammaticus’
См.: Friis-Jensen, Saxo as Latin Poet, pp. 30–33.
An, В and E: E. Jorgensen, Catalogue codicum Latinorum, pp. 403–404; Codices scriptorum rerum Danicarum: Chronica, ed. Kroman, pp. xiv-xvii; C: Angers-fragmentet, ed. Bruun.
An, В and E: Apoteker Sibbernsens Saxobog, ed. Petersen, pp. 30–77; Codices, ed. Kroman, pp. 35–43.
An: Det i Angers fundne brudstykke, ed. Bruun; B: Kall Rasmussen, Om to nylig fundne fragmenter af en codex af Saxo.
Kroman, Saxo og overleveringen af hans vark; An: Angers-fragmentet, ed. Bruun; Jonsson, Angers-brudstykket af Saxo’; Raasted, ‘Angersfragmentet og Saxo-overleveringen; Boserup, ‘The Angers fragment and the archetype of Gesta Danorurh; Boserup, ‘The Angers fragment and the archetype of the Compendium Saxonis’; В: Kall Rasmussen, To nylig fundne fragmenter af Saxo; Friis-Jensen, ‘Do the Lassen and the Kail Rasmussen fragments’; M and К: Friis-Jensen, ‘Humanism and politics’
Boserup, ‘The Angers fragment and the archetype of the Gesta Danorurh, pp. 18–20.