26. Textbook of European Archaeology, Cambridge, 1921, p. 502.

27. J. W. Jackson, Shells as Evidence of the Migrations of Early Culture, Manchester, 1917, pp. I38ff.

28. Comptes-Rendus de Г Acad, des Sciences, vol. lxxiv, 1872, pp. 1060f.

29. M. and St J.-Pequart, Arch. del'Inst, de la Pal. Hum. Memoires, 19, 1937.

30. Mendes Correa, Congres Internat. d’anthrop. et d’archeol. prehist or ique, Paris, 1931, p. 362; Obermaier, Fossil Man in Spain, 1925, p. 324.

31. P-R. de Azua, Bol. de la Sac. Espan~ola de hist. Nat.. December 1918; cf. Burkitt, Our Early Ancestors, Cambridge, 1926, p. 22.

32. Dupont, Memoires de I’Academie royale des Sciences, des Lettres, et des Beaicc-arts Belgiques. vol. xix, 1867, pp. Iff.

33. E. Piette, L'Anthrop, vol. vi, 1895, pp. 276ff.; Zaborowsky, Bull et Mem. Soc. Anthrop. de Paris, series v, vol. vii, 1906, p. 416.

34. Cf. Fra Nationalmuseums Arbejdsmark, 1945, p. 6.

35. Nordman, Finskt Museum, 4, 1929; A eta Arch., vol. ii, p. 2651; Curwen, Antiquity, vol. xii, 1938, pp. 146ff.


36. Childe, Antiquity, vol. xxiii, 1949, pp. 129ff.

37. A.A., N.S. vol. xxxiii, 1930, p. 39.

38. Brunton, Mostagedda, 1937, pp 5f., 7f., 25ff.

39. Baumga..rtel, The Cultures of Prehistoric Egypt, Oxford, 1955, p. 20.

40. Brunton and Caton-Thompson, The Badarian Civilization, 1928, p. 18.

41. Op. cit, pp. 18Iff.; Brunton, Mostagedda, pp. 26ff.; Baumga.. rtel, op. cit., pp. 2Iff.

42. Mostagedda, pp. 7Iff.

43. Cf. Caton-Thompson and E.W. Gardner, The Desert Fayum, 1934, p. 90.

44. J. E. Quibell and F.W. Green, Hierakonpolis, vol. ii, 1902, pp. 20ff.; H. J. Kantor, J.N.E.S., vol. iii, 1944, pp. 11 Off.

45. Breasted, Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt, 1914, pp. lOOf.

46. Cf. Petrie, The Royal Tombs of the First Dynasty, 1900, pp. 8ff.; Abydos, vol. i, 1902; vol. ii, 1903.

47. Petrie, Pyramids and Temples at Gizeh, 1885; С. M. Firth and J. E. Quibell, The Step Pyramid, 1936.

48. Watelin, Kish, vol. iv, Paris, 1934, pp. I7ff.

49. Woolley, The Sumerians, Oxford, 1929, p. 36.

50. Seton Lloyd and Fuad Safar, J.N.E.S., vol. iv; October 1945, pp. 267f., figs. 17, 27, pl. iii, I, 2, 3; A. L. Perkins, The Comparative Archaeology of Early Mesopotamia, Chicago, 1949, p. 5.

51. Perkins, op. cit.; E. E. Herzfold, Archaeologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, vol. v, 1935, P. 29.

52. Tobler, The Excavations at Tepe Gawra, vol. ii, 1950, pp. 105, 124.

53. Cf. E. A. Speiser, The Excavations at Tepe Gawra, vol. i, Philadelphia, 1935. P. 177; Tobler, vol. ii, 1950, pp. 51ff.

54. Perkins, op. tit., pp. 22, 42.

55. Woolley, The Antiquaries Journal, vol. x, 1930, pi. xliv(a); Speiser, Smith. Report, 1939, p. 444.

56. Mallowan and C. Rose, Iraq, vol. ii, 1933, pp. 34ff.; Perkins, op. cit., pp. 74, 81.

57. New Light on the Most Ancient East, 1952, p. 115.

58. Lloyd and Safar, Sumer, vol. iv, no. II, 1948, pp. 117f.

59. Woolley, The Antiquaries Journal, vol. x, October 1930, pp. 327ff.; cf. Ur Excavations, vol. ii, 1934, pp. 35ff.

60. Excavations at Ur, 1954, pp. 16ff.; Ur of the Chaldees, 1950, pp. 29, 68.

61. Ur Excavations, vol. ii, 1934, pp. 33 fF; Ur of the Chaldees, pp. 35ff.; cf Parrot, Syria, vol. xviii, 1937, p. 60.

62. Woolley, Ur Excavations, vol. ii, pp. 33ff.

63. Op. cit., p. 51.

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