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Глава 5. Появление сложных клетокРазмеры геномов
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Возможные ограничения размера генома у эукариот
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Химерное происхождение эукариот
Cotton, J. A., and J. O. McInerney Eukaryotic genes of archaebacterial origin are more important than the more numerous eubacterial genes, irrespective of function // Proceedings National Academy Sciences USA 107: 17252–17255 (2010).
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Koonin, E. V. Darwinian evolution in the light of genomics // Nucleic Acids Research 37: 1011–1034 (2009).
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Thiergart, T., Landan, G., Schrenk, M., Dagan, T., and W. F. Martin An evolutionary network of genes present in the eukaryote common ancestor polls genomes on eukaryotic and mitochondrial origin // Genome Biology and Evolution 4: 466–485 (2012).
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Позднее происхождение брожения
Say, R. F., and G. Fuchs Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolase/phosphatase may be an ancestral gluconeogenic enzyme // Nature 464: 1077–1081 (2010).
Стехиометрия накопления энергии
Hoehler, T. M., and B. B. Jorgensen Microbial life under extreme energy limitation // Nature Reviews in Microbiology 11: 83–94 (2013).
Lane, N. Why are cells powered by proton gradients? // Nature Education 3: 18 (2010).
Martin, W., and M. J. Russell On the origin of biochemistry at an alkaline hydrothermal vent // Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 367: 1887–1925 (2007).
Thauer, R. K., Kaster, A.-K., Seedorf, H., Buckel, W., and R. Hedderich Methanogenic archaea: ecologically relevant differences in energy conservation // Nature Reviews Microbiology 6: 579–591 (2007).
Вирусная инфекция и клеточная смерть
Bidle, K. D., and P. G. Falkowski Cell death in planktonic, photosynthetic microorganisms // Nature Reviews Microbiology 2: 643–655 (2004).
Lane, N. Origins of death // Nature 453: 583–585 (2008).