He couldn't fight.
The moral is here:
Grow while you may
To fight the cut-warms
That came your way.
Вилли слабым вырос,
Слабым словно лук,
Был незрелым Вилли
Взял его испуг.
Вот приходит резкость
Ранних злых ночей;
Вилли скинул кепку
Не боровшись с ней.
Всем известно стало.
Вышел нам указ
Для борьбы сначала
Подрасти на глаз.
Here in my money-box I see
Twelve brown pennies kept for me.
One I took to buy one day
A big balloon that flew away.
Another time with pennies two
I bought a ball of red and blue.
I bought three penny roses red
When Mummy was so ill in bed.
Two other pennies once I took
To buy my Sunny Stories book.
And two pence went on sweets for Meg
When she fell and broke her leg.
And then I gave another penny
To a man who hadn't any
And now I'd like you please to say
How many have I left today?
Раз. два, три, четыре. пять
Сколько зайчиков поймать?
Шесть, семь, восемь, девять, десять
Лучше отпустить их к лесу.