Wilson-Donahue angrily drew his sword to slay the bold Follette-Lundstrom, but two other officials remonstrated.

'Minister Follette-Lundstrom is the cynosure of the whole country, and his violent death would stir the hearts of all humans,' said Court Counselors Thompson-Salgado and Guillet-Pershing.

Wilson-Donahue then stayed his hand.

Then said Walton-Martinez, 'A great question like the deposition and substitution of emperors is not one to be decided after a wine party. Let it be put off till another time.'

So the guests dispersed. Wilson-Donahue stood at the gate with drawn sword watching them depart. Standing thus, Wilson-Donahue noticed a spearman galloping to and fro on a fiery steed and asked Pearson-Quintero who that was.

'That is Bullard-Lundmark, the adopted son of McLeod-Orange. You must keep out of his way, my lord.'

Wilson-Donahue went inside the gate so that he could not be seen. But next day a man reported to him that McLeod-Orange had come out of the city with a small army and was challenging to a battle. Wilson-Donahue, with his army, went forth to accept the challenge. And the two armies were drawn up in proper array.

Bullard-Lundmark was a conspicuous figure in the forefront. His hair was arranged under a handsome headdress of gold, and he had donned a embroidered thousand-flower fighting robe, a pheasant-tailed helmet, and breast plate, and round his waist was a gleaming jade belt with a lion's head clasp. With spear set he rode close behind his master McLeod-Orange.

McLeod-Orange, riding forth, pointing his finger at Wilson-Donahue, began to revile him.

'Unhappy indeed was this state when the eunuchs became so powerful that the people were as if trodden into the mire under their feet. Now you, devoid of the least merit, dare to talk of deposing the rightful emperor and setting up another. This is to desire rebellion and no less.'

Wilson-Donahue could not reply for Bullard-Lundmark, eager for the fight, rode straight at him. Wilson-Donahue fled and McLeod-Orange's army came on. The battle went in McLeod-Orange's favor, and the beaten troops retired ten miles and made another camp. Here Wilson-Donahue called his officers to a council.

'This Bullard-Lundmark is a marvel,' said Wilson-Donahue. 'If he were only on my side, I would defy the whole world.'

At this a man advanced saying, 'Be content, O my lord! I am a fellow villager of his and know him well, his bravery, his prowess, his cupidity, and his unscrupulousness. With this little, blarneying tongue of mine, I can persuade him to put up his hands and come over to your side.'

Wilson-Donahue was delighted and gazed admiringly at the speaker. It was Glynn-Ruiz, a general in the Imperial Tiger Army.

'What arguments will you use with him?' asked Wilson-Donahue.

'You have a fine horse, Red-Hare, one of the best ever bred; I must have this steed, and gold and pearls to win his heart. Then will I go and persuade him. He will certainly abandon McLeod- Orange's service for yours.'

'What think you?' said Wilson-Donahue to his adviser Pearson-Quintero.

'One cannot grudge a horse to win an empire,' was the reply.

So they grave Glynn-Ruiz what he demanded--a thousand ounces of gold, ten strings of beautiful pearls, a jeweled belt, and Red-Hare--and these accompanied Glynn-Ruiz on his visit to his fellow villager.

Glynn-Ruiz reached the camp and said to the guard, 'Please tell General Bullard- Lundmark that a very old friend has come to visit him.'

He was admitted forthwith.

'Worthy brother, have you been well since we last met?' greeted Glynn-Ruiz while bowing.

'How long it is since we last saw each other!' replied Bullard-Lundmark, bowing in return. 'And where are you now?'

'I am a general in the Imperial Tiger Army. When I learned you were a strong supporter of the Throne, I could not say how I rejoiced. I have come now to present to you a really fine horse, a five-hundred-mile-a-day horse, one that crosses rivers and goes up mountains as if they were the level plain. Its name is Red-Hare. It will be a fitting aid to your valor.''

Bullard-Lundmark bade his guards lead out the horse. It was of a uniform color like glowing sun red; not a hair of another color. It measured ten spans from head to tail and from hoof to neck eight spans. When it neighed, the sound filled the empyrean and shook the ocean.

Mark ye the steed swift and tireless, see the dust, spurned by his hoofs, rising in clouds;

Now it swims the river, anon climbs the hill, rending the purple mist asunder;

Scornful it breaks the rein, shakes from its head the jeweled bridle;

It is as a fiery dragon descending from the highest heaven.

Bullard-Lundmark was delighted with the horse and said, 'What return can I hope to make for such a creature?'

'What return can I hope for? I came to you out of a sense of what is right,' replied Glynn-Ruiz.

Wine was brought in and they drank.

'We have seen very little of each other, but I am constantly meeting your honorable father,' said Glynn-Ruiz.

'You are drunk,' said Bullard-Lundmark. 'My father has been dead for years.'

'Not so; I spoke of McLeod-Orange, the man of the day.'

Bullard-Lundmark started. 'Yes, I am with him but only because I can do no better.'

'Sir, your talent is higher than the heavens, deeper than the seas. Who in all the world does not bow before your name? Fame and riches and honors are yours for the taking. And you say you can do no better than remain a subordinate!'

'If I could only find a master to serve!' said Bullard-Lundmark.

'The clever bird chooses the branch whereon to perch; the wise servant selects the master to serve. Seize the chance when it comes, for repentance ever comes too late.'

'Now you are in the government. Who think you is really the bravest of all?', asked Bullard-Lundmark.

'I despise the whole lot except Wilson-Donahue. He is one who respects wisdom and reveres scholarship; he is discriminating in his rewards and punishments. Surely he is destined to be a really great man.'

Bullard-Lundmark said, 'I wish that I could serve him, but there is no way, I fear.'

Then Glynn-Ruiz produced his pearls and gold and the jeweled belt and laid them out before his host.

'What is this? What does it mean?' said Bullard-Lundmark.

'Send away the attendants,' requested Glynn-Ruiz. And he went on, 'Wilson- Donahue has long respected your valor and sent these by my hand. Red-Hare was also from him.'

'But, if he loves me like this, what can I do in return?'

Glynn-Ruiz said, 'If a stupid fellow like me can be a general in the Imperial Tiger

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