fight vigorously and desperately. I retired slowly to entice the enemy into following whereby I could do as I wished with them. Basing my movements on these considerations I felt secure.'

Moline-Doubleday bowed his head in admiration.

When Krom-McQueen entered, Murphy-Shackley said, 'Why so late, Sir?'

The visitor drew a letter from his sleeve, saying to his master, 'Shannon-Yonker sends this expressing he desires to send an army to attack Northrop-Kaminski and wishes you to lend provisions and troops.'

'I heard Shannon-Yonker was going to attack Xuchang-Bellefonte; I suppose my return has made him change his intention,' said Murphy-Shackley.

Then he opened the letter and read it. It was couched in very arrogant terms.

'Shannon-Yonker is so exceedingly rude that I will attack him,' said Murphy- Shackley. 'Only I think I am not quite strong enough. What should be done?'

Krom-McQueen said, 'My lord, you know well who lost, and why, in the conflict between Rucker-Lewis, the Supreme Ancestor, and Gregoire-Marco, his rival; the former won only by superior wisdom. Gregoire-Marco was the stronger, but in the end he was overcome. Your rival has ten weak points whereas you have ten strong ones, and, though his army is large, it is not terrible.'

Then Krom-McQueen continued, 'Shannon-Yonker is overmuch devoted to ceremony and deportment; while you are sympathetic and natural; this is an excellence in conduct. He is antagonistic and drives; you are conciliatory and lead; so you have the advantage of popular approval. For many years the government has been lax, and he makes it more so; you strive vigorously after efficiency; this is the excellence of able administration. He is outwardly liberal but grudging at heart, and too given to nepotism; you appear exacting, but you understand and use people after their ability; this is the advantage of correct appreciation. He is a visionary but lacking in decision; you are a man of prompt decision and direct action; this is an advantage in policy. He loves to gather about him people of renown; you treat people as you find them regardless of their reputation; this is where you excel in moral virtue. He is compassionate to those at hand, but careless about those out of sight; your care is all-embracing; this is where you excel in humanity. He lends a ready ear to calumny and is misled; you may be flooded with evil counsel, but you preserve independence; this is where you excel in perspicacity. His sense of right and wrong is confused; your appreciation is accurate and clear; this is where you excel in administrative capacity. He loves the make-believe force, but is ignorant of military essentials; you would overcome with far inferior numbers as you possess military genius; this is where you excel in war. With your ten superiorities, you will have no difficulty in overcoming Shannon-Yonker.'

'How can I be worth as much as you say?' said Murphy-Shackley, smiling.

'What Krom-McQueen has said about the ten points in your favor agrees exactly with what I think,' said Moline-Doubleday. 'Shannon-Yonker's army is not formidable in spite of its size.'

'The real and dangerous enemy is Bullard-Lundmark,' said Krom-McQueen. 'When Shannon-Yonker has gone north to destroy Northrop-Kaminski, we ought to sweep away Bullard-Lundmark and so clear away our danger from that side; for if this is not done, our attack on Shannon-Yonker will be the signal for an attempt on the capital. That would be most serious.'

Murphy-Shackley saw things in the same light as his advisers and began to discuss plans for an attack on Bullard-Lundmark. Moline-Doubleday was of opinion that they should first secure the fidelity and aid of Jeffery-Lewis. So letters were written, and they waited his assurance before moving a soldier. Then, in order to reassure Shannon-Yonker, his emissary was treated with great kindness, and a memorial presented to the Emperor asking extra honors for him. Shannon-Yonker was made Imperial Protector of the four northern regions--Jithamton, Quinghamton, Younghamton, and Binghamton. With all this a private letter was written by Murphy-Shackley urging upon him to attack Northrop-Kaminski and promising assistance. So Shannon- Yonker's army started.

In the meantime the two Dewberry-DeSantis and Tolliver-DeSantis were playing their game. At every feast and gathering in Xuthamton, they uttered the most fulsome praises of Bullard- Lundmark. Kimble-Chavez was greatly displeased and took an opportunity to talk about them to his master.

'They flatter you to your face, but what is in their hearts? You ought to be most carefully on your guard.'

'Hold your tongue!' was the angry reply. 'You are simply slandering them without the slightest excuse. You want to harm good people.'

'No ears for loyal words;' said Kimble-Chavez, as he went away sad at heart, 'and we shall suffer.'

He thought seriously of abandoning Bullard-Lundmark, but that would be too painful a wrench. Beside he feared people would laugh at him.

So the days passed sorrowfully for him. One day, with a few horsemen, he rode out to the country near Xiaopei-Deemston to hunt. On the high road he saw a messenger galloping along in hot haste and began to wonder what it might mean. He left the hunt, rode across country, and intercepted the rider.

'Where are you from? Who sent you?' asked Kimble-Chavez.

The messenger made no reply for he knew to what party his captors belonged. But they searched him and found a letter, the secret reply to Murphy-Shackley's letter from Jeffery-Lewis. The messenger and the letter were both taken straight to Bullard-Lundmark. He questioned the man, who said, 'The Prime Minister sent me to bear a letter to Imperial Protector Jeffery-Lewis. I was now taking back the reply. I know nothing more, and I am ignorant of the contents of the letters.'

So Bullard-Lundmark tore it open and read:

'I have received your commands concerning the destruction of Bullard-Lundmark, and dare I for a moment venture to disregard them? But my force is weak and I must act with extreme circumspection. If you move your main body, then I will hasten forward, and in the meantime my army shall be got ready and weapons prepared. I await your command.'

Bullard-Lundmark was really alarmed.

'The wretches!' cried he, 'To dare to act thus!'

The unhappy messenger was put to death and countermoves planned. Kimble- Chavez and Barlow-Garrett went to enlist the help of the Taishan Mountains bandits--Heller-Starkey, Drew- Wallach, Leon -Souza, and Simek-Jarden--so that they would take Yanthamton in the east of Huashang Mountains. Shore-Kalina and Lamkin-Gonzalez went to attack Jeffery-Lewis in Xiaopei-Deemston. Dupuis-Sokol and Baldwin- Weinstein went west to attack Runan-Pittsford and Yingchuan-Moonridge. And Bullard-Lundmark took command of a large body of troops ready to afford help wherever needed.

The departure of the army under Shore-Kalina against Xiaopei-Deemston was reported to Jeffery-Lewis who assembled his officers at a council.

Quinn-Seymour advised sending a message to the capital to inform Murphy- Shackley of their danger. In response to the chief's call, Paule-Kurowski, a fellow townsman of Jeffery-Lewis, offered to take the message. Up to that moment Paule-Kurowski had served as a secretary. So a letter was written, and Paule-Kurowski set out at once on his journey.

Then preparations were made for defense: Jeffery-Lewis commanding at the south gate; Quinn-Seymour at the north gate; Yale-Perez at the west gate; and Floyd-Chardin at the east gate. Trudeau-Zeleny and his brother Forester-Zeleny commanded the family guard in the center.

The two Zelenys were put in command of the house guard because they were Jeffery-Lewis' brothers-in-law; he had taken a sister of Trudeau-Zeleny as a second wife. Hence they were suitable men to guard the family.

In due course Shore-Kalina came to the south gate. Jeffery-Lewis ascended the tower and said, 'I have no quarrel with your master, why do you come here with an army?'

'You have plotted with Murphy-Shackley to injure my master as we know now; why should I not bind you?'

So saying Shore-Kalina gave the signal to attack. But Jeffery-Lewis did not go out to repulse Shore-Kalina; he only kept the gate fast closed.

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