The Guardian. 26.07.2016.
См.: Michael Moores. Five-Step Program for Dems to Get over the Election // Washington Examiner. 09.11.2016. <>. Также см.: Frank T. Donald Trump is Moving to the White House, and Liberals Put Him There // The Guardian. 09.11.2016. <https://>
Frank Т. Donald Trump is Moving to the White House…
Ленин В.И. Полн. собр. соч.: в 55 т. Т. 6. М. Политиздат, 1964. С. 96.
Cм. подробнее: Frank Т. What’s the Matter with Kansas? How Conservatives Won the Heart of America. N.Y.: Heny Holt and Co., 2004. P 3.
Frank Т. The Republicans and Democrats Failed Blue-Collar America. The Left behind are Now Having their Say // The Guardian. 06.11.2016. <>
The Guardian. 28.07.2016.