Women of India
Women of India are dark as a night. Women of India are bright as a light. Women of India are the countries treasure. You will never find in their charm measure. When they are singing It’s the greatest pleasure. When they are dancing, It’s a real leisure. If sing with them You have a chance, You fall in love at once.Индийская женщина. 2018 г. Бумага, тушь, перо
They are slender Sometimes nice, Sometime very naughty, Sometimes hotly, But always tender. Try to guess. It is children’s gender, yes! They are children real, with noise.My first market
I am at the market, such a colorful picture. So many things, I am too lost. I see, in my head there is nothing, but mixture. What shall I do? I am crying my SOS! And the people are here: “What’s the matter?” Soon half the market is just in my sick. I am happily smiling standing near. My market is over, I go home back.At early dawn
At early dawn birds are singing so lovely. Nature awakes full unforgettable charms. The air is fresh, and flying through the soul darkly You fill harmony, you are in her arms. At early dawn, you are just like a enchantress Ruling over a fairy pond. That is because India is one of the countries Where nature touched you with its magic wand.Diwali
Diwali is the day of thanks, Diwali is the day of hearings, Diwali is the day of meetings And welcome hearty greetings. Diwali is the day of light, Diwali is so bright, Diwali, and the people are friends, Diwali is for ladies and gents. Diwali is for every baby, Diwali is for big and small, Diwali is a hymn, may be, A hymn of goodness for all. If it is a hymn, it is a hymn of lightness. Without demons, without wars Diwali, you are full of brightness, It is peace, and nothing more.* Diwali is one of the most popular festivals of Hinduism, it spiritually signifies the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, knowledge over ignorance, and hope over despair.
Bhilai’s morning
For my husband Cycles, and cycles, and cycles Early in the morning. It’s time Bhilai’s people To the plant are going. They smile, they sign, they hooray, The plant is their dearest baby. They wish it to be the strongest And the leading in the country, may be. They know the plant’s people treasure. They need it for life and freedom. And they spend no expense Here in Bhilai’s kingdom. They do it for the county’s glory For smiles, for songs, for yearnings That is why there are so many cycles In the mornings.ФОТОГРАФИИ
1. Валя Сафронова со своей сестрой Лидой. Магнитогорск, 1934 г.
2. Валя Сафронова, 30 июня 1948 г.
3. Семья Сафроновых, сентябрь 1950 года. Валентина, Владимир, Лидия, Людмила, Николай Михайлович, Рита, Тамара Лаврентьевна, Надя
4. Валя Сафронова, 1951 г.
5. Николай Михайлович и Тамара Лаврентьевна Сафроновы, родители Валентины Семеновой
6. Валентина Николаевна с мамой Тамарой Лаврентьевной
7. Валя Сафронова, 1952 г.
8. Валя Сафронова, 1952 г.
9. Валя Сафронова, 1953 г.
10. Валя Сафронова, 1953 г.
11. Валя Сафронова, 1953 г.
12. Валя Сафронова, 1953 г.
13. Валя Сафронова после защиты диплома, 1953 г.
14. Валентина Сафронова с братом Владимиром
15. Валя Сафронова, 1953 г.
16. Валентина Сафронова, 1953 г.
17. Валя Сафронова, г. Куса Челябинской обл., 1953 г.
18. Валя Сафронова, г. Куса Челябинской обл., 1953 г.
19. Валентина Сафронова с будущим мужем Анатолием Семеновым
20. Москва, июнь 1962 г. Сын Саша, Люся (сестра Валентины Семеновой), Валентина Семенова, сын Миша, Лидия Михайловна (жена старшего брата мужа Валентины Семеновой)
21. Новый год, 1965 г. Люба и Надя – дочери Лидии Парфирьевой (Сафроновой). Миша и Саша – сыновья Валентины Семеновой
22. Южный Урал, 1969 г.
23. Южный Урал, 1969 г. Семья Семеновых.
24. Валентина Семенова, 1975 г.
25. Валентина Семенова с мужем Анатолием Семеновым, 1979 г.
26. Валентина Семенов. Урок английского, 1979 г.
27. Валентина Семенова, 1981 г.
Дополнительная информация
Валентина Николаевна Семенова
Сборник подготовлен к 90-летию автора
Издательство: AAS.Ltd. Москва
Редактор-корректор: А. Теркель
Верстка и дизайн: AAS.Ltd. Москва
Иллюстрации: А. Семенов
Подготовка текстов:
А. Семенов, М. Семенов
Москва, Лондон, 2018