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Y. Inbar et al., “Disgusting Smells Cause Decreased Liking of Gay Men,” Emotion 12 (2012): 23; T. Adams et al., “Disgust and the Politics of Sex: Exposure to a Disgusting Odorant Increases Politically Conservative Views on Sex and Decreases Support for Gay Marriage,” PLoS ONE 9 (2014): e95572; H. A. Chapman and A. K. Anderson, “Things Rank and Gross in Nature: A Review and Synthesis of Moral Disgust,” Psych Bull 139 (2013): 300.


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J. Haidt, The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion (New York: Pantheon, 2012); L. Kass, “The Wisdom of Repugnance: Why We Should Ban the Cloning of Human Beings,” New Republic, June 2, 1997.


R. Kanai et al., “Political Orientations Are Correlated with Brain Structure in Young Adults,” Curr Biol 21 (2011): 677; D. Schreiber et al., “Red Brain, Blue Brain: Evaluative Processes Differ in Democrats and Republicans,” PLoS ONE 8 (2013): e52970; W. Ahn et al., “Nonpolitical Images Evoke Neural Predictors of Political Ideology,” Curr Biol 24 (2014): 2693. Общий обзор см. по: J. Hibbing et al., “The Deeper Source of Political Conflict: Evidence from the Psychological, Cognitive, and Neurosciences,” TICS 18 (2014): 111.


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Некоторые работы по политической ориентации и вовлеченности: двойное исследование – N. G. Martin et al., “Transmission of Social Attitudes,” PNAS 83 (1986): 4364; R. I. Lake et al., “Further Evidence Against the Environmental Transmission of Individual Differences in Neuroticism from a Collaborative Study of 45,850 Twins and Relatives on Two Continents,” Behav Genetics 30 (2000): 223; J. R. Alford et al., “Are Political Orientations Genetically Transmitted,” Am Political Sci Rev 99 (2005): 153; общегеномная связь – P. Hatemi et al., “A Genome-wide Analysis of Liberal and Conservative Political Attitudes,” J Politics 73 (2011): 1; D. Amodio et al., “Neurocognitive Correlates of Liberalism and Conservatism,” Nat Nsci 10 (2007): 1246.


T. Kameda and R Hastie, “Herd Behavior: Its Biological, Neural, Cognitive and Social Underpinnings,” in Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences, ed. R. Scott and S. Kosslyn (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley and Sons, 2015); H. Kelman, “Compliance, Identification, and Internalization: Three Processes of Attitude Change,” J Conflict Resolution 2 (1958): 51.


К сноске: B. O. McGonigle and M. Chalmers, “Are Monkeys Logical?” Nat 267 (1977): 694; D. J. Gillian, “Reasoning in the Chimpanzee: II. Transitive Inference,” J Exp Psych: Animal Behav Processes 7 (1981): 87; H. Davis, “Transitive Inference in Rats (Rattus norvegicus),” J Comparative Psych 106 (1992): 342; W. Roberts and M. Phelps, “Transitive Inference in Rats: A Test of the Spatial Coding Hypothesis,” Psych Sci 5 (1994): 368; L. von Fersen et al., “Transitive Inference Formation in Pigeons,” J Exp Psych: Animal Behav Processes 17 (1991): 334; J. Stern et al., “Transitive Inference in Pigeons: Simplified Procedures and a Test of Value Transfer Theory,” Animal Learning & Behav 23 (1995): 76; A. B. Bond et al., “Social Complexity and Transitive Inference in Corvids,” Animal Behav 65 (2003): 479; L. Grosenick et al., “Fish Can Infer Social Rank by Observation Alone,” Nat 445 (2007): 429.


C. Watson and C. Caldwell, “Neighbor Effects in Marmosets: Social Contagion of Agonism and Affiliation in Captive Callithrix jacchus,” Am J Primat 72 (2010): 549; K. Baker and F. Aureli, “The Neighbor Effect: Other Groups Influence Intragroup Agonistic Behavior in Captive Chimpanzees,” Am J Primat 40 (1996): 283.


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K. Bonnie et al., “Spread of Arbitrary Conventions Among Chimpanzees: A Controlled Experiment,” Proc Royal Soc of London B 274 (2007): 367; M. Dindo et al., “In-group Conformity Sustains Different Foraging Traditions in Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus apella),” PLoS ONE 4 (2009): e7858; D. Fragaszy and E. Visalberghi, “Socially Biased Learning in Monkeys,” Learning Behav 32

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