to their excessive overpopulation (maybe they are the most densely populated also today, and this in evidently seismic region), and the Italians, well, they are Catholics, and this, in some cases, unites more than the communism (I can give as an interesting example that I have read some Italian juvenile books of the genre ... "religious science fiction", what kind I have not met anywhere else till now). But in all those cases these are countries with proven success in the industry, or wherever it can be, they have had mighty empires in the past, and now, too, they demonstrate "wonders" in their development, and are extremely united (at least the Germans and Japanese have rebirth literally like the bird phoenix after their defeat in the Second world war). Where we, the Bulgarians, are quite savage and barbarian country, whatever we were not officially stating, and if we have had sometime "kingdom and state" then the other nations around us have had not smaller such, but we, obviously, are utterly disunited and can begin to kill one another if there is not somebody to bring us to reason (just recall to you, those who can, how in the first years after the coming of democracy we have poked out the eyes of candidates for MP, or have depicted "something" to their mouth). From what follows that there is no ground for natural emergence (in times of war this, as a rule, is not counted, it was imposed to us) of fascism in Bulgaria.

     But look, it has come "Haiduk Sider" and has organized fascist party and it turns out that I was wrong. Yet this is not so (for, after all, how can I make a mistake, ah? — rhetorical question, the answer is clear), because this party gathers not many people, on the average about 5%, and this predominantly among young and silly ones, so that this situation has to be valid, maybe, for each country.

Conditions for effective fascism by us do not exist

, and have never existed, we maybe do not like much one another (for example, I personally can not say that I am just "overflowing with love" to the Gypsies, or Hebrews, or, Negroes, or ... Americans, no matter that there are not such living in Bulgaria), but we would have not risen to perform raw physical violence against them (where we have examples even for the contrary — for saving of Hebrews during the fascism, or for accepting of many Armenian refuges before this). We are savage, but


and meek, people, and this that some youngsters push up to express themselves with something — for there is nowhere now to show our "heroism", there are no wars, no revolutionary situation, no even special


to live, because life is significantly easier than half to one century before — well, it happens so with people, as I have said, these are illnesses of growth, something like the pimples acne (which word, to "educate" you a bit, means something "


" in Bulgarian, or


in Latin, what are ... the faeces!).


The Tsarist party

(NMSS, National Movement Simeon the Second,


in Bulgarian). It has come nearly like a bolt from the blue, as is said, was organized in a pair of months, and if there was not the quite clever Solomon (who has


us to the Atlantic, because his very name was such, Passi), it wouldn't have had the possibility to see the white world (and there were also a big number of many more or less right-wing politicians who have grasped in time that UDF will only "entangle the skein" and have run out of it long ago, so that they just waited where to enter).

This party was entirely opportunistic

, practically without ideas (like everything right-wing, as I have said), if one does not count the subconscious comprehension of everyone that if something comes from the West then it must be good, and also when Simeon was born to be King, then, maybe, it is worth to try with him, too. Yeah, but he has come to take back his land possessions, has behaved as a King, i.e. have done what he wanted (when has won the majority of votes) and, as far as he was also in years, withdrew later from the politics. And in addition (and I think, but maybe I just think so, that I have tried to tell this to these people — but what prominent personality will read all the correspondence which receives?) they even have

not succeeded to correct their name

, but have remained with the "working name" NMSS, i.e. only to them three letters for abbreviation of their name have not sufficed (because GERB party, although this is some abbreviation, as a word in Bulgarian means ensign); when at the end they have decided to change their name this has become useless, the King has withdrawn. Where they could have named themselves, for example (to give them post factum some hints — for I, contrary to many, have enough brains but little money): Moderate Western Party, or Party for Moderate Capitalism, or Turn to the West, Strong Right-wing Alliance, or whatever they have alone chosen, only not this unfinished name for playing hide and seek under one (olden) "hat".

     But don't thing, however, that I am not contented with them; I in principle don't like


party, because it defends its partial (from "part"), not some common for the country, interests, but I think it's a shame that they had very good chances and have simply wasted them. They had chances, at least, because they were not extremely right, like the UDF, but also because ... hmm, for the simple reason that they

had no special ideas

for ruling, they just wanted to "cash in" on the power. Here many of the readers might have thought that I have entangled myself in my reasonings, but this is not so — because life is entangled, the dialectics require it, see? So they

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