This, what has to be done, after finding who will sponsor the BUM — you see, by revenues only from aids and donations calculated to 41 mln lv in our budget for the same 2012, and if we reduce the used above 250 mln
times (proportionally to the ratio of 50,000 persons to more than 7 mln for the country), there remain really necessary only about 2 mln levs —, so that after this must be legitimized that
, but indeed all, under pain of heavy fines, payments to the persons from that region — there are no problems to prepare ordered lists by UCN (Unique Citizenship Number, this is Bulgarian personal ID number) for all of them — are to be conducted via this bank. Then it will pay each month, say on the 15th, to
every citizen of age
(there are no problems to include here also the children, if they, too, receive something, i.e. if their parents receive something for them, but let us initially include only the persons of age), the sum of, let it be exactly 0.5 MMS (according to its value in the given moment), where in the end of the month it will be subtracted from everything received during the month. Now, there can be operated according the money due to be paid for the given month, but this may delay the system, will remain unpaid old payments for months back, surely (at least in Bulgaria), so that I think it is better to work on the basis of the current month and the received and spent in it.
It will not be easy to get around BUM because for each company can be checked where are sent the remunerations for every person working for it (partially, on full time basis, it doesn't matter, that is why the payroll lists exist). This will be made easy because for everybody will exist a number, for example BUM_UCN_No, where to the sums for him (or her) are to be transferred, so that the companies even will
not pay
the salaries
in banknotes
, this will be forbidden to them, for the reason that everything has to go via BUM. This will simplify the financial operations in each of the companies, and can easily be controlled. And the people will have cards for this current accounts and will be able to take money out of them when only something emerges there. That is why I am speaking also about moderate capitalism, or, generally, development, because from this will benefit the companies and the business, as well as the state, which will receive more unfailing this, what is due to it.
Well, while it will be worked on a level of one town, the things will be a bit more complicated, there will be nonresidents living in other places, it will be needed to make some exceptions, but later on, on the level of the whole country, everything will be extremely clear. But in the frame of a town there will be no problems for every foreign citizen working for a company in this town to perform all his payments also through this bank (as far as BUM
a bank, as every other), only that he (or she) will not receive initially half of MMS each month, and will not be monitored, i.e. he will be under simplified control; from here he will be able to withdraw his money when only wishes. This bank will be able to send information also for the annual income declarations for everybody, no matter is he an ordinary citizen or "plays with millions". That is how the communism can be equalized, as much as possible, and in direction in which this is possible, with the capitalism. But this
control of the bank accounts, only of the incomes; and, in the end, the financial institutions in the state must, anyway, know how much everybody receives (in order to "cash" also something together with him, of course), but will he spend his money, or accumulate them, or make business with them, is his own business.
Good, in bare outlines I think the things have begun to clarify themselves: there will be necessary some decent sums in the beginning, but if this, what is paid as minimum, is at such level that each, hmm, normal snob will not be satisfied by this allowance, then there is no danger that some people will begin to rely on this money and will give up working at all, i.e. those, who will cease to work will do this for some important reasons, which can be also checked (for example, a real intelligent must be entirely in position to live on this money and praise the communism in our country, which will somehow win from his brain). This measure is profitable as for the poor citizens, as well also for the state, and the companies, too, to a large extent, will have some benefits, because their financial duties will become easier (for the moment they will only not really pay the salaries, but in the future can be required to perform via this bank also the distribution of all taxes for the given person; for the contemporary computerized systems this is no burden at all).
As far as, however, the expressed here ideas, in spite of their revolutionary meaning, are not something entirely new and not used somewhere on local level, it is quite possible to come to them also in other ways. Let me remind you something, what is known by pretty few of the people, but I have met it several times in Western journals, namely the fact, that the pension insurance in Germany, from here in Europe (and possibly in the world, too) was introduced by Otto von Bismarck, who, obviously, was not a communist, and has defended the interest, first of all, of quietness in the country. Well,