a weak link - as my mother sometimes called me, "a mosquito with thin legs". In this situation, the victory of Vova Sadovsky's team was ensured. I stood in the middle, ahead of me was Sergei Novikov, behind - Katyupupa. The first to us jumped Boris Morozov. He landed safely on Novikov, so we did not even feel his weight. It's time to jump to Sadovsky. He fled, noisily breathing and hard, like a rhinoceros, stamping his knives (it seemed that the earth was shaking and walking with staggering under his weight), loudly grunted like a boar and jumped straight onto me. It seemed to me that a bulldozer fell on my back, my bones cracked, but strangely enough, my legs, slightly bent at the knees, still withstood an incredible weight for me. Complementing this "oil painting" and, apparently, wishing to finish me, Sasha Tkachenko perched on top of Vova Sadovsky. Thus, all this astonishing weight fell on my poor bony back. "Count, hold on!" - yelled Kathipupa, and, surprisingly, at some point I really ceased to feel this heavy weight. The blood poured into my head with a hot wave and noisily knocked at my temples, as if I wanted to pierce the temporal bone. But now all this cumbersome construction had to go twenty long, endless steps to the football goal. The "horse" slowly but surely moved into its last, tragic way. All the way, while we walked "horse", before my eyes stood the image of a beardless man about 40 years old in a white chiton, sitting in some white room. Yes, I forgot to say that this image has haunted me since my earliest childhood and always appeared when I was ill (for example, during pneumonia) or when there was a real danger. Many years later I learned in this man the third Angel with the amazing and most mysterious in the History of World Art icon Andrei Rublev "Holy Trinity." Then, in my childhood, I did not attach any special significance to this fact and quickly forgot about it. And yet we reached the end, defeating our more than worthy rivals. Vova Sadowski looked at me with obvious perplexity, not fully understanding what had happened. "Voronin, you now put the world record in weightlifting, if you take into account your" hare "weight!" - he muttered. "Well, you, Count, give!" - Seryozha Novikov said with admiration, and with great piety Katipupa extended his wet hand to me. This was the first serious recognition of my merits of a male in this harsh male world. However, the titanic "struggle against gravity" did not pass for me in vain - I have earned varicose veins in the groin, which occasionally reminds me of past victories and which I now "proudly" bring through life.

The next morning, as was to be expected, I fell ill - apparently, seriously overstrained and, in addition, caught cold. The temperature is under 40, a runny nose, a dry, nasty cough, a semi-bodily condition - in general, a "gentlemanly" set of universal "joys" in such cases. In the inflamed imagination, the image of an Angel from the icon "Holy Trinity" and another strange subject with a bird's beak, which the Ankh holds in his hands - an ancient Egyptian cross with a loop at the end, arose from the childhood. Many years later I saw this picture in real time in the Krasnoyarsk museum of local lore, which, for some reason, was originally conceived and built as an accurate, only a small copy of the ancient Egyptian museum on Tahrir Square in Cairo. It turned out that it depicted the ancient Egyptian God Ra with the head of a bird, giving with the help of Ankh ("the key of the Nile") the life of his son - the pharaoh. Many millennia later, the symbol "Ankh" will be called the "mirror of Venus" and will be used in genetics to refer to the female X chromosome, that is, the feminine origin. Believe me, this was not the first message of God Ra, addressed exclusively to my "humble" person.

Once in the program "Obvious-improbable" Academician Sergei Petrovich Kapitsa talked about mysterious circles in the fields, the origin of which is still unknown to science. In one of the circles I saw the familiar symbol of the female principle - the "mirror of Venus". Above the "mirror" was a sphere - a symbol of God Ra, and inside the "mirror" is placed a five-pointed star - a symbol of the Divine Man. I immediately guessed that this composition in the meaning exactly repeats the fresco of ancient Egypt known to me - God Ra with the help of Anha (earthly woman) gives life to his Son - Pharaoh - "the governor of God on Earth." And one more, more than strange image during the illness was remembered to me then. My whole brain, filled with heat, was filled, crushed by an absolutely black Void, a huge Abyss. It was infinite, but at the same time it did not frighten me at all, but attracted me with some special magnetism, sucking in myself, like Malevich's Black Square. Suddenly, in this Abyss, a spinning hourglass appeared from nowhere. They, as in computer graphics, began to grow from a small point and turn into huge vessels, which are now a terrible burden, that there are forces that put pressure on my entire child's being, completely filling the inflamed consciousness with its transparent heavy spheres. Then all this vision just as suddenly disappeared, as it appeared, and I already, as from above, saw the same hour glass, only in miniature, which lay on a huge male palm. Despite the fact that I saw this image from above, I had a full feeling that this palm is still mine, because through the feverish delirium I could physically feel on the wet child's palm the enormous, incommensurable weight of these cosmic hourglasses, although they And looked, compared to the hand, like a microscopic grain of

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