'The Order wants me dead?' It was so unreal. Anyone wanting him dead was unreal. 'It can't be.'

'Get used to it. You must know something they don't want spread around.'

'But I don't. All I did was say I'd help them find Weezy if they'd tell me why they were interested in her. You'll never guess who they brought me to.'


Eddie blinked. 'Yes! How did-? Never mind.'

He realized he'd have to stop being surprised by what Jack knew about all this.

'What did he tell you?'

'He said he didn't know but he'd find out.'

'That's not enough to want you dead. Did you see or read or overhear something you shouldn't have?'

'No, I-wait. I overheard part of a conversation where 'jihad' was repeated a number of times.'

'That could be it.'

'It's just an Arabic word.'

'The Order has had some dealings with Islamic nutcases in the past. Maybe they're dealing again. Weezy was uncovering the connection. That was why they were after her. This 'jihad' could be something new along that line or nothing.' Jack glanced at him. 'Do they know you know about this 'jihad' thing? I mean, you didn't ask Drexler what it meant, did you?'

'No.' He hated to admit it… 'But I did ask Fournier, the guy who was driving.'

'Jeez, Eddie. How could you be so-?' He waved a hand. 'Did he tell you?'

'No. But I guess he told Drexler.'

'If that's it. Means nothing to me beyond holy war. But whether it's this 'jihad' or something else, the fact remains you've got to disappear.'

'Disappear? How?'

'Fall off the radar. I assume you've got a savings or checking account?'


'Good. Where?'


'First thing you do is empty them-almost empty them. Now. Use your Crackberry to find the nearest branch. I'll drop you there. While I'm hiding this van, you go to the nearest Duane's or department store and buy a duffel bag. You empty those accounts and put the money in the bag. I'll come by and pick you up and we'll start your disappearing act.'

Eddie felt a surge of panic.

'But I've got a business-'

Jack gave him a hard look. 'Your business or your life. Choose.'

Eddie leaned back and stared through the windshield. He'd worked so hard to build up his actuarial business. Things were going so well. But none of that would matter if the Order caught up with him.

He pulled out his BlackBerry and hunted up a Citi branch.


Ernst stared at Szeto's swollen, bruised, stitched, bandaged face and shook his head in disgust. He wanted to scream but didn't want the Kickers wandering the Lodge's halls to hear.

'You have no idea who did this?'

'I had no chance. Door hit me in face before I get look at him. I see nothing after that.'

'He took your pistol and used it to kill Fournier and Valez, then whisk Connell off to safety. Are you feeling a sense of deja vu?'

Szeto nodded. 'Max and Josef.'

Though not exactly the same-Max's pistol had been stolen but not used to kill either him or Josef-but both had died transporting another Connell… Edward's sister Louise.

Ernst steepled his fingers. 'Do you think it's the same man?'

'I am sure. These Connells seem to have guardian angel.'

'A deadly one.' Ernst aimed a hard gaze at Szeto. 'An angel with inside information.'

Szeto frowned. 'What do you mean?'

'How could he possibly know you were taking Connell anywhere? Connell had only minutes' warning that he was being picked up, no hint that he would be in danger, and even if so, no time to set up a tail.'

'Only Fournier and I knew.'

'And Fournier is conveniently dead.'

Szeto's already swollen eyes narrowed further. 'You can't think-'

'Odd, don't you think, that he would kill Valez and Fournier, but leave you alive?'

'I was down and no threat.'

'Valez was no threat either.'

'He might not have known that. You insult me.'

Ernst had no doubts about Szeto's loyalty, but a hint that he might be under suspicion would keep him sharp.

'Just speculating. I am disturbed by someone's uncanny ability to be in the right place at the right time to rescue the Connell siblings. Could it have been the same man who abducted Valez?'

'Possible but not likely. If he wanted Valez dead, he could have killed him when he had him.'

'Yes, I suppose that makes sense. But this incident… right on the street… you aren't a suspect?'

Szeto shook his head. 'They think I am victim. I hide my holster under parked car. Police question me and I tell truth: I did not see man, his van is blue, and had Mississippi plates. I know nothing else. But I know how to find more.'

He meant the woman, of course-Connell's sister-but knew better than to bring it up directly. Ernst decided to misinterpret his remark.

'Yes. Locate Brother Connell. If we are lucky, he will run to the police. If that happens, our brothers within the authorities will isolate him and interrogate him.'

'What if he goes into hiding like sister?'

'We'll find him just like we found her.'

'That was luck. We thought she was in Wyoming.'

'But she came back. We weren't networking with the Dormentalists and Kickers then. Besides, I doubt he knows how to hide. But check his bank accounts and his credit and debit cards anyway. Track him that way.'

The Order had members in all the large financial corporations and law enforcement agencies as well. No information was privileged.

'And when he is found?'

'When he is found, he shall lead us to his guardian angel. You will see to it that he cooperates. And then you shall have the pleasure of dealing with that one.'

Instead of smiling, Szeto frowned. 'We do not have much time. When Jihad brings down Internet, we will have difficulty tracing anything.'

Ernst hadn't thought of that.

He was going to miss the Internet.


'Feeling better?' Weezy said, watching Dawn closely as she sat next to her on the couch.

Dawn nodded. 'Much.'

The juice and cheese had worked a mini miracle. She certainly looked better. A little color in her cheeks made

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