Her lewd language excited her as she started to work her pussy up and down over the boy's cock. Dan, last night and that morning, had prepped her for the pleasure she was experiencing now. All her defenses had been battered down by her boyfriend's hard-pummeling cock. She was wide open to the virginal presence of the plumber's cock. Every move she made over him made her twitch with pleasure. Sue could feel herself a cock's stroke away from orgasm. The boy's stiff impaling cock was going to make her cum!

'Uh… uh, God, Miss Newton!'

As she raised and lowered herself over him, he started to thrust his cock up into her wet cunt-hole. He didn't know where the energy came from. He was moving more from instinct than from purpose. It was just happening; their erotic moment was carrying him along.

Feeling him grabbing her hips and thrusting his hard cock into her pussy filled Sue with a reckless glee. She started to sit on him harder and harder. She squealed each time his cock split apart the taut entrance to her cunt. She sighed with raunchy satisfaction each time she felt his cock inside her to the hilt.

'Oh, Frank… oh, Frank,.. you're soooo goddamned good in meee!'

Suddenly, she was wailing and squirming like a woman gone mad. She was cumming on the thick shaft of the ex-virgin's cock!

'Holy shit!' the boy exclaimed.

Overcome by the thrill of making the beautiful stranger cum, he let go the hot wad of his cum. He trembled as in long spurt after spurt he filled the blonde full of his first cum into real-live cunt.

They clung to each other like kittens in a snowstorm, reliving the sudden explosive moments of their fuck. Sue snoozed for a while on the boy's lap, content to feel his cock growing limp inside her sated cunt.

'God, Miss Newton!' the boy exclaimed at last. He was more dynamic than Sue had seen him since his arrival. Her cunt throbbed to see the change she had wrought. 'I sure am glad I became a plumber! I wouldn't have missed this job for the world!'

Sue grinned. 'The sink, Frank. The job is the sink in the kitchen. This is for pure pleasure, the greatest part of anything anybody ever does Sue was drying dishes in the Walker kitchen as she relived the wanton episode with young Frank. Lucy had left her alone while she went out to check on her laundry. As she recalled the thrilling joy of her daring on that Saturday morning three months before, her cunt throbbed eagerly. She had never seen Frank again. She hadn't needed to. It had been a once-in-a-lifetime thing, but she remembered him from time to time- remembered the taste and feel of his sweet young cock. 'Hi, Sue. How's it going?' The blonde jumped and turned around, startled. She found herself face to face with Dan's younger brother. The shock of being interrupted from her lewd memories brought a blush to her face. She cursed herself for her lack of control as she saw Dick, too, start to blush. She thought she knew why he was blushing-probably, he thought she was embarrassed by being taken by surprise by someone she was attracted to. And, damnit! He was right. So right. Quickly, she got a hold of herself. But it didn't work for either of them. Dick picked up a dish towel and started to help her with the remaining dishes. As they worked, they bumped into each other accidentally three times. Each time it happened, they both blushed and muttered 'sorry'. But the clumsy contact had both their nerveendings trembling like summer lightning in a dark sky.

They were getting close, dangerously close to the place where they were most vulnerable. CHAPTER SEVEN

Sue had no idea what it really was that made young Dick nervous in her presence. The boy couldn't forget the night he had watched the blonde and his older brother making wanton love in the kitchen. He couldn't forget the hot longing the sexy Sue had inspired in his young cock. Ever since that night, it had been agony for the boy to keep from getting a hard-on whenever he was near her. Many times, he did not succeed, and he was forced to take great pains to make sure no one noticed his stiff cock.

The boy always listened raptly to everything Sue told him. When she helped him with his English homework, he watched her as if every word that spilled from her lips was a jewel of mind-quenching wisdom. Sue would have had even more trouble than she did, keeping her mind off the boy's vulnerable appeal, if she had known what was really on his mind at those times.

He was thinking how wonderful it would be to feel those expressive lips wrapped around his hungering cock!

After more than a week at her boyfriend's family home, Sue was feeling the strain of constantly fighting to keep herself on guard. The unnatural feelings that assaulted her over and over again- when she faced her prospective brother-in-law and father-in-law-seemed to stem from sources she had no control over. Her intense sexual relationship with Dan had honed her body to such a peak of arousal that she was easy prey for fuck-lust as compelling as those she felt for Luke and Dick. She even thought that the fact that they were Dan's relatives had something to do with it. She got a perverse thrill from the thought of exploring the sexual energy of the other Walker men.

Dan had been talking about possibly moving back to his home town to open his brokerage. He had gone to a Chamber of Commerce meeting with Luke.

Sue had been invited to go along, but she had politely declined. With Lucy at her interior decorating class and Dick at a school basketball game, the blonde was going to have her first chance, since she had arrived, to be completely alone. She felt she needed the opportunity to air out the tensions of her confused brain.

The best way to give herself some relief from her unsatisfied frustrations seemed to be to have a couple of drinks. She fixed herself a Manhattan. The first was quickly followed by a second, and then a third. With a nice glow on, none of the anxieties that had been plaguing the blonde seemed so important any more. She thought she might want to take a nap when she was good and tipsy. But it turned out that, once she got high, the hominess she had been trying to suppress, surged to the surface. Sue felt as horny as a bitch in heat. And she wanted to so something about it.

The thought of playing with her pussy-wantonly, brazenly, right in the Walker family's living room-had a perverse attraction for the intoxicated blonde, in her drunken condition, she thought that perhaps she could exorcise the demons that had been tempting her, by submitting to her lust right on the couch. She would stroke her cut until it exploded into orgasm. She would wail out her ecstasy. Then she would stagger to her room and sleep. In the morning, she would wake up cured of' her ill-placed desires.

It seemed like a good enough plan to a woman who'd had one too many, and who really wanted nothing more than a good reason to rub her cunt to forgetful explosion.

Sue stretched out on her belly on the couch and slipped her hand under her dress. Her fingers invaded the crotch of her panties and she discovered her cunt was already hot and wet with smoldering desire.

'Mmmmmm… 'she moaned, reveling in the delicious thought that there was no one there to see her, that she was free to play as if there were.

Her fingertip moved back and forth between the blood-engorged tip of her clitoris and the spongy yielding opening to her cunt. She liked to lay a finger along either side of her cut and vibrate it. When she started to get good and hot, she churned her buttocks in saucy abandon, grinding her cut down against the couch cushions. Her pace increased, and what meager remnants remained of Sue's self-control were cast aside without regret.

Trembling at her boldness, she pulled up her dress and pulled down her panties to her thighs. It excited her to feel the cool air of the room teasing the bare cheeks of her ass. She wondered what a man would think if he could see her now-lying on her belly, teasing herself toward orgasm. What would Luke think, or Dick? The depraved questions made her grind her cunt harder against the couch.

Drink and lust had made a seething pleasure-pit of Sue's brain. It took a while to register on her that there was someone standing next to the couch. Someone in bluejeans. For a moment, she experienced absolute terror. A prowler had gotten in! What would he do to her? She looked up fearfully, a hand still protectively grasping her pussy.

It was Dick! Dick, the shy handsome boy she had been trying so unsuccessfuLly to keep out of her dreams!

''Dick… you're… home early…''

She tried not to slur her words, but even to her own ears, her words were a dead giveaway of her condition. She struggled up to a sitting position, pulling her skirt down over her thighs. Her ass was still bare against the couch. The feeling made her cunt quiver. She was afraid to look the boy in the face again. She waited for him to say something. When nothing happened, she looked up timidly.

On Dick's face, she saw the same helpless arousal she had seen in the eyes of the plumber boy, Frank, so

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