relatively minor concern. Even so, the reigningJin’Saiou would have to be dealt with in some way.

Most worrisome of all, theJin’Sai had reached Shashida and he too now commanded forestallments banned by the Borderlands Treaty. Vespasian had destroyed the Shashidan barge from which theJin’Sai had thundered down azure meteors, but as Vespasian’s chariot had overturned he had not been able to determine whether Tristan had been killed. Sitting back in his marble throne, Vespasian pursed his lips, thinking.

In a strange way it didn’t matter whether he knew theJin’Sai ’s fate, he realized. If Tristan died during the battle of the Vallesis Majestatis, so be it. If not, Vespasian would soon know, for only he and theJin’Sai commanded such awesome gifts of the craft, and they would surely meet again.

Just then, legionary buglers and drummers entered the arena through the Gates of Life and the crowd stood and cheered. On a signal from Vespasian, the one-eyed Games Master quickly swiveled a new sign that had recently been crafted from stolen Shashidan gold.

On seeing the order, hand-picked centurions stationed on the arena floor quickly exited through the Gates of Life. When they returned, at first the amazed spectators gasped, then they cheered as never before when they saw what the centurions carried. From the woven baskets lying in their arms, the centurions began throwing newly minted sesterces-complete with Vespasian’s likeness-into the surging crowds.

Smiling, Gracchus Junius sat back in his chair and took another sip of wine. Seated by his side, Benedik Pryam leaned closer.

“You were right,” Benedik said quietly.

“I usually am,” Gracchus answered. “But even I do not know to which of my recent accomplishments you refer.”

“I speak of our young charge, of course,” Benedik answered, tilting his head in Vespasian’s direction. “He truly knows what Ellistium is. It’s the mob, pure and simple. His decrees to lower taxes and to throw money into the crowd are master strokes. They are sure to love him as never before.”

Rubbing his chin, Benedik scowled. “Even so, it seems that in some ways we are right back where we started.”

Gracchus laughed. “If that is what you believe, then you are as blind as you are foolish,” he replied. “Aside from the total destruction of Shashida, we have gained all that we could have hoped for. Our treasury is bursting, and the mood of the populace has again swung in our favor. Rustannica’s ability to finance her war against the Vigors has never been so robust. Our emperor has accepted his immense gifts and he has proven that he is willing to use them. Even better, he believes that his terrors have been forever banished.”

As he again turned his attention to the arena, Gracchus plopped a grape into his mouth.

“So you see, my dear Benedik, aside from the arrival of theJin’Sai on this side of the world, all is as it should be,” he added. “And given time, even he will be dealt with.”

Hearing the buglers again blow their horns, everyone in the royal box looked toward the arena floor. On Vespasian’s order, Shashidan skeens were entering the arena. They wore only meager loincloths and were shackled hand and foot. Each slave carried something across his or her back, their bodies bent low under the crushing weight. As they were whipped, they staggered across the arena floor as best they could.

When the crowd realized the nature of the slaves’ burdens, they cheered and stamped so loudly that they could be heard in the farthest reaches of Ellistium. They were witnessing the ultimate humiliation, and its savage cleverness endeared their young emperor to them even more.

Across each slave’s back, tied together with stout rope, lay several bars of their own gold, recently stolen from the Vallesis Majestatis. Sitting back in his ivory chair, Gracchus smiled.

From behind the protection of her gauzy veil, Julia Idaeus wiped away a tear.

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