into Horizon by using this PAN?'
Kazuma nodded. 'Yes-I'm-baka-' he jerked and his eyes closed again. At the same time there was a barrage of foul language from the other side of that door.
Nuts. I couldn't hear exactly what they were saying-I was blind. If I had my commlink I could hack the shop's security system myself-but I didn't. I eyed the bag on the suit jacket. But if Kazuma did…
I grabbed up his bag and rummaged through it. As I suspected-inside was a Novatech comlink and a pair of gloves and shades. I pulled them out and slid the gloves on, then slid the shades on. They were blank-no image. I took them off and checked the commlink.
It was off.
I looked at Kazuma-if the link was off, how the hell was he accessing the PAN? Was my first guess that he had an internal 'link, right? Which meant he was using his own secured PAN to chase after the hackers?
That was just stupid on several levels-having an internal 'link nowadays-especially since the Technomancer and AI scares was just stupid. If someone listening to all the drek out there about Otaku Nightmares being Technomancers didn't see a physical commlink they'd kill this kid. Straight up. I'd already read about too many 'mistakes' like that in this crazy-ass world
The other problem was if the Hackers noticed him and fought back with any sort of attack-like a black hammer or even some sort of databomb-he was gonna suffer some serious dumbshock from running hot sim. I switched the commlink on, set the protocols, and discovered the commlink's ID wasn't his, but someone named Hitori Tetsu.
Ah…Tetsu. The missing sister?
With a shrug I donned the goggles again, connected to the PAN, and was instantly barraged by the daily specials (which correlated with Kazuma's assessment that they hadn't tried to jam the signals) as well as a flooded inbox of email, texts and coupons available from PRADA international.
PRADA huh? So-the Tetsu family was well off. Figures.
Even as I looked around the room I still saw the desk and a small pop-up window identifying the type of datajack and the IP address. The damned thing even informed me what company manufactured the broom and a red blaring message warned that the mop had a known defect in the rotary connection.
Wow…what a rush. And then I looked at Kazuma.
And got nothing. Not even a PAN identifier or ID.
Now-I wasn't completely savvy on the latest wireless craze that'd pretty much rerouted the world in the past seven years-but I had been paying attention enough to eek by. Had even set up my own PAN and had my commlink spoofing alternate IDs from a data-set I'd bought with good nuyen.
But from what I understood, an active PAN should show some sort of ID to it.
Or was his on private or something? Either way-it was time to apply a little of my own hacking skills.
I heard the yelling outside through the door and grabbed up one of the ear-buds from the shades and stuck it in my left ear. Now I could hear as well as see all the craziness being picked up by this 'link.
As I looked around, I found a pop-up that told me there was an access panel to the left of Kazuma. With a grunt I moved over him on my knees and then felt along the wall. Two pushes and the pressure plate disengaged.
The opening revealed a slate gray surface with several lights flashing in what looked like random patterns. There were also two datajacks to the right. Reaching over his legs, I pulled up the bag and looked for cabling.
No cabling. What I did find was a small prescription bottle for some hi-test painkiller. The label tag opened a new AR window before my eyes. Kazuma Tetsu's name showed up as the prescription recipient. His address flashed up as well. 1000 miligrams of Nano-profen. Wow. That was strong stuff. What was he taking it for?
'Derek,' came Kazuma's voice to my left.
My left? Kazuma was to my right. But when I looked at him he was still sitting with his eyes closed. With a pounding heart I looked to me left.
There was something there-visible only in the shades in a third AR window. It was Kazuma-sort of. But he looked more like a trideo anime character than a person. His hair was bright red and he still had the ponytail. He wore a tight fitting black suit with a high collar, and the handle of a katana jutted up behind his right shoulder.
Now that was stereotypical.
His eyes were large and green and bent up on the ends like a cat.
He nodded. 'Matrix icon,' he said. 'You're wearing my sister's comlink.'
Oh great. I didn't even want to know what this commlink's persona resembled.
I nodded to him. 'It was the only one you had in the bag.' I kept looking at him, but the AR windows didn't give me any more information. Not even a handle. 'You care to tell me how the hell you're doing this? I mean-you got an internal 'link?'
Kazuma's cartooned face smirked. 'No, I don't care to tell you. I should have told you to put those on sooner- makes this much easier to work in VR and solicit your help. I found the Agent they sent to the Horizon node-and I destroyed it.'
I was impressed. Confused as hell but impressed. 'So-this is good?'
'Yes and no,' he smiled. 'In truth the Agent was seemingly benign, with little to no security to it-but when I destroyed it-some sort of other program triggered and it followed me back here. The hacker noticed the blood trail leading to this room.'
That was bad.
He held up his right hand and an animated keyboard appeared beneath his fingers and he reached up to an animated AR window. 'I've been able to infiltrate their equipment and I've locked the outer doors.'
I narrowed my eyes at him. 'You did what?'
'They can't get out that way.'
'And the authorities can't get in.'
He nodded. 'I know. I sent a message via KE to the locals-PPC-telling them a KE security agent was inside and working on delivering the criminals. They'll keep the corner surrounded until everything is secured inside.'
Oh good grief. 'Kazuma-you're losing a lot of blood-'
'Which is why I need you. I can't concentrate on too many things right now-or I'll fade-lose consciousness. So I'm going to have to let go of the door when they hack it. I'll be semi-conscious and that's all I'll need to work. You're gonna have to stall them. Use my hidden gun holster and let them take the Colt.'
I was about to protest.
'They'll think they've disarmed you. I'll need you to hide Hitori's commlink-I don't want them to find it. There's a storage compartment to the right of the panel. Put it in there and I'll lock it.'
Uh huh. As I watched and listened to him I was starting to get a suspicion I didn't like. 'Kazuma-does KE have a monitor on you? I mean-will they sense your vitals and send a wagon?'
'They do have a tag-but it can't read me right now.' He smiled. 'My commlink is in the pocket of my jacket. You'll need to pull it out.'
Ah! So he did have an external commlink. I moved to his jacket and fished inside the pockets, finding it hidden inside the inner breast pocket. It was a Novatech model as well, slim line.
It wasn't on.
I looked back at him. He smiled. 'Turn it on.'
My suspicions came to an ugly head just then. This kid was accessing the PAN as well as the Matrix-or at least a small part of it with no commlink. I moved back and sat hard on my ass. 'Kazuma-are you-?'
His eyebrows arched up.
Something started banging loudly on the door. I jumped, not expecting it.
'They've started hacking the door,' he said.
It sounded more like they were banging on it.
He wasn't going to answer me. And if it was true, and Kazuma Tetsu was a Technomancer, could I blame him for being quiet? Given the current climate? He worked for a powerful mega-corps, for crying out loud. If they even