showed a tall, unassuming Aboriginal in a threadbare suit, sitting alone at a table near the corner. I rewound Skittles' feed-the histogram geography of the business district and the curving grace of Sydney Harbour Bridge panning in time with the slow rotation of the kafe-and found that he'd come in nearly an hour ago, a few minutes after I'd arrived.
Despite the tetched-grandmother persona I wore for the benefit of Sydney's sprawl, I was careful when it came to business, and took things like this seriously. My handler, a young elf with delusions of self-importance, caught my mood and stopped subvocalizing immediately. I tapped on the table three times in a place only he could see. Though our business wasn't quite complete, he immediately nodded and stood, saying he'd see me next Thursday, which meant he'd contact me again in a few weeks.
As he left, I masked my discomfort by breathing in the scent of my steaming mug of kaf while studying a chiphead sitting at a nearby table. Then, using the Resonance that had been with me since the crash, I reached out and probed the walls around the Aboriginal's PAN. My eyebrows rose, though I quickly brought my mug up to my lips and slurped to cover the mistake. His walls were good-not state-of-the-art, but close, and not at all what I expected from a guy who looked like he'd just dragged himself in from the outback. I might have been able to crack it, but as closely as he was watching me, as ready as seemed to be for such a thing, he would have sensed it.
Skittles captured his vitals using the instruments clustered in her skull, and I sent them to an identification service I paid more than just a little to use. It usually returned a positive match that was ninety-eight percent accurate within a second, but this time it took nearly five, and when it did return, it gave me something I'd never seen before: a non-match, which meant that the government and most, if not all, of the corps would have no idea who this guy was. It did, however, give probable indications that he hailed from the Northern Territory, perhaps the Tiwis-with some Western European ancestry thrown in for good measure.
I had two choices: call in the security firm I kept on retainer or invite this bloke over. Had he been a random gawker, I would have just ignored him and left, but it was clear he'd been hoping to find me here in this my favorite kafe, and I'd be damned if I'd give it up without a fight.
Moments after I sent him a polite request to join me, he picked himself up, wove through the crowd, and sat across from me. His skin was the color of moist earth, and his hair was wild, going in all directions. His clothes- twenty years behind the times-smacked of someone consciously trying to look like a dreg, but strangely enough his smile, pleasant but knowing, made it seem like he knew I would see through it, and that he didn't care if I did.
No, it wasn't that he didn't care. He had wanted me to understand that not all was as it seemed. He would have been disappointed if I hadn't noticed. And that was when I realized then that this was a much more dangerous situation than I'd given it credit for.
He had an open channel into his PAN for subvocal communication, so I patched in.
Have a name? I asked while a waitress with glowing red piercings sprinkled all over her face poured me a refill.
Macquarie will do. You're Mav?
I nodded, smiling politely at the name he'd given-Macquarie was the most common alias for Aussie clients who wished to remain nameless, the equivalent of Mr. Johnson in the UCAS. What can I do for you, Mr. Macquarie?
He sat forward in his chair, looking at Skittles with a pleasant smile on his face. Before I could stop him, he had reached out to scratch Skittles' ear through the holes in her carrier. Skittles bared her teeth and snapped, and Macquarie snatched his hand back, frowning and shaking his finger. He pulled a napkin from the table's dispenser and used it to staunch the wound.
She doesn't like strangers much, I said.
He glanced at Skittles, frowning at the red blotch on the otherwise white napkin. I have it on good authority you're the one I need to talk to.
Whose authority?
He leaned back into his black plasteen chair, gripping his finger, silent.
I can find out, I said.
Perhaps, but by then our dealings will be done.
What makes you think they're not done already?
He paused, glancing at the crowd over my shoulder. All I need is a simple data drop.
Not my cup of kaf…
I pay well.
Money I've got. Not strictly true, but it wasn't something he needed to know.
Then perhaps the target will interest you.
I waited-my expression appropriately blank-as dozens of nearby conversations washed over us.
Cylestra, he finally said.
And why would Cylestra interest me?
Cylestra has the largest database of Tamanous agents south of the equator.
I prided myself on maintaining my composure, especially during negotiations, but I found my eyes thinning at what he was suggesting. And I saw within his eyes a look of hunger. He knew he had my interest. Clearly he also knew that my second husband had been taken by a Tamanous ghoul nearly thirty years ago. Liam had gone to Adelaide for a sales conference. He hadn't shown up on the second day. The search for him began in earnest on the fourth, and on the fifth they'd found him floating in the Myponga Reservoir south of Adelaide, missing one lung, both kidneys, and his liver. He'd had a bad heart or they might have taken that, too. I'd married twice since then- divorces, both of them-but Liam's death still haunted me.
I realized my jaw was clenched so tight my molars ached. That Macquarie knew this about me was disturbing. Combine that with the fact that he had the capacity to obtain an encrypted tunnel into one of the better guarded biotech corps made the situation frightening, and I'd always told myself that if my alarms were going off, they were going off for a reason, and I'd better listen.
Skittles had started barking-she'd always been a good pooch that way. I shushed her and said, 'That's all right, girl. We were just leaving.' Without another word, I broke my connection with Macquarie, picked up Skittles' carrier, and left the kafe, taking the transparent pedestrian tube that curved down and around the building toward street level.
Shortly after we joined the flow of busy morning traffic, Skittles resumed her barking, and I saw in my AR overlay that she thought the situation dangerous enough that she had activated the tranq gun hidden inside her throat. I brought up Skittles' video feed and found Macquarie forcing his way through the crowd toward us. I sent a command to Skittles that forced her to calm down-dealing with the fallout of a tranq was sometimes more trouble than it was worth-but I did prime a signal to SkySec that if not defeated within one minute would result in a security team being dispatched.
Macquarie ran in front of me and blocked my path.
I nearly let Skittles shoot him. But there was something in his eyes, a desperation that hadn't been there before. His heart rate was up; so was his breathing. He was pinging my subvocal channel over and over, pleading for a new tunnel.
He was truly worried. It had been a bluff inside, an act, something to get him in with someone bigger than he was used to dealing with.
I should have kept walking-I should have-but in the end I was curious about him, about his story. What had driven him into the sprawl to find me? What wrongs did he hope to right? And who stood to get hurt once the scales had been balanced?
Why Cylestra? I asked after reopening the channel.
He shook his head. I'm not paying you for that.
You're not paying me anything, as I recall.
The database means nothing, then?
I bit back my reply. You could get anyone to use an open tunnel. Why me?
There can be no traces of the drop. I can't leave this to an amateur.
Since the moment I'd heard the word Tamanous in the kafe, my mind had been feeding me memories of Liam I'd long since thought forgotten-the brain had a funny way of squirreling those things away and bringing them back