'No. Could he have forgotten to recharge the battery?' asked Magnusson, who knew all too well how academics could lose track of time when obsessed with their research.

'Maybe. But I sent a watcher out to the island to find him. It couldn't.'

'Isn't he in a hide?'

'Yes, but the watcher knows where it is. He said he wasn't there. He might be out in the field, but he should have taken his comm with him.'

'The islands are far enough away that a watcher wouldn't have much time to do a search if he wasn't in the hide,' the professor pointed out. 'Especially if he was looking on one of the other islands. Or he might be in the sub.'

'Possibly,' she said, uncertainly. 'I'll keep trying. Thanks.'

It was raining again when Jimmy Kaminsky returned to his tiny apartment after the end of his shift. The sunlight had been almost completely blotted out by storm clouds, and when he switched on the low-watt light and saw the dark-skinned woman sitting on his sofa-bed, his first thought was that he was hallucinating in his eagerness to get to his porn collection. An instant later, he recognized her, and his spirits deflated like a bullet- riddled airship. 'What the hell are you doing here?' he asked, wishing he hadn't shut the door behind him.

Mute glanced around the room, and her nose wrinkled. 'Just visiting, fortunately. I need some information.'

'Blow me.'

She brought her hand out from behind a cushion and pointed a slivergun at his chest. 'Would you care to rephrase that?'

Kaminksy closed his eyes. 'I don't know anything.'

'George White, also known as Picket. Murdered in his shop, Western War Surplus, on Monday night.'

'You don't think I had anything to do with that, do you? I hardly knew the guy!'

'How did you know him? Through the Moon Traps?'

The survivalist hesitated, then nodded. 'He came along to meetings sometimes. He sold us stuff cheap, that's all.'

'What sort of stuff?'

'Survival gear. MREs, camo, weapons, stuff for our shelters…'

'Did he have a shelter of his own?'

'Apart from his shop? I don't think so.'

'Did he know about anyone else's?'

Kaminsky bit his lip. 'You think we published a guidebook or something? He might have known about a few, though we were only supposed to know the exact locations of three, in case one of us was captured and talked.'

Mute managed not to smile. 'What about Lucas Fletcher?'

'Doesn't ring any bells,' said Kaminsky, uneasily.

'Think. He's a Navy Seal, if that helps.' She reached into her pocket and drew out a photographic print of Fletcher pre-surgery, which she threw like a shuriken. Kaminsky ducked, then cautiously bent down to pick it up.

'Nope,' he said, after a moment's thought. 'But we weren't the only ones who did business with Picket. He had friends in the military, too-that's how he got a lot of his stuff.'

'Would they have known he was in the club?'

'Dunno. Maybe. Why?'

'Knight Errant thinks he killed Picket. He may have taken some stuff from the shop-ammo, weapons, survival gear-but they don't know how much. Did Picket have anything of value there?'

'Doubt it. Anything he could sell, he did, soon as he could find a buyer.'

'Would he have sold a list of names and addresses? Fallout shelters, places to hide?'

'He might have,' Kaminsky admitted. 'He liked money. But I dunno.'

'Think,' said Mute, firmly, looking at him along the gunsight. 'You're a survivalist, aren't you? Think of this as improving your chances of survival.' • • •

Magnusson spent the evening at home, nuking himself a meal, and reading academic journals while listening to Beethoven symphonies and stroking his pet cat (not a familiar, despite rumors to the contrary). He slept badly, dreaming of surgery that turned into autopsies, and arrived at university barely in time for his first class, resorting to a makeover spell instead of a shave and eye-drops. Fortunately, he had enough seniority at the university to be able to avoid teaching on Friday afternoons, when all but the most obsessive students were thinking of better things they could be doing.

Friday night was no more restful than the night before, and on Saturday, he went to the gym for a workout, a sauna and a swim, something he hadn't done since his brief spurt of anxiety at turning fifty, a year before. He even looked in his sock drawer to make sure the Roomsweeper 8-Ball had given him ten years before was still there, then removed the gel rounds and dry-fired the gun a few times to be sure his fingers remembered how.

When a tearful Kenda called him on Sunday afternoon to say that the body of a male elf had washed up on a beach on Shaw Island and that Paul's parents were flying out there to make a positive identification, he listened carefully, then phoned Marcus Shawn. • • •

'How did you know he'd been murdered?' asked Shawn as he sat down in Magnusson's office. 'The body had been in the water nearly three days; after the fish and the birds finished with it, we're lucky there was enough of the head left that we could ID him with dental records. If the dart hadn't stuck in his spine, we might not have found any proof he was killed.'

'I didn't know,' said Magnusson. 'I just… it was somewhere between a hunch and paranoia. I didn't even know him all that well; he was in one of my classes as an undergraduate, but I hardly saw him after that. But his partner-research partner and girlfriend-is one of the faculty's research assistants. Best student I've had since you dropped out.'

'I didn't 'drop out',' said Shawn, slightly nettled. 'I just didn't want to be an ivory tower academic. When I'm your age, maybe I'll feel different, but someone has to do field work!'

'I know,' the professor replied. 'I'm sorry… you were saying something about a dart?'

'A flechette. It took us a while to identify it: it's from an M24A3.'

Magnusson looked politely blank.

'It's a special carbine designed for underwater use. Takes caseless ammo. The Navy uses them, but not many of them make it to the street.'

The professor's face turned pale as he thought. 'The Navy… do they know about this?'

'I haven't told them,' said Shawn. 'I don't know about the coroner. There are NCIS agents in town, investigating the George White case, but they're not telling us anything, so she probably won't have mentioned it. Why?'

'White sold military weapons, didn't he?'

'Yes. You think there's a connection between them?'

'I don't know,' said Magnusson. That was strictly true, but he had a sinking feeling that the man who'd killed White had also murdered Santos… and that if he'd agreed to help 8-ball and Mute, Santos might still be alive.

'It's not much of a lead, anyway,' Shawn replied, 'Even if it is the same killer, there are hundreds of islands in that archipelago large enough for him to hide on, if he hasn't moved on, and most of them are Salish-Sidhe territory, out of our jurisdiction. Getting permission for a search would take days, maybe weeks, and it might just be a red herring.' He looked at his former teacher's gloomy expression, then at his wristwatch. He knew that Magnusson had learned more magic on the streets than in the university, and rightly suspected that he'd run the shadows in his younger days. Unlike many in Lone Star, Shawn had nothing against shadowrunners per se, except when they created extra work for him (usually in the form of crime scenes, and corpses needing to be autopsied). 'I'm due in court at eleven,' he said, 'have to testify in another case which might take all day. I can put this on the backburner until tomorrow, and call NCIS then, suggest that they search those islands that they can without causing an international incident. Let me know if you find anything or if there's anything I can do to help.'

'I will,' Magnusson promised, then walked Shawn to the exit. On his way back to the office, he stopped at the alchemy lab storeroom and picked out a collection of talismans and elemental binding foci. • • •

Zurich leaned over the gunwale of the Nightrunner and vomited. Mute, at the helm, glanced back over her

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