our meeting.

Exactly thirty minutes after we barged through her office door, she’s steering us back out. For two seconds I contemplate refusing to go, but that won’t get me anywhere. Plus, my dad really does need her help—and Harper will rock what she does. She’d never settle for coming in second or third when she could be the winner.

“I’ll do my best, Mr. Ilin.” She pats my dad on the hand and he beams back at her, completely smitten.

I put my old man into the elevator and then I pause, running my fingers down her cheek. Nobody can see us here, not unless they pull the security tapes, so it’s safe enough. She’s earned the same respect I have when I’m on club business—I won’t jeopardize her job.

“Think about my offer,” I say. “Booty call. You. Me. Maybe a real fucking bed an entire night this time.”


She shakes her head like she’s got no idea what to say to me. Yes works just fine.

“Bring the shoes.” I step inside the elevator and let the door slide closed.



MEN THINK ABOUT sex a lot. Researchers have spent thousands of man-hours studying the issue, and it’s a hard one, all puns intended. And so while it might be a stereotype that men think about sex 24/7, they definitely do it often.

And so do women.

Especially this woman.

Turns out I’m an overachiever in the thinking-about-sex department, particularly when it comes to Vik. Professionalism flies out the window, and when I work on his dad’s portfolio, I daydream about having sex with him. Vik that is—not his dad. Freud would have a field day with that one. My week goes something like this: research investments for Mr. Ilin Senior, contemplate sweeping Vik away to Bora Bora, Paris or the top-floor penthouse at the Bellagio, and telling him he has no choice but to indulge in all my dirty fantasies because I’ve just earned his dad a million bucks. Drag my head back to the numbers on the computer screen in front of me. Rinse and repeat.

Don’t judge. It’s no more twisted (or likely) than all those billionaires-buying-virgins schemes that top the bestseller lists.

In reality, I put together a kick-ass portfolio for his dad, and then I do the same thing for ten other new clients. Yes, I’ve been a busy girl. So busy that on Friday, one of the senior partners stops by to congratulate me and let me know that they’ve got their eyes on me. I can practically smell the promotion.

Better yet, I outperform all my colleagues, which means that I win the Friday prize, a bottle of Veuve Clicquot. Senior management sees the prize-giving as a chance to foster a little friendly competition between us junior firm members, while doling out cheap pats on the back for another successful sixty-hour work week. The champagne’s a fun bonus, but it’s not the real prize and everyone knows it. There are five of us junior planners, and we’re cheerfully cutthroat about the business of getting ahead. No one’s going to kneecap me in a parking structure or poach my idea, but everyone wants to be The One, the junior employee who gets the golden invitation to join the big boys and girl at the next level. In this spirit, my coworkers hand me a package of straws to go with my new bottle of fizz, so that I can better suck up. I laugh so hard I almost pee myself.

I may not have scored me a badass biker, but my Friday drunky is now a sure thing. I grab my bottle and my things and head home. Home. My new condo still feels unfamiliar and sterile, like I’m camped out in a super-chic office or Airbnb. Instead of tackling the sadly small mountain of moving boxes (honestly it’s more hill than mountain), I fill up my kitchen sink with ice cubes and submerge my champagne. I’m light on glasses thanks to the Douche’s self-serving division of our household goods, so after I change into my pajamas, I end up drinking out of a juice glass decorated with red cherries. I’m not entirely certain that’s a regulation-size pour, but down the hatch it goes. In the spirit of adulting, I drop a few raspberries in there, thus covering one if not two of the major food groups.

The three glasses of champagne I down in the next hour undoubtedly explain how my thumbs end up searching for Vik’s contact info in my phone. I plan out my approach while I finish glass number four. The beauty of drinking and planning is that every idea seems like genius. Instead of a carefully weighted list of pros and cons, my thoughts gravitate more toward why the fuck not?

Remember how I said that women think about doing it, too? I’m all about sexual equality. In fact, the number of times I’ve fantasized about Vik this week puts me firmly in overachiever territory. Banging, knocking uglies, shaboinking... I’ve thought about it and then mentally mapped out the steps it would take to bring those activities to fruition.

Okay, fine. Maybe I do spend too much time making lists and outlining steps, but if I ever get my hands on Vik Ilin, I’ll be making both of us happy. My phone buzzes in my hand.


Some hussy has propositioned my biker while I’ve been thinking deep thoughts. I have no idea how this happened, but she’s quite blunt and straightforward.

ME: U busy? If not, come have sex with me. Plz.

She has lovely manners.

She’s also pretty shameless for someone drunk-texting at 11:50 p.m.

Under ordinary, less inebriated circumstances, I’d give that girl a standing ovation. Self-control’s not her strong point, but she’s identified a want and gone for it.

Fuck me.

What was I thinking? I’ve just texted Vik and tried to set up a booty call. You know how some corporate email programs have that nifty feature where you can recall an email after you send it because instead of attaching the business proposal your boss

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