In Joplin, a child’s play set: Marshall, “Damage Survey,” 16.
false-alarm rate of roughly 70 percent: J. Brotzge and S. Erickson. “A 5-Yr Climatology of Tornado False Alarms,” Weather and Forecasting, August 2011.
The people of Joplin had seventeen minutes: “Joplin, Missouri, Tornado,” NWS Central Region Service Assessment, 23.
Xenia, Ohio, received no warning at all: J. Brotzge and S. Erickson, “Tornadoes without NWS Warning,” Weather and Forecasting 25 (February 2010): 161.
it had knocked out power to four of Xenia’s five sirens: Staff, “In Xenia, Warning Bells Silenced,” CBS News, September 21, 2000.
In 2016, the Storm Prediction Center: Jeff Frame, “This Is How the ‘Surprise’ Indiana and Ohio Outbreak of August 24, 2016, Happened,” U.S. Tornadoes, August 2016,
The Arikara called it the Black Wind: Nani Suzette Pybus, “Whirlwind Woman: Native American Tornado Mythology and Global Parallels” (PhD diss., Oklahoma State University, December 2009), 39, 43, 234.
Researchers still dream of the day: Interviews with Joshua Wurman, founder of the Center for Severe Weather Research.
In Romania, where tornadoes are infrequent: Bogdan Antonescu and Aurora Bell, “Tornadoes in Romania,” Monthly Weather Review, March 2015,
Fog clings to the low swells: National Weather Service Daily Summary for Local Weather, July 21, 1993,
The rain is coming down hard now: Tim Samaras, Driven by Passion, DVD.
It’s isolated, rising above the cloud deck: William Reid, “July 21, 1993, Last Chance, Colorado, Tornado,”
He has never chased outside his home state: Andy Van De Voorde, “Swept Away: Storm Chasers Don’t Need a Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind Blows,” Denver Westword, August 26, 1992, 26.
The bane of his mother’s household appliances: Interviews with Jim Samaras, brother of Tim Samaras.
Tim built his first transmitter: Tim Samaras, WJ0G,,
The house echoed with the roar: Interviews with Jim Samaras.
his first real glimpse: Stefan Bechtel. Tornado Hunter: Getting Inside the Most Violent Storms on Earth. (Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 2009), 47–49.
For spending cash: Interviews with Jim Samaras.
this imperturbable faith: Interviews with Larry Brown.
Among his earliest projects: “Minor Scale Event—Test Execution Report,” Defense Nuclear Agency, January 30, 1986, 1.
To track the blast’s cratering characteristics: Interviews with Robert Lynch.
The day of the test: Interviews with Larry Brown.
Then, on a winter day in 1980: Interviews with Kathy Samaras.
The urge returns the way it first began: Bechtel, “Tornado Hunter,” 9.
In 1990 he enrolls in a six-week: Interviews with Judi Richendifer.
He learns why Tornado Alley is such a powder keg: Conversations with Gabe Garfield.
In the years before smartphones: Interviews with Tim Tonge.
antennas swaying like reeds from the roof of the Datsun: Interviews with Brad Carter.
Tim colonizes a used blue ’91 Dodge Caravan: Tim Samaras, “Dryline Chaser,”,
Over at DRI, they call it kludging: Interviews with Bud Reed.
On storm days: Interviews with Pat Porter.
He remains a good husband: Interviews with Kathy Samaras.
“Some call it a hobby”: Van De Voorde, “Swept Away,” 26.
the Dryline Chaser is now recognizable: Samaras, Driven by Passion.
“I got some great stuff out in Kansas”: Interviews with Mike Nelson.
When the spring and early summer have passed: Interviews with Kathy Samaras.
To Amy’s profound embarrassment: Interviews with Amy (Samaras) Gregg and Jenny (Samaras) Scott.
Nobody saw it coming: Interviews with Frank Tatom.
The damage path was a half mile at its widest: “November 15, 1989, Tornado Details,” National Weather Service,
the energy equivalent of half a ton of TNT per second: Frank B. Tatom and Stanley Vitton, “The Transfer of Energy from a Tornado into the Ground,” Seismological Research Letters, January 2001, fig. 2.
Its components are quite simple: Frank B. Tatom, and Stanley Vitton, “Method and Apparatus for Seismic Tornado Detection,” US Patent and Trademark Office, January 1995.
Tim is more excited than he has ever been: Interviews with Pat Porter.
Just south of Rome, Kansas: Samaras, Driven by Passion.
He’s good at this: Interviews with Frank Tatom and Pat Porter.
What is stopping Tim: Interviews with Pat Porter.
The answer arrives in 1998: Interviews with Larry Brown.
a 1925 monster that left a three-state trail of destruction: Peter S. Felknor, “The Tri-State Tornado,” iUniverse, 2004.
official policy forbade even the utterance: Timothy A. Coleman and Kevin R. Knupp, “The History (and Future) of Tornado Warning Dissemination in the United States,” Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, May 2011, 569.
stampeding cattle: Marlene Bradford, “Historical Roots of Modern Tornado Forecasts and Warnings,” Weather and Forecasting, August 1999, 508.
It took two freak storms: Robert A. Maddox and Charlie A. Crisp, “The Tinker AFB Tornadoes of March 1948,” Weather and Forecasting, August 1999,
The first civilian tornado “bulletins”: Charles A. Doswell, Alan R. Moller, and Harold E. Brooks, “Storm Spotting and Public Awareness since the First Tornado Forecasts of 1948,” Weather and Forecasting, August 1999,
The areas encompassed by any given watch were so vast: Stephen F. Corfidi, “The Birth and Early Years of the Storm Prediction Center,” Weather and Forecasting, August 1999, 515.
Twisters seemed to be utterly repelled: Howard B. Bluestein, Tornado Alley: Monster Storms of the Great Plains (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999).
Launched in 1945, the Thunderstorm Project: Roscoe R. Braham, “The Thunderstorm Project, 18th Conference on Severe Local Storms Luncheon Speech,” Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, August 1996,
Each storm, Byers discovered, results from a confluence: Interviews with Gabe Garfield.
Keith Browning: K. A. Browning and G. B. Foote, “Airflow and Hail Growth in Supercell Storms and Some Implications for Hail Suppression,” Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, July 1976,
an updraft on steroids: Keith A. Browning, “Airflow and Precipitation Trajectories within Severe Local Storms,” Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, November 1964,
In the turbulent springtime months: Interviews with Gabe Garfield.
The first Doppler scan of a tornado: Rodger Brown, ed., “The Union City, Oklahoma, Tornado of 24 May 1973,” NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL NSSL-80, December 1976, 3.
they assumed they had found an error in the