Their most powerfulconstruct, Goth, who resembled a large black suit of plate armour,stood outside the door with Roland the Head Guard, in an anteroomabout half the size of the Planning room. The room was richlydecorated with paintings and small tapestries from strange worlds,designed to impress visitors who would sit on ornate chairs set outaround the walls. On their arrival, Rob and Melanie found theplanning room door locked.
‘What’s going on,Roland?’ asked Melanie.
‘Your grandfather hasasked that you both be blindfolded before entering, and Alpha is toremain outside,’ he said with an unreadable expression.
‘That’s a strangerequest. Are you sure?’ asked Rob.
‘Perfectly sure, myLord, your grandfather was quite specific. No blindfold, noentry.’
‘All right Roland, Isuppose we’ll have to play along.’ So both he and Melanie allowedblindfolds to be placed over their eyes. They heard the door openand they were led in and the door was closed behind them. Robnoticed that the room had a strong pleasant fragrance as if filledwith freshly cut flowers.
‘You may take theblindfolds off,’ said a strange voice.
They stood before thebroad oval table, and seated opposite them were not their family,but a collection of strangers. In the centre and directly facingthem was an old man clothed in the robes of a high priest of theUnity of Wisdom. On either side of him sat a middle-aged priestess.All were wearing sour and hostile expressions.
At the narrow end ofthe table to his left stood the Head of the Unity of Wisdom Guards,whom Rob had seen on many occasions, while at the other end to theright stood a solid looking man wearing the insignia of a HighWizard.
‘Where is our family?’asked Melanie.
‘They are enemies ofPanmagica and have been placed under arrest,’ said the High Priestin an aggressive tone. ‘It is now time to deal with the two ofyou.’
‘What are theircrimes?’ demanded Rob, a little shocked.
‘Your grandfather is amind wizard, which is a prohibited art. He will be tortured untilhe confesses and then publicly executed. His body will be burnt andhis ashes dispersed,’ intoned the High Priest.
‘Your grandmother ishis accomplice and will be treated similarly,’ the High Wizard saidwith a sneer.
Both Rob and Melaniewere stunned by these accusations.
‘I don’t believe you!’shouted Melanie. ‘You’re wrong!’
‘Your mothers areharlots and will be sent to entertain the troops,’ cackled one ofthe priestesses, seeming to enjoy the prospect.
‘And your father willbecome a eunuch, purged of his magic ability and sold intoslavery,’ added the other priestess.
Melanie lost control.‘You can’t. I won’t let you!’ and reached for her concealeddaggers, but a word of power from the High Wizard froze her in acrouching position with her hands glued to the hilts of herweapons.
Rob maintained hismental control. This is what he had been trained for. This is whathe had studied and exercised for.
‘Let me see thewarrants,’ he said coolly.
‘Are you stupid or justtoo inbred?’ inquired the High Priest. ‘I am a member of theCouncil. I don’t need warrants.’
Rob stood hisground.
‘Yes you do, YourHoliness! The law is quite specific and even you must obey it. Iwish to see the warrants for my family’s arrest. My Grandfather isSecretary to the Merchant Wizards’ Guild. You are treading on verythin ice if you think you hold an inquisition in our house and getaway with it!’
‘Don’t dare to threatenme, you arrogant young pup,' the High Priest's voice was likestone. ‘The Unity of Wisdom runs this city and you will bow downnow before us or pay dearly for your disrespect.’
Rob didn’t move, openlydefying the High Priest to act.
‘Cut her throat!’commanded the High Priest.
The Head of the CityGuards walked around behind Melanie, whipped out a dagger and slither throat. Crimson spurted out everywhere and Melanie collapsed tothe floor to lie in the damp puddle of her own blood. Rob stoodthere momentarily, shocked beyond belief; then his training cut inand his mind raced. Perhaps he could save her yet.
He felt a cold chill asethereal fingers assaulted his mind, attempting to cloud it withfog. He knew this magic well. It was an attempt to dominate hismind and force him into submission.
‘Nooooooo!’ he yelledand fought against the icy fingers, attempting to pry them away.The fingers seemed to flow together, interlinking and solidifyinginto chains criss-crossing his mind. He gathered his will power,straining his mind to break them. His anger began to rise. Thedarkness he always struggled so hard to control began to envelophim. Scales appeared on some parts of his body and thick dark hairon others. His fingers on one hand extended to claws. His otherhand turned into a hoof. His head became horribly misshapen, andthe darkness took over.
Suddenly he expendedall the magic essence in his source in a single mind magic enhancedscream so powerful that it left his lungs like a mighty gale,shattering the glasses on the table and smashing into the priestswith hurricane force.
The two priestesses andthe Head of the City guard were slammed against the wall andknocked unconscious, but the High Priest and High Wizard weatheredthe blast like willow trees bending and swaying in the storm, butnever faltering. The mental chains shattered. He was free, but hiscontrol over his own mind was lost in a bestial rage.
The high priest erecteda wall of arcane force between himself and his companion and Rob,blocking him from harming them. His eyes turned as black as coal.He seized Melanie and with giant strength, threw her over his leftshoulder as if she was a rag doll, and turned toward the door toflee. His free arm bulged with muscles like thick tree branches andhe smashed the door open with a single mighty blow. Goth, the hugemetal knight-like construct stepped into his path to block hisexit. Goth was holding Alpha, his memcrystal, in one hand.
He struck the constructwith a huge blow. It rocked but stood defiantly blocking hisescape, without moving to either assault