a dream and I didn’t wantthat. Anyhow Granddad must have become frantic by this stage andwent to seek professional help and that is you.’

‘You cunninglyslipped into my dream watched and waited until you knew me betterthen at appropriate times you slipped in suggestions. You got to mecome to this world and you have been manipulating it ever since.You guessed that at some stage if the things happening becameimprobable enough then I’d have to realize it was all a dream. Iliked that last touch where you told the incredibly powerful dragonto get lost and now you’re powering us up for the final act of theplay; the big magic fight where something even more fantastichappens. Perhaps the Lady arrives and says Aquitain its time towake up or something similar.’

‘I must sayI’ve enjoyed it all and I’ll miss Mandy and all the friends I’vemade on Mudrun but duty calls. I guess I’d better wake up soon andget back to the job. I rather like fixing magic equipment. It’scertainly a lot safer than being here and I don’t have to runaround destroying things and killing people. It’s time I cleanedout that spider web in the corner of the lab and I better ordersome more red crystal I’ll need more of that soon.’

‘Aquitain Ithought you were jesting. Tell me you are. It’s not a dream it’sreal. Look down there. Those are real Trixies are preparing for theQueen’s Ball.’ said Terrin becoming very worried.

‘All rightTerrin, you prepared a spectacular finish to my dream and you wantme to see it then I can wake up. Okay I guess Granddad won’t mindif I stay here a little while longer.’

‘I’ll have todraw a list of all the jobs I haven’t finished and put some type ofpriority on them. I hope Granddad hasn’t found any new commissions.It will probably take me weeks to catch up on the currentwork.’

Terrin wasquiet and deep in thought. This was not at all what she hadexpected to happen. This was dangerous and troubling.

As theafternoon progressed Aquitain and Terrin had a dragon’s eye view ofthe preparations. A flood of trixies invaded the room bringingglowing flowers in delicate crystal vases to decorate the tablesand walls. Each one faced the dragon throne as they entered andbowed before they continued with their work. The room filled withtheir beautiful fragrances. They washed over all the tables andchairs and swept then mopped the floor. Several brought out chunksof bees wax and rubbed over the wooden floor with it.

Half an hourlater they were back again this time with silver and golden silkentablecloths, more vases of flowers, golden drinking cups, smallbowls of sweets and finger bowls containing floral scented water.On the circular tables to the side of the long ones were placedstacks of ceramic plates with beautiful hand painted animals onthem and shallow boxes of small golden forks.

A youngElendari wizard came in grabbed a handful of sweets then set aboutusing a small brass wand to activate coloured light effects in themagic balls hanging from the ceiling. He then used a clear crystalwand that gave out a musical note and the lights started pulsingslowly at random intervals. Finally he pulled out a small silverwand, pointed it at each wall and created a cascade of greencoloured fog that rolled gently from the ceiling to the floor.Satisfied, he helped himself to some more sweets and left.

Terrin brokethe silence.

‘If traditionis still followed you will soon see a sight that you will neverforget. Incredible beauty and elegance mixed with jealous cunningschemes and often blood chilling violence. Anything can happen at aSpring Ball. Tonight few rules apply. They will try to upstage eachother. Tonight they gain or lose status in the eyes of the Queenand each other for the rest of the year.’

‘The Queen hasthree prizes to award; one for the most extravagant dress; one forthe most desirable taste sensation and one for the most excitingentertainment. All the Lords will compete for these honours and thedecision has more than once resulted in fights to the death, andinter-family feuds over family honour.’

‘How many ofthese balls have you attended.’ asked Aquitain.

‘I was luckyenough to be invited to a couple of these balls many years beforeyou were born.’.

‘How long havethe trixies been here?’ asked Aquitain suddenly.

‘Why do youwant to know that?’

‘Because theylook like the lost brown-scaled little people from Mudrun to me.’replied Aquitain.

‘And if theywere, what would you do with that knowledge?’ asked Terrin.

‘I don’t knowyet, but I do know that the little people on Mudrun are elemental,or part elemental in nature, and not reptiles as most seem tothink. I also know that the scale colour is somehow important andthat the brown-skinned tribe went missing at the time of the GreatStorm. I guess I would be interested in why they are here and noton Mudrun.’

Terrin was indeep contemplation for a while, then said. ‘It seems that the moreI tell you the more you are likely to disbelieve that this is real.So I have decided to say no more. If you believe that this is yourdream then you will have to work out what is happeningyourself.’

About two hourslater a troop of palace Elendari guards entered through the greatgolden double doors at the end opposite the dragon throne androlled out a golden carpet with red edges down the long marblestairway. Periodically along its length were family crests of theElendari Lords.

A group of adozen musicians wearing bright red and gold robes and flat floppyhats carrying their instruments in their arms trooped in sat aroundone of the circular tables to the right. Pairs of trixies wearinggolden aprons with red trim brought out mugs and jugs of wine andthe musicians drank up heartily.

A few minuteslater in walked a guard dressed in a chain armour suit completewith covered helmet, chain gauntlets and a long flowing cape all ofwhich were covered in a black and white check pattern. He nodded tothe musicians who nodded back then walked and stood to the left ofthe entrance.

‘Who’s he?’asked Aquitain curiously.

‘He’s LordNeutral. Tonight he and the Queen’s Magician are charged with theresponsibility to control and arbitrate any problems or disputes.His job is to

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