‘It was a blendof three powers, a location effect to track you anywhere on Mudrun,a contingency power to transport you home immediately if you werecritically injured and a death rune for anyone that tried to forcethemselves on you. The intention was to remove them when you cameof age.’
‘However,something unforeseen happened. When you decided to become a druidand your mother took you to be blessed by The Lady the powers weretransformed from arcane to divine powers and an extra effect wasadded. At that moment all subtle signs that you were a Llanlleandisappeared. So while you were born a Llanllean neither your mothernor I are sure that you still are a Llanllean and no one other thanThe Lady is likely to know until the tattoo is removed.’
‘What does theextra magical effect do?’ asked Miranda quite shocked at thisrevelation.
‘It’s purposehas always been hidden to us. Since you have never changed to aspider form it may be to stop that transformation but we don’tknow. Unfortunately it’s had a negative effect on your mother. Shealways believed that she was a favourite of The Lady. After TheLady did this to you and never gave her a reason for it she hasbecome bitter and jealous of you. She has even considered leavingthe service of The Lady for another goddess.’
‘She wouldn’t!’shouted Miranda visibly shaken. ‘That would be unforgivable.’
‘If the Time ofChaos is truly upon us I’m afraid nothing will be sacred any more.I have pondered over the meanings of the prophecies like manyothers but nothing is clear except that there will be greatupheavals and many things will change. The course of the futurewill be in the balance and no one be they God or otherwise knowsthe outcome but all will be trying to influence it. It is evidentthat both you and Aquitain are pawns in the game but alwaysremember that there will be many other pawns as well and you willall be expendable.’
‘That’s whatAquitain was saying a few days ago.’ replied Miranda.
‘He said all wehave to do is concentrate on staying alive.’
Allalanlleasmiled, ‘I think he’s got the idea right, however, he needs morepractice. You’ve had to bring him back twice now. I think you hadbetter keep a closer watch on him or get a rod ofresurrection.’
Miranda smiledfor the first time.
‘I think you’reright. He thinks he’s so smart and yet he’s the one that’s diedtwice not me. Although I must admit they did seem to be after himnot me.’
‘That onlymakes your job more important.’ replied Allalanllea. ‘You wear themark of The Lady but he wears no marks. I believe that The Lady hasplaced you together so that she can have some control over hisactions. We don’t know who is guiding him but while you are withhim she will know what he is doing.’
‘But that makesme a spy. I don’t like that idea. I love him. It’s not right to spyon someone you love.’ replied Miranda.
‘He has themakings of an Agent of Chaos. The Lady has drawn you together forsome favorable reason. She can just as easily drive you apart ifshe sees fit. Think of it not as spying but ensuring that he doesthe right thing by her so that she in turn will allow your tattooto be removed.’
‘Anyhow I mustleave you. I have much to do and I must give your mother a fewfalse trails to follow to keep her off our paths for a while. Ihave two amulets of non-detection to give you as parting presents.Each of you should wear one continuously to block her ability tolocate you. She is probably scrying for you right at this moment sodon’t leave here without it.’
‘Do you reallyhave to leave right now? I’m sure Aquitain would like to ask yousome questions.’
Allalanlleasmiled again.
‘I’m sure hedoes. Attend to him. I’ll try to return for a few minutes beforedawn. If I don’t I’m sure that we’ll cross paths again. Be carefuland may The Lady always be with you.’ and she teleported away.
Aquitainnoticed her disappear and came running up to Miranda.
‘Where’s yournanny gone? I need to ask her some questions.’
‘She’s gone tolay some false trails to keep mother off our backs for awhile.’
‘Did she tellyou anything interesting?’ asked Aquitain.
‘Is that allyou’ve got to say to me?’ replied Miranda changing herself to alittle Newman girl the same size as him.
He took thehint and hugged and for the first time ever kissed her on the lips,a long passionate emotional embrace that took their breath away andset their hearts pounding. She broke off the kiss only long enoughto ask him to mindlink with her and after he did she kissed himwith such passion, such wanton abandon, such blatant animal lustthat it arced viciously across the mindlink like wild lightning,blanked his mind, buckling his legs and he fell unconscious.
She sat downand dragged him onto her lap, cradled his head in her arms andwatched his face as he returned to consciousness.
‘Whoa. Calmdown Miranda. I think I just found out why you have thattattoo.’
‘That is asample of what’s in store for you my prince and also a warning tonever to touch another female again.’
He very brieflythought of telling Miranda that the story about his father being anexiled king was a lie to keep the peace between her and her motherbut decided discretion was better than valour at this precisemoment.
‘Thank you forbringing me back to life again, I’ll try not to die anymore.’
‘I damn wellhope so.’ she said.
‘Now look me inthe eyes and tell me you can’t remember anything that happenedbetween you and that little reptile witch.’
He looked herin the eyes and said
‘I erased itall. I only want to remember what truly happens between us.’
She looked inhis eyes carefully and thoughtfully for several seconds thensmiled.
‘I believe youmy prince.’ and kissed him tenderly.
After they hadfinished he looked her in the eyes and said
‘Now you tellwhy you killed fifteen of your paralysed colleagues after youdiscovered I was dead.’
Her expressionchanged to one of sadness.
‘I don’t know.I’ve thought of all sorts of excuses. I have even blamed you forchanging me and somehow