in the blue funnel a trixie appeared with a small bottle oflove dew and two cup shaped flowers. The dew was the most powerfulaphrodisiac known and guaranteed to bring the lovers to a state ofecstasy only dreamt of in their most erotic dreams.

The centre ofthe maze held the Queen’s grotto where she often brought herlovers. It was lit by soft coloured lights and surrounded byfragrant bushes. In the centre was a four-post bed made out of thesame plants as the lovers seats but carefully shaped to provide asoft springy platform.

When two loverslay on the bed, a fragrant mist appeared in the grotto softeningthe lights. Magic, faintly glowing gossamer curtains appearedbetween the posts of the bed blocking out the sounds of the nightreplacing them with the purest dream-like melodies of a radiantharp. Flowers entwined around the bedposts puffed a fine mist oflove dew over the lovers making the air they breathed narcotic withecstasy. It was the closest thing to making love on a cloud in adream. It was also the last dream of many a Newman captive, astheir hearts, minds and bodies couldn’t take the strain.

Snowbellewalked to the right side of the grotto noting that it was empty atthe moment, although it would probably have a busy schedule at theQueen’s ball she thought. She probed with her fingers for a catchto open a hidden door that led into a small waiting room withchairs. This was for the Queen’s wizard and some guards. Shouldthere be any trouble they could be outside in seconds.

There was anarrow stairway behind a hidden door that went down below thegrotto and opened out into a circular cave about 10 paces across.This was the den of Llalorax, the Queen’s magician and where heusually resided. The cave was lit by several magic globes, and hadwell-worn carpet on the floor.

There was asimple but comfortable single bed, an old brown leather lounge, asmall heavily inlaid bedside table, a dusty bookshelf clutteredwith leather-bound volumes, a wooden desk and a scrying pond. Toone side there was a teleportation circle inscribed into thefloor.

From this cave,he could go anywhere in the castle, castle grounds or his tower. Hespent most of his time here, watching and eavesdropping onconversations in and around the Queen’s castle and often in othercastles. His job was to know what was happening and to protect theQueen.

Snowbelle wentinvisible, entered the guardroom and finding it empty went to thehidden door. As she approached it, an invisible hand opened thedoor and she proceeded down the stairs and entered Llalorax’s caveto find him sitting looking into his scrying pool.

‘Come in. Ithought that you’d show up sooner or later.’

Snowbelle andLlalorax had a secret. Some years ago, before the death of the kingwhen she was a part of the Elendari court, and deeply involved inits politics, she had killed the previous king’s wizard andsecretly manipulated to get Llalorax appointed to the court astheir new wizard.

To the royalcouple he was an ideal choice. He was a powerful wizard, a devotedprotector and neutral in politics. As a Llanllean he wasessentially incorruptible, as he had taken the job to ensurelasting protection and peace for his people. To Snowbelle it meantshe had access to information and could discretely come and go asshe pleased.

‘I have afeeling that my ex-husband’s up to something bad at the ball in twoweeks, but nobody seems to have any idea what it is. Do you knowanything?’ asked Snowbelle.

‘Alwaysstraight to the point, no, I don’t. He seems to be behaving himselflately. He’s very keen on getting Gemelica, the Queen’s daughter tomove in with him. She’ll keep him out of mischief for a while.You’re not jealous are you?’

‘Ha. That’d bethe day. Any feelings I had for him left when I died. I’ve beentold he has been associating with Yith. Is there any truth inthis?’

‘I’ve heardsimilar rumours but there is no proof. If he is, he’s been verydiscrete.’ replied Llalorax.

‘I’m afraidthat we’re both going to have to wait until he shows his hand. Youcan stay here for a while, if you like. I’m not expecting anyexcitement for a week until the guests start arriving.’

‘Thank you forthe offer but no.’ replied Snowbelle. ‘I’ll keep poking arounduntil I can find out something.’

‘Well make sureyou stay well clear of the ball. You know the rules. If you show upI’ll have to oppose you.’ said the wizard.

‘Yes, yes I’maware of that. As long as Wyvern and the Queen have no plans tointerfere with me, they can play all the games they like.’ repliedSnowbelle as she walked towards the door. ‘Have a nice ball.’

The Llanlleanwizard waved a farewell then returned to viewing the scryingpool.

‘Now this isinteresting.’ he muttered to himself.


Miranda limpeddown the hallway painfully dragging one bleeding leg she had hurtwhen tripping over a sharp rock. Her wrists were bound so tight shecouldn’t feel her hands and the gag was hurting her mouth. The hoodover her head was disorienting but she could hear what was going onaround her well enough.

The Huntmasterhad some type of pass allowing him to travel through the gateway.He had simply shown it and dragged Miranda through intoMoonmist.

What shockedher was no one had asked to see her face. They just accepted thatshe was a runaway slave. No one had asked how she had got throughthe gate into Mudrun from Moonmist in the first place.

They hadteleported to his Lord’s manor and now he was taking her to seeLord Darkmantle. Her mother had mentioned this name several times,he was a really nasty character and she knew she was in deeptrouble.

Lord Darkmantlewas seated on a lush leather chair behind a desk covered withscrolls. By the look of the expression on his face he wasn’t at allhappy.

‘Good day,Milord.’ said the Huntmaster.

‘I have somebad news to report. During the hunt a bear mortally wounded onemount, causing the hunter to return to the gate on foot. I waitedfor him for some time after the deadline for them to return thenventured off in the direction he had gone to try and find signs ofhim. I found his dead mount but not him so I returned to thegate.

Unfortunately,it seems that while

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