wine then returned to the lounge with some food for the cat.The cat sat on his lap again and went to sleep. After another fewminutes Aquitain became bored and drowsy from the food and wine andfell asleep as well and began to dream.

He saw himself as abrown scaled little person standing in a circular room made of rockperhaps 20 paces in diameter; beside him stood a female brownscaled little person with jet black eyes.

‘Who are you?’ heasked.

‘You know me but youhave never met me. I am your guardian. My name is Terrin. I havebeen with you all of your life. I am a servant of your father whois currently based here on Astaria. This can be your home if youwish it to be and nothing would please him more.’ she said in avoice that Aquitain immediately recognized.

‘Your father has beenbusy with a very important task and unable to see you for all ofyour life. It has caused him much heartache and sadness not to knowhis first and only child. The person you know as your grandfatherstole you from here and has kept you away for reasons bestexplained by him. I know it has been painful and confusing to notknow your father but it has kept you safe until now.’

‘Your father hadintended to reveal himself to you on your safe arrival here butcircumstances have changed. He has been keenly following the newsof your exploits since you arrived in Mudrun. He is most impressedby your courage, will and determination. He has guided you here tohelp him on a very important mission but fears that your chosen maybe in danger and he knows you love her very much.’

‘I have convinced himthat you will wish to find her and ensure her safety beforeconsidering any tasks of his. He hopes that you will return withher so that that he can meet her and she him and then he willreveal all. Unfortunately, I must leave you. The fight on Mudrunoutside the portal has alerted our enemies that something ishappening. I need to divert their attention away from you untilafter you find Miranda.’

Aquitain was shocked.Nothing could have prepared him for this. What was going on? Whywas his true father so reluctant to reveal himself? Was there someimportant memories locked up that he should know about? Who wasthis guardian? How did she get into his dream? Was he reallydreaming?

‘You’ve just talkedwith him haven’t you? Who is he?’ asked Aquitain.

‘I cannot tell youthat yet as it may influence your actions. Your relationship withMiranda was neither planned nor expected and consequently the gamehas become more complex and dangerous as it appears the Lady andothers have included you in their plans. He is a little annoyed atthis but is interested to see how you deal with any challengeswithout my help.’

‘Llanlorian, thegatekeeper has a treaty with the Queen of Moonmist but she is alsoa close friend of your father. She has valuable knowledge ofMoonmist that can help in your search for Miranda. You may trusther.’

‘From now on neitheryour father nor I have any idea what is likely to happen. Aquitainyou are an Agent of Chaos but not the type anyone will expect.Normally they are creatures of chaotic emotion, ill intent andhate. You are not. That has everyone confused. That is in ourfavour. Let’s keep it that way as long as possible.’ and the dreamfaded.

Eventually he woke. Itmight have been five minutes or five hours later he had no idea.What a strange and worrying dream he thought. The cat was stillasleep but Llanlorian was out of her trance.

‘Ah you are awake.’she said. ‘What an interesting situation we have.’

‘I have talked withyour father. We wish to invite you to become a citizen ofAstaria.’

‘What benefits would Iderive from that?’ he asked cautiously thinking about thedream.

‘As a citizen youwould be able to use Astaria as a base. You could use the gatesfreely to travel to Mudrun or Moonmist. You could learn much newknowledge. You would be adapted to the hostile environment ofMoonmist averting its problems of memory loss and the dangers whenone travels between worlds with different time attributes.’

‘And what do you gainfrom me?’ asked Aquitain thinking that it was all too pleasing tobe true but remembering that the servant in his dream had said thathis father lived here.

‘We gain access toyour wonderful knowledge on magical item construction and you agreeto never knowingly harm us and to defend us if we were introuble.’

Aquitain asked severalmore questions and received beneficial answers. If there was acatch he couldn’t see it.

‘Okay how do I becomea citizen?’ he asked.

‘Well we need you toswear a blood fealty to Astaria.

‘Just what does bloodfealty mean.’ asked Aquitain hesitantly.

‘It means that I takea sample of your blood and when you give Astaria your fealty I puta geas effect on both you and your blood sample. While the geas ison the blood sample you cannot break your Oath of Fealty nor can itbe broken or lifted from you. You are bound to Astaria until Irelease you or you die.’ said Llanlorian.

‘That sounds awfullypermanent. I’ll have to think about it for a while.’ hereplied.

‘Mmm.’ saidLlanlorian. ‘You may consider our proposal for a while if you wish;however, I’ll tell you something that may influence your decision.A certain Elendari lord has captured your friend Miranda, and if hefinds out who she is, she is likely to be tortured and killed. Withmy help you may be able to stop that happening.’

‘What!’ gaspedAquitain suddenly worried, ‘How do you know about Miranda?’

‘I know many thingsabout her and her mother.’ replied Llanlorian. ‘Swear blood fealtyand you will know more.’

Aquitain was torn inhalf. He hated the thought of swearing fealty to this woman, but hehad to help Miranda if she was in real trouble and he had to do itquickly but first he needed to know whom he was dealing with.

‘Before I agree Iwould like to mindlink with you. Do you agree?’

Llanlorian looked alittle undecided then agreed. He created the mindlink and saw herspirit aura. It was the spirit aura of a Llanllean wizard, brightgreen and extremely powerful, certainly the most powerful neutralspirit

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