‘Aquitainarrived. The druids know he’s not on their side so he must be onthe Yith or Panmagican side. So the best way to maintain thebalance was to kill him. However, just suppose he was not alliedwith either the Yith or Panmagicans. Suppose he’s allied with agroup that really knows how and why the world was destroyed.Suppose they wanted him to destroy the knowledge on how it was doneso that it was no longer a threat to all the other worlds. Whowould gain?’
The old HighDruid put up his hand to indicate to Quab to stop.
‘That is enoughQuab. Some of what you have said is true and some not. However, youare right that the situation is dire and it is time we joinedforces as I’m not happy with what has been happening. TheInter-World Druid’s Council knows how this world was destroyed andwhy. The very fact that we know this is what keeps the others away.We have convinced them that we have eliminated all evidence andconsequently, it would be of no value for them to come here. Wealso bribe them with cheap medicinal herbs to stay away.’
‘If either ofthem come here then Mudrun will lose. All our work will be in vain.People will flood in here to exploit Mudrun. It will be like otherworlds the Council has nurtured. It will be a disaster for all theprotected species.’
Quab wasshocked by the old druid’s admission that they knew what caused thedestruction of the world. It was generally believed by all thedruids that he had met in Mudrun that no one knew. He could alsosee from Featherdown’s reaction that he must have known aswell.
‘What about theprophesy about the Time of Chaos.’ asked Quab. ‘What does theInter-World Council think about that?’
‘As you mightguess the prophesy and the previous destruction of the world arerelated.’ replied the old druid. ‘They are concerned that anattempt to make the prophesy come true is currently happening. Theyare concerned that this could result in destruction of not onlythis but other worlds.’
‘I was asked tostep aside by the Inter-World Druid Council and allow the new HighDruid to take charge. He is supposed to be trying to expose andeliminate anyone attempting to make the prophesy come true. I havedone what they asked and can only hope someone on the Inter-WorldCouncil knows what they are doing as I don’t agree with hismethods.’
‘Where does thepriest fit in?’ asked Featherdown.
‘High PriestKelnor is the Unity of Wisdom’s ambassador to Mudrun. He wasgenerally only concerned with trade but since that affair withAllan Amber a few years ago he is keenly interested in our responseto the prophesy. He is here with the old Council’s knowledge but hewas only permitted to observe and was requested to stay invisible.The new Mudrun Council has obviously allowed him a more active roleand I am not happy about that. If the Yith find out they will veryunhappy and demand an official presence here as well. Then we willhave more problems.’
‘By The Ladythis is a tangled web.’ said Quab. ‘I had no idea of any ofthis.’
‘You wereselected because you had no interest in off world affairs and nopolitical ambitions Quab. You were ideal as a liaison between usbecause you did what you were told and didn’t ask questions.’
‘Well it seemsI’m in the middle of it all now.’ replied Quab.
‘I now have aninterest and I seem to be the only one that trusts Aquitain. I warnyou both now I will not act against him and if I find out thateither of you intend to do so I will warn him and help defend him.If that means that I am no longer the liaison between you two thenthat is fine by me.’
Featherdownspoke up at last.
‘I have beendoing a lot of thinking on the matter over the last few days andhave come to the conclusion that I also am prepared to trust thatAquitain’s mission is in our best interests so I am with you Quab.I will not act against him but will help wherever possible. Wheredo you stand Heteronimus?’
‘Hmm. I haveonly second hand reports about him. I don’t know him personally butdo know he’s a potential danger. However, in this matter we need tobe united so I will trust in your judgment until I have a strongreasons to believe otherwise. I will direct my druids to avoidacting against him and help where possible.’
‘Then we are agreed.’said Featherdown. ‘Now let’s discuss what we can do to limit thenew High Druid’s damage.’
Chapter 19 Garret’sNightmare
Garret had followed thecolumn of Elendari guards that were his escort right to theentrance of the keep before he looked back. He knew there was goingto be a fight. Everyone knew it. You could smell their fear. He hadheard Aquitain say keep going. Ha, that was a joke. Nothing wouldhave made him stop.
When he lookedhis heart jumped into his mouth. The gnome stood there facing thewizard and six druids almost as if he was going to fight them byhimself. He heard the commands and counter commands. He guessedthat there was someone invisible there. He was shocked to the corewhen the priest appeared. Priests were simply not allowed onMudrun. He wasn’t quite sure why but everyone knew that.
When the fightstarted in earnest he guessed that the gnome had dominated theflying wizard. What a cunning move he thought. By using the wizardagainst the priest, both were essentially out of the fight. It camedown to the Crin versus the druids who almost always liked to fightas wild animals rather than magic casters. He had turned a certaindisaster for the Crin into a more equal fight where either sidemight win depending upon their morale and commitment.
He watchedAquitain stand there controlling the fight as if he was theconductor of an orchestra in a theatrical show like he had seen inPanmagica years ago. He seemed impervious to damage. He wonderedwho Aquitain really was and so did the Elendari Officer who stoodbeside him watching the battle unfold. The gnome was no ordinarygnome assistant.
When the dragonturned up they were both shocked to the