Glammer,neutral Truth Radiant , half dragon and 3rd Chosen ofAquitain..
Goth, a largemetal construct used by the Theolaur family.
Granddad, SolTheolaur, Aquitain’s grandfather, a powerful wizard and mindwizard.
Granite, commonname of an ancient stone dragon, previously Warden of Moonmist,Aquiveritas’s father, Lord Protector of Mudrun and Moonmist.
Granwell,Archwizard and Conjurer, friend of Featherdown.
Rumple, Gnomeleader of the gnome settlement and gatekeeper.
Helix,Roach-like Traveller bug, Arch mind wizard friend of Aquitain’sGranddad, Fount and holder of the Key of Knowledge
Heteronymous,High Druid and King of Mudrun
Hypothet,Principal Healer of the Mentarin.
IgnatiusSproggle, Mentarin Arch mind wizard Engineer
Ironwood,sentient tree guardian of Moonbeam.
Ishteth, Yithhigh priest of Lithgala.
Jacintra, theChaos Cat, chaotic spirit Power.
JaztrixBoonswoggle, female gnome illusionist, Featherdown’sapprentice.
Kami, shaman ofthe Jancintra clan of purple-scaled (air/fire) Little People.
Katarina,Mentarin, a tutor of Miranda when she was young.
Kelnor, Newmanhigh priest Church of Spiritual and Financial Harmony.
K’wala, thespirit totem of the brown-scaled (yellow, stone) bear people.
Lash, Melanie’sname and persona on Moonmist after she had her mind altered.
Lithgala, MinorPower and mother of Aquiveritas, servant of the Lady.
Llanlorian,Llanllean gatekeeper of Astaria.
Llalorax,Llanllean Royal Wizard to Queen Aurora.
Loopis, thewolf spirit totem of the white-scaled (air/water) LittlePeople.
Loma, chief ofBarra tribe of reptilian Little People.
Mask of Chaosalias Jacintra’s Image, powerful sentient magic mask designed tocause trouble, occupied by the spirit of Erastius a mad chaoticmind wizard.
Melanie Darmon,Zephira, Rob’s cousin’s name on Panmagica.
Miranda, ayoung druidess, Aquitain’s girlfriend, Princess of Argenta.
Miranlla, aliasMiranda after her coming of age.
Moonbeam, mindaltered dream child persona of Miranda.
MoonmistCollective, collective mind of Moonmist.
Navarro, newmanleader of the anti-Mentarin underground.
Obphiscon,Energonian (elemental) collector and historian.
Warden ofMoonmist, title bestowed on Aquitain by MoonmistCollective.
Pellum, God ofthe Rock Elementals and the Hidden Ones.
Peter Darmon,Aquitain’s uncle, Melanie’s father, a merchant wizard.
Pondglow,Elendari Lord
Prendergrass,Newman house wizard of Darkmantle estate.
Quab, Seniordruid for area around Twin Towers, Miranda’s mentor.
Qan, thechaotic action oriented part of Aquitain’s mind.
Qin, thethinker / planner /body part of Aquitain’s mind.
Rosanllea,Llanllean master healer with the Hidden Ones.
Schlum, evilchaotic Mentarin spirit.
Shastritara,female Little Person, self-proclaimed most fearless and last of thered scaled Little People tribe, priestess of Lithgala.
Sindel, formerHigh Druid of Mudrun, Snowbelle’s newman name before she wasreincarnated as a nymph.
Slivver, thepuppeteer minder placed on Aquitain by Llanlorian.
Snowbelle, apowerful nymph druidess with a strange past, Queen of Argenta.
Somanller,Llanllean clan leader.
Squalash, ElderWater elemental and Waverider of the Great Sea
Rob Theolaur,Panmagican name of Aquitain.
Rori,courageous young assistant shaman in Jeti tribe of reptilian LittlePeople.
R’ptor, theeagle spirit totem of the blue-scaled (air) Little People.
The Brightest,the leader of the Rock elementals at the Quartz shelf onMoonmist.
The Orc, toughalien fighter in Zephira’s expedition.
The Lady, TheLady of the Jungle, The Goddess of Nature. The druid’s deity.
The Omen, amagical sentient wand of great power in the possession of the Barrapeople.
The RatCatcher, curious feline servant of Llanlorian then Aquitain andTigerlilly.
T’K’wala,translates as The Enlightened one; the name of the Bear ofChaos.
Teena Theolaur,Aquitain’s mother, a powerful mind wizard healer.
Tigerlilly,Aquitain and Miranda’s wooden bodied daughter.
Tuatara, thefire lizard sprit totem of the red-scaled (fire) Little People.
Whooshoo, ElderAir Elemental, Master of the East wind
Sanson, CrinEnforcer, Captain of Queen Snowbelle’s guard.
Xentos, CrinTaskmaster of Queen Beatrice, friend of Miranda.
Yllandril,Royal healer, imprisoned Llanllean wife of Llalorax given a smallstone spider body by Aquitain to escape. Llanlorian’s sister,Mirada’s true mother
Zephira,(Melanie), a young female wizard protector, Aquitain’s cousin.
aberration, anunnatural hybrid creature resulting from interbreeding of twogreatly dissimilar creatures.
Agent of Chaos,a creature employed to perturb the balance of nature.
antimagic zone,an area in which magic spells and spell effects will not work.
aura, thevisual image of a creature’s spirit.
aura sight, aspell or spell-like ability that allows a creature to see the auraof another creature.
barra, a largetwo pace long vicious predatory fish.
barra people, aclan of green-scaled Little People whose sprit totem is Barra thebarra fish spirit.
bear people, aclan of brown-scaled Little People whose sprit totem is K’wala thebear spirit.
body container,a creature’s body that houses its spirit.
buckler shield,small shield about size of a dinner plate often fixed toforearm.
chaos matter,also called mind clay, a clay-like material that can be mentallymanipulated by mindwizards to form objects. Its origin isunknown.
charm, magicalway of influencing another person’s actions to your advantage.
city mind, aninnate telepathic method of communication similar to a mindlinkused by the Crin allowing them to be in continual contact withtheir Queen.
cohabitation,two sentient spirits living in a single body container with thepermission of the owner.
collectivemind, a mind composed of a large number of small pieces donatedby a group of sentient creatures. It behaves more or less like acommittee rather than an individual.
collector, along-lived sentient creature who exists to collect and compile dataand knowledge but is unable to use that knowledge for themselves orothers.
construct, amagically created living machine, often Newman shaped, that iscapable of following simple instructions (a living robot).
Creator,(theMaker) the being responsible creating the universe.
creature, anautonomous living unit comprising a sentient or non-sentient spiritoccupying and controlling a body container capable of independentmovement and decision making.
Crin, a speciesof newman-sized sentient ant-like creatures.
crystal sight,a form of sight available to Aquitain which allows him to see thestructure inside crystals. (similar to the stone sight that stoneelementals use to navigate underground).
dead magiczone, an area made of rock that avidly absorbs magicessence.
dispel magic, aspell effect that causes other spell effects to be countered,removed or terminated.
Divine Power, agod-like Power or deity.
Divinity Seed,a small piece of divine knowledge forbidden to mortals but highlydesired by Powers who seek to become divine.
domination,magical way of taking absolute control of another person’s mind sothat you may force them to do your commands.
draconic,language used by the dragons, language in which spells arewritten.
druid, asentient creature devoted to preserving nature especially animalsand plants. A servant of the Goddess of Nature locally on Mudruncalled the Lady of the Jungle or just The Lady. Druids are givenspells by praying to the Lady each morning at sunrise. The spellsallow them to assume the shape of animals, converse with animals,heal themselves and others and adapt to the environment in whichthey work. They can use the elements for both protection andoffence if necessary. Their devotion to nature allows them anextended life. They generally work by themselves and assumeresponsibility for an area. The druids on Mudrun have all beenrecruited from other worlds by the Inter-world Druid Council andwork under the local rules of the Mudrun Druid’s Council.
Druid Council ofMudrun, the governing body of Mudrun.
ectoplasm, aform or energy/matter that