himself. I reckon, however, that the shot that cunt Shott shot, shot not Shott, but Nott. Anyway, it’s pretty fuckin’ hard to tell which was shot and which was not…”

“Unidentified aircraft…you do not have clearance…I repeat, you do not have clearance. You are in direct violation of Australian aviation law…”

Lee peered across at Nick, whispering loudly as the outside of the plane was thumped with steady, heavy hail. “I can only stall them for so long. Might wanna hurry the fuck up and get in the air…”


Alex stalked through the tight, constricting caverns, and finally coming to an opening, tripped. How long she had been walking, she couldn’t tell. As she steadied herself, she took in the space around her. The walls with sharp ridges she had passed had given way to walls that had been smoothed. She recognised these walls and formations, she had seen them in her dreams. Sharp and intimidating had become warm and welcoming. Blacks and browns had become reds and oranges. A huge pool of crystal clear, blue water lay in front of her.

How it was such a bright, almost luminance like, blue when all around was like different shades of the sun she didn’t know.

“Hello, Alexandra,” a voice flowed through the cave. Alex looked up and several feet in front of her lay a small shadowed area where she saw a small movement. She heard the swish of what sounded like a cloak coming closer, but the figure remained in shadow. She heard a tap as well, like a walking stick…or staff.

Finally, the figure came into the light, tapping a long white staff as he moved, stopping just outside the shadow area. He looked a few inches taller than Alex, wearing a red cloak that held a hood over his face.

“Who are you?”

“Don’t be afraid,” he replied, slowly peeling the hood back. He was handsome in the way Alex would describe as ‘pretty’. His cheekbones were gorgeously developed, and he had a pale tinge to his skin with long, silky black hair. She would’ve thought him a vampire, but his eyes told her a different story. Icy, almost electric blue. They sparkled and shone as if lightning existed in his irises. “I mean you no harm. My name is Masonian.” He gave her a tight, yet warm smile that cut through her frustration, her fear and her mistrust. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

“You…I’ve heard that name somewhere…” Alex tipped her head sideways. “Seriously, waiting for me?”

“You have been through so much, Alexandra.”

“Yeah, I guess you could say that. Does that mean you can explain all of it?”

“I can explain a lot, but I fear it will bring you little comfort. I wish I could tell you your journey has ended and you could lay your arms down. I cannot. Truthfully, you have only now come face to face with your destiny. At a time when the fate of millions depends upon you.”

“Yeah, you see that, right there?” Alex pointed to Masonian. “That explaining thing? Let’s start there.”

“Would you like to ask anything specific?”

“How long have you been here?”

“It is difficult to gauge. But something akin to several thousands of your years.”

“How are you still so young?”

“I am an echo from my time. A memory stored within these walls by my actual physical body. I do not exist outside this very space.”

“How are you here, talking to me?”

“In simple terms…magic. In my time, I was known as one of the most powerful wizards alive. A Master of Magic. Though over the years I have taken on other titles. The God of Thunder, or the Lord of Lighting.”

“Wait! I’ve…I’ve heard that name. My aunt, she used to tell me stories about…yeah. Lord of Lightning. I thought it was bedtime stories.”

“Did she tell you anything about yourself?”

“Just that I was special. But what half decent person wouldn’t say that to a scared, lonely kid? She was also talking to me about you and what was it…Scorpious? The power of…um-”

“The Power of Two,” Masonian replied sadly. “The cornerstone of The Draco Knights belief system. Where the V symbol came from. Two entities meeting and continuing forward. The symbol existed as a means for people to rally behind.”

“That’s great, but what does it have to do with me?”

“I was once very much real. As was the meaning behind the V symbol.” Masonian raised his index fingers. “You and your destiny…” He moved his fingers down and closer together as he went. “As you’ve gone through your life, you were moving closer together.”

“But how? I haven’t done anything.”

“You have. You have saved lives Alexandra. Touched many. And you can touch so many more.”

“Why? How? What am I?”

“I must confess that when forming and guiding these women, I never thought to name them. However, over so many years, they have been moulded, shaped and translated into various forms and given many names. One though, has stood out.”

“Which is?”

Masonian gave a hint of a smile as if his pride couldn’t be held in. “Valkyrie.”


Nick made his way to the beginning of the runway. There was nothing but a stretch of darkness in front of the plane. Nick powered up and launched the craft forward, ignoring Lee’s delighted “Yeeha” at the take off.

The wheels trembled slightly but they were in the air. Nick had turned off the radio. He didn’t want to hear anything except his own pre-flight checks. The higher they rose, and the more the black mist swirled around them, the more shaking occurred in the plane, more so than usual climbing turbulence, but Nick kept her steady. Minute after minute, it seemed to thin out.  It was still nearly impossible to make anything out, but it was getting slightly easier.

Nick was tapping his navigation screen when a thunderous rumble caused him to look

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