other side of the windowpane. Settling into his seat, he grasped the receiver to his right from the wall.

Settling into his chair, he grasped the receiver to his right from the wall.

“Mr. Queen, so nice of you to drop by,” McCarty said.

“How’s your knee doing?”

“Just ducky. When can you set bail?”

“I can’t do it right now. You heard the judge, two million. No one wants to cover that, unless...”

“Unless what?”

“You have some funds you haven’t disclosed. It would be a great help in your defense,” his lawyer suggested.

“No, when’s my next court date?”

“April fourth. I’ll see if I can make a deal and have the date moved up. In the meantime, you’ll have to sit tight a few weeks anyway to let your knee heal.”

“If it weren’t for that woman, Susan busybody, I wouldn’t be here. I forgot, what was her last name?” McCarthy asked as the ridges on his forehead wrinkled.

“Don’t worry about her. She has nothing to do with the thefts. I have to go. Take care, my friend.”

“Yeah,” Vernon replied and hung up the receiver. “Susan, Susan Eckart? Embers? Darn, Guard,” he called.

“Up you go,” the jailer said, lifting the heavy-set man to his feet.

“I need to make a phone call,” Vernon said.

“You can do that tomorrow during your break time. For now, it’s back to your cell.”

McCarthy gathered his crutches and hobbled out of the visiting room.


“What was that?” the guard asked.

“Nothin,’ just trying to remember a name. That woman is the reason I’m in here,” Vernon said.

“Women are always the reason. Here we are. Have a nice day Mr. McCarthy,” the uniformed man said as he turned the key in the jail lock.

The Author

This is the second time I played a cameo role in my books. I really did take that trip to Hawaii but sorry to say I didn’t get to meet Susan.

A. Nation travels the west with her husband between Blackfoot, Idaho and Yuma, Arizona. This is her third Nanowrimo novel and who knows where this tale will lead.

Domino Series:

Similar But Not the Same

Saga One - 2422

Deflection A Race Against Time

Saga Two - 2407 A.D.

CrossRoads A Moment of Decision

Saga Three - 2424 A.D.

Found-The Lost Ones

Saga Four - 2426 A.D.

Return There’s No Easy Way

Saga Five - 2429

Desert Shock - Secrets Never Stay Hidden

Saga Six

Fatal Error – Death by Innocence

Saga Seven

Secrets Series:

The Eye of the Matrix – The Stone Map

Quest One - 2443

Urban Series:

Where Did They Go?

Urban Fantasy 1

The Pottery Sale - What Lies Beneath

Urban Fantasy 2

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Did you love The Cruise? Then you should read Where Did They Go? - The World of Vesda by A. Nation!

Susan was devastated when her husband dies in a car accident. Friends and family cannot fill the void left in her heart from his passing. Under stress, she discovers small items have disappeared around her home. Walking into her living room, she finds herself laying on the ground in a another world. Each person she encounters help her with lost memories until she realizes her husband had been murdered.

She prods the local scientists to build a machine to return everyone home from this strange world. Her friend and neighbor investigates on her own and finds a clue. Who will save Susan in time when the intruder tries to steal her insurance documents? Is it someone she knows?

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